My 365

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Yes i know a day late, but i did technically start yesterday so there. lol.

Ill try and be as varied as possible but some might be some dodgy iPhone uploads, and bare with me as im still learning.

If you dont want to go through this topic this is the link to the Flickr Set...


Day 1 aka Jan 01

Me. :)

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good start (y)
basketball shot is really good. nice and crisp and great colours, liking you 365!
Echo that on the basketball shot.

Very nice shot. Tiny tiny shame about chopping the feet off but considering the timing, it's just me being pedantic!

Great stuff!

I think that worked very well!! like it a lot!
A good start to your 365. I love the Christmas tree shot. Keep up the good work
Major problem today, i took my camera to work today and it was an amazing day so i could have got loads of good shots, turned on my camera and id forgotten to put my CF card in! DOH!

So i took some random shots round the house instead and settled on a pic of my favourite hoodie...

Snow again! Like no one noticed. lol.


Thought id try out a little HDR from this from one RAW file. Think it helps a little to brighten up an otherwise dull morning.

Apart from learning about my camera and how to take photos ill be trying a lot of different post processing techniques as well so i can build my knowledge of Lightroom, PS, Photomatix etc...

Some more pics i took here...
wow.. love the tree one!.. and some serious skidding going on in the last shot looking at those tyre trails.. good stuff so far :)
I like the frozen car and the Christmas tree - is that a slow(ish) shutter and then a zoom out?
brrrr... feel cold looking at that car, great shot.. how long is this weather gonna last!!
wow that post pox is fab.. love how the tree is growing round it..

like the word in focus on the receipts.. 'indulgence' hmmm.. wonder what it was? ;)