my first (real) job

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i just got an email saying i've got a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the rotters wont tell me exactly where it is yet but at least i know i have one. somewhere in cardiff,abergavenny or swansea, all are good jobs and were really competitive so i'm very very chuffed.

so that's it, it's official i'm going to be a real doctor and they're actually going to pay me for it, the fools, so look out!
Congratulations to you then Noah ... :woot:

You sound just a little bit chuffed m8 ... deservedly so I am sure ... :D

Hope it all works out for you ... (y)

Congratulations!! Now you'll see all the school was worth it.
Ah Im so pleased for you.. really well done. (y)
Congratulations! now you'll get a real taster of what working for the NHS is like... lucky you!
Have to agree there mini its so true, but congratulations Noah, hope you enjoy it.
Well done Noah! Richly deserved!
Congratulations and good bye to sleep. Watching programme about Papworth Hospital on sleep deprivation - they didn't include House Jobs. Takes me back to 1964 when all my mates at Guys were in the lottery. I went into the RAF instead.
thanks guys, appreciate the kind words :)

it should indeed be an eye opener into further depths of the nhs mini, something i'm a little worried about. and fangman, i think you're right about that one, no more sleeping for me! although they do restrict our hours these days so it wont be as silly as it was in the past.

on the plus it shall be the start of the D2Xs fund :D
Well done, dr Noah (Wyle?) :LOL:

congrats :) Be careful with that first diagnosis ;)

Hank Smith gets home from work one day and finds his wife has been crying. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"John, promise you won't get mad, but I went to see the new doctor today and he told me I've got a pretty pussy."

"WHAT?" he shouts. With that he grabs a baseball bat from the cupboard and storms down to the doctor's office and through the reception area.

Without knocking he bursts into the doctor's office. The doctor is in the process of giving an old lady a breast examination. She screams and tries to cover herself. Without waiting, Mr. Smith charges up to the doctor, smashes the baseball bat down on the desk and says, "You flaming pervert how dare you say my wife has a pretty pussy!"

The doctor replies, "I'm sorry Mr. Smith, but there has been a misunderstanding. I only told your wife that she has Acute Angina."