My new business website

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Im sorry but I have never posted one answer to a thread that wasn't worded in a way that was fair and not meant to sound like i was berrating someone in a primary school playground( To which i mean when reading others threads)To which many others do not care whatsoever about others feelings. It is MY SITE and I will be the last one to finally decide what goes in it. i have listened to many things said on this forum and decided to change it to suit and thank those people for their input.

But i will not please everyone all the time that is for sure. No business plan works 100% from the off-tweaks and prods will be inevitable to make a company image exactly what you want it to be in the end.

Comments saying it has primary school errors imho is an insult to my person. I may not be shakespear but i know i can write well enough to not be told I have an iq of an 8 year old:wacky:

There may still be issues as some of you see it-possibly small ones i can still see too, but it is a theme i have worked hard to achieve and will stick to it until i feel it doesnt work. yes I have to please my customer but also have to be true to myself in the process.

Noone even answered to this thread for days until i showed a few changes and straight away the onslaught starts again.

This site is now typical of this with photos too. Someone posts some pretty shoddy work, through no fault than they are new to it and people go well done wonderful. others post brilliant work and get either no replies or berrated.
This seems true of my site. It is a professional site imho. There has been some design limitations perhaps. But funnily enough the pro togs on other forums;especially within the school photography area have welcomed it with open arms.

I stand by my choice to leave the forum as it is filled with petty people. Which Im sure most of you don't care about and i look for no sympathy.

Sorry Matty and marcel-this place is getting no better than DP Review.:bonk:

DP Review??

Deja vu. We had a longer version of this debate at the end of June when the topic was a site for selling weddings, glamour and school photography and not just school photography. Many of the suggestions from that thread went unheeded at the time and were not incorporated into the latest rendition.
Im sorry but I have never posted one answer to a thread that wasn't worded in a way that was fair and not meant to sound like i was berrating someone in a primary school playground( To which i mean when reading others threads)To which many others do not care whatsoever about others feelings. It is MY SITE and I will be the last one to finally decide what goes in it. i have listened to many things said on this forum and decided to change it to suit and thank those people for their input.

But i will not please everyone all the time that is for sure. No business plan works 100% from the off-tweaks and prods will be inevitable to make a company image exactly what you want it to be in the end.

Comments saying it has primary school errors imho is an insult to my person. I may not be shakespear but i know i can write well enough to not be told I have an iq of an 8 year old:wacky:

There may still be issues as some of you see it-possibly small ones i can still see too, but it is a theme i have worked hard to achieve and will stick to it until i feel it doesnt work. yes I have to please my customer but also have to be true to myself in the process.

Noone even answered to this thread for days until i showed a few changes and straight away the onslaught starts again.

This site is now typical of this with photos too. Someone posts some pretty shoddy work, through no fault than they are new to it and people go well done wonderful. others post brilliant work and get either no replies or berrated.
This seems true of my site. It is a professional site imho. There has been some design limitations perhaps. But funnily enough the pro togs on other forums;especially within the school photography area have welcomed it with open arms.

I stand by my choice to leave the forum as it is filled with petty people. Which Im sure most of you don't care about and i look for no sympathy.

Sorry Matty and marcel-this place is getting no better than DP Review.:bonk:

The people who voice opinion here could be and is the very same people you are trying to attract. In a way it is more important that people here give you a thumbs up as they are more computer savvy which it has shown already the bugs your site had. Not to mention they would have seen more sites than your average school teacher and knows what works and what doesn't.

If the majority of people here says the same thing about the same problems regarding your site, wouldn't you agree that there is a very high chance that your potential client would too? You don't have to agree or happy with it, the fact that it's your site really shouldn't come into it, and you design it how you want should not 100% dictate how it should be, you are not the client.
What do you think

Why ask for people's views when you don't want to hear them?

Getting good genuine critical feedback from an assortment of people for free is a great help to anyone's business.

Throwing your toys out of the pram because you don't want to hear some of the replies is probably not the smartest of moves. You never know when someone's assistance might be really helpful to you but will be unforthcoming due to previous attitudes.
Primary school errors-what

The site was/is littered with errors in coding, errors in style and errors in simple English.

What are you going on about entering a random 8 digit number in the non centred form.

The form is/was not centred on FF3, when displayed on a 1280x1024 screen, so that to see all of the page concerned I have/had to scroll sideways.

you have to be given a number not just enter whatever you want and it says order from how many prints and then goes into another screen.

A random code was used to simulate someone just mistyping their order code.

Validating input is an essential part of forms processing. Never assume what you expect is what you get. Do you know exactly what your orders database does when it gets an unexpected input?

What is more why have you gone back to previous posts to use against me

Everything I posted was from a fresh visit to the site. Nothing was being "used against you". I was commenting on the website.

Well I don't need to be made to feel like crap

All my comments are directed at your website. In my opinion it doesn't/didn't pass muster. You appear to be taking things rather personally.

Sorry just one more thing confidence misplaced with the 8 digit number. the lottery has only 6 and it is near on impossible to get that number right-let alone with another 2 digits.

The lottery costs £1 per guess. Trying to break a website costs a few CPU cycles, and a few milliseconds of elapsed time, per guess. Saying that an 8 digit pass code makes it impossible for someone else to see a particular photo is disingenuous.

but why the hell am i explaining myself to you anyway.

The question works both ways; the answer is, in both cases, "Dunno"

I am also lost as to why the site is designed to look like it wants to attract an audience of the age of 10, when clearly the people who are going to be your clients are teachers, principles who are in their 20's, 30's, 40's+.
i shouldnt bother now guys, hes flounced off, possibly never to be seen agaian, with that in mind, closing. if he comes back and wants to update on the site or anything else, i can reopen it.
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