My new business website

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The text in the box on the right hand side extends out of the box, I am using Safari.

Thanks for that-ill get my designer onto it. Did you like the design and stuff though?
That is a VERY original layout and perfect for your purpose!

It loads well, and in this instance I think the 'enter site' page is wholly appropriate.

You must be very happy with that :)

Nice one,

That is a VERY original layout and perfect for your purpose!

It loads well, and in this instance I think the 'enter site' page is wholly appropriate.

You must be very happy with that :)

Nice one,


Yes thankyou-took a great deal of thought-my daughter helped with concept-I am well happy and hope the customers like it too.:woot:
Good looking site that. It worked very well for me.

How do you get to the part of the site that customers will order from? Will the customers pay for the photos on the site or through the school?
Good looking site that. It worked very well for me.

How do you get to the part of the site that customers will order from? Will the customers pay for the photos on the site or through the school?

You click on your pictures badger and they can order online or from the proofcard at school
You click on your pictures badger and they can order online or from the proofcard at school


Will each school have a url that they log on to for their photos and look through for photos of their own child?

Will each school have a url that they log on to for their photos and look through for photos of their own child?

No when you click on your pictures it goesto my lab site and they put in their school and their individual proofcard number and then order whatever they want for free delivery back to the school within a given time -then pay postage after a while
I've just had a look at your other website and I see that there is a log in facility. I imagine that your customers will really like to be able to log in and look at their images. I really like that. A good marketing tool.
Thanks badger-yes. Just have to get it paid for now lol-well the remainder and i can let it go live.
You have some nice ideas there(y).

Personally, I don't like music of any sort and always rush to turn it off-but maybe that is just me...

I did find an extra apostrophe in the second paragraph of the nursery section-to do with the "parent's" choice.
It is only music on the landing page though. I feel it adds a certain atmosphere to the stage scene and works well and i chose the music at great length of searching.
But I think to the audience it is inteded for-teachers will find it interesting.
I like the site but one thing I notice and is the lack of contact options and details of where your company is based etc. The 1st thing I and many others do is check to see if a company site lists an address and telephone number (edit- I see your address on the form images but its not obvious) overall I like the design, it fits the bill. (in my limited opinion :) ) Not keen on the entry page either for a business site.
Fire your designer :)


Tables, iframes, issues scrolling, bad compatability, splash page, a second splash page, music, etc. Why are the kids floating? You've got a splash page that leads you into another splash page. They serve no purpose other than to show you can do pretty animations. People want to get right to the content. Imagine if you walked into a store, only to have to wait, then shown a movie and then lead to the real store. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Its why if you look at most major commercial websites they don't do any of this.
Fire your designer :)


Tables, iframes, issues scrolling, bad compatability, splash page, a second splash page, music, etc. Why are the kids floating? You've got a splash page that leads you into another splash page. They serve no purpose other than to show you can do pretty animations. People want to get right to the content. Imagine if you walked into a store, only to have to wait, then shown a movie and then lead to the real store. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Its why if you look at most major commercial websites they don't do any of this.

Think we have already established it doesnt work on safari hamster.
In my opinion many have said it works well-the landing page has a menu which then offers content.

Why have we got the subjects floating-coz it is a fun idea instead of having static content.

My web designers are one of the largest in the uk-not mentioning any names because its not important-but anyway-you dont like it thats fine-many more do and I love it. Im not sure what you mean with issues scrolling-well maybe in safari not on my screen in firefox.

Always has to be one doesnt there.
Think we have already established it doesnt work on safari hamster.
In my opinion many have said it works well-the landing page has a menu which then offers content.

Hamster? You could go straight to the "home" page which has the menu and offers content. Right now its enter, pick page and then you get content. One of the biggest companies but still uses tables, iframes, no real thought to SEO, and can't design cross browser. PC World are a big company too, they're still rubbish at what they do.
Hamster? You could go straight to the "home" page which has the menu and offers content. Right now its enter, pick page and then you get content. One of the biggest companies but still uses tables, iframes, no real thought to SEO, and can't design cross browser. PC World are a big company too, they're still rubbish at what they do.

Well seo hasnt been done yet as it isnt live so isnt important yet. as for the other things you say i dont know im not a web designer-but it works ok for me and safari having a massive market share of say 3%-im sure it wont hurt-even though having told them im sure it will be sorted out.

The choice of the splash page was mine and mine alone-I designed it-they built it. Its about creating a company image not just blasting them with info.IMHO and thats all that counts really.
SEO hasn't been done, you're right there. Using tables and iframes isn't the best way to do SEO. SEO is done from the ground up using XHTML and CSS. Separate content from code so search engines can read the content better. I'm not sure who at Pom Design told you they were one of the top companies in the UK but thats just marketing nonsense. Oh and btw, the current number of internet users is around 1,463,632,361. So 3% of that is 43,908,970. Ignoring 43 million people, yer thats nothing :)
I get the same text issue as Pete does only in chrome.
Over a megagabyte for the splash page. Does it matter? Yes, I think so.

The pages don't validate: -- This doesn't mean the pages won't work as intended, but it does reflect on the care of the designer.

I find the text to be too full of superlatives. See:

Good luck with your venture!
I get the same text issue as Pete does only in chrome.

That'll be because its based on the same engine. Makes you think too. I imagine Chrome will be popular as its a Google product and they usually are.
I imagine chrome will grow to be one of the major players simple because google is behind it.
Deja vu, this thread is heading the same way as the DM's previous thread on a similar topic. In the former thread, the range of services offered included weddings and portraits as I remember. A lot of people provided a lot of advice and not a lot changed on the web site.

It was my view then, that this is a poor way to improve a web site. Asking thousands of experts to give expert advice in series, which it has to be on a forum, is doomed to failure. The only way to succeed is to get a small number of experts (no more than six) in a small room and stay in the room until they all agree what is the best way forward.

A quick scan of this site shows the text to contain errors, the structure to be awkward, the content to include needless repetitions, the screens to be too long, the images not to be strong enough and the marketing proposition to be confused. DF can fix all of these should he wish, I just think asking this forum won't help in the long run. It didn't last time.
I like it, and I'm sure many others will do too. However I have to agree with those that warn against seeking advise on an open forum.

Wishing you luck on your venture. :)
I like it, and I'm sure many others will do too. However I have to agree with those that warn against seeking advise on an open forum.

Wishing you luck on your venture. :)

simple as-didnt ask for advice did i-was just showing it to people.

Superlatives-what. It is intended for uk use-so 45 million as you say isnt an issue is it.

RH taking advice from others when building one myself was different-this is a site built by a designer which i and countless others think looks great-if you all want to take it the same route as the other thread well-then your all a bit sad imho.

It is a leading design within the school photography world and thats all that matters to me.

make it a slanging match if you want-I dont believe you lot sometimes:bonk:
simple as-didnt ask for advice did i-was just showing it to people.

Superlatives-what. It is intended for uk use-so 45 million as you say isnt an issue is it.

RH taking advice from others when building one myself was different-this is a site built by a designer which i and countless others think looks great-if you all want to take it the same route as the other thread well-then your all a bit sad imho.

It is a leading design within the school photography world and thats all that matters to me.

make it a slanging match if you want-I dont believe you lot sometimes:bonk:

I am neither making it a slanging match nor expressing views on behalf of others. I understand that there are a number of forums, on this site, where the content is not subject to review. A Mod was kind enough to move one of my threads, which was for information, when an unwanted review arrived. If you don't want comment, then ask the Mods to move the thread and that will stop the reviews.
I am happy for people to say dont like it or dont think it loads well or any normal stuff rh-but I dont need a run down of oh thats bad webmaking protocol-or flash doesnt work on some systems and the purile defacing in general that happens on these forums.

Its boring when i know full well this website is a good website imho and advice isnt going to change the fact i paid good money to build it and am not just gona bin it because a few people say otherwise.

I have been a surfer for years now and generally unless a site takes 5 minutes to load i couldnt care less about some of the things people say are wrong with them.

Nitpicking-like most of the threads now on this forum.
It was a bit slow to load initially but otherwise fine until I got to the your pictures page and links when I scroll both sideways (as about a third of the content shows) and up and down in the scroll boxes and scroll the whole page to see it. Might be better to condense the information into the boxes so side to side scrolling is not required - not everyone has very large screens :)

Edit: I see there has been quite a lot of conversation going on while I have been looking at your site and posting
Hi, I opened it at work, and for the few seconds I looked at it it looked quite neat on ie6. However the music attracted attention and there was no obvious mute button so I closed it.

Good luck with your venture
Hi, I opened it at work, and for the few seconds I looked at it it looked quite neat on ie6. However the music attracted attention and there was no obvious mute button so I switched it off.

Yes i will get them to add a mute button-only thing is really it will be headteachers looking for the site and i dont suppose anyone will tell them off for playing music whilst at work:)
It was a bit slow to load initially but otherwise fine until I got to the your pictures page and links when I scroll both sideways (as about a third of the content shows) and up and down in the scroll boxes and scroll the whole page to see it. Might be better to condense the information into the boxes so side to side scrolling is not required - not everyone has very large screens :)

Edit: I see there has been quite a lot of conversation going on while I have been looking at your site and posting

Sorry did you mean the ordering of pictures page-yes its about all we can do with it at the moment-sorry. I might get them to make it full page eventually though.

When you say slow to load-were you on firefox as ive noticed this a bit too.
I am happy for people to say dont like it or dont think it loads well or any normal stuff rh-but I dont need a run down of oh thats bad webmaking protocol-or flash doesnt work on some systems and the purile defacing in general that happens on these forums.

Its boring when i know full well this website is a good website imho and advice isnt going to change the fact i paid good money to build it and am not just gona bin it because a few people say otherwise.

I have been a surfer for years now and generally unless a site takes 5 minutes to load i couldnt care less about some of the things people say are wrong with them.

Nitpicking-like most of the threads now on this forum.

I am unconcerned about the merits of the technology that the web site uses. If you believe that the technology works the way you want it to for your business, then that is fine.

My concerns are about the messages, structure, content and correctness of the text. I can spot 70, or so, areas where the text is either incorrect or poorly expressed. If you put the site's text into Word (or a word processor of your choice) then it will indicate a number of errors that might have been corrected prior to launching the site. I am not a teacher of English, but I am passionate about the use of the language.

You've spent good money to build the web site: I believe that you need to spend some more money on getting your marketing messages across in the strongest way possible. I would like you to succeed in this venture; you must give yourself the best possible chance of doing so. You're not quite there yet, in my view.
I think the bottom line is Do you like it? and Does it generate business? if the answer to the second question is no then you'll know you need to go back to the drawing board.

good point Karen-ill let you know when it goes live.


Yes i love it btw
I am unconcerned about the merits of the technology that the web site uses. If you believe that the technology works the way you want it to for your business, then that is fine.

My concerns are about the messages, structure, content and correctness of the text. I can spot 70, or so, areas where the text is either incorrect or poorly expressed. If you put the site's text into Word (or a word processor of your choice) then it will indicate a number of errors that might have been corrected prior to launching the site. I am not a teacher of English, but I am passionate about the use of the language.

You've spent good money to build the web site: I believe that you need to spend some more money on getting your marketing messages across in the strongest way possible. I would like you to succeed in this venture; you must give yourself the best possible chance of doing so. You're not quite there yet, in my view.

It was written in word RH and we had this before I think. Im no english lit major-but I dont think i am illiterate by any stretch of the imagination.
I appreciate your concerns but i have seen some sites with written word being so much worse.

As i said tinkering can be done with time to make it 100%
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