My website

Edit My Images
Hi All,

Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I was loking for some comments on the website I have put together for my photography business. I've tried to keep it pretty clean and simple and I'm yet to do much SEO, but I was just looking for any constructive comments as to it's layout, ease of navigation, usefulness of info. etc.

Much appreciated,

1.2mb per image on the carousel on the home page - folks would be bored waiting, they are also numbered 1,2,3 - instead of being "dan child photography wedding photo 1" etc etc to help your seo.

Get the menu tabs 'above the fold' too. Because their fixed, I can't see them to click on them.
1.2mb per image on the carousel on the home page - folks would be bored waiting, they are also numbered 1,2,3 - instead of being "dan child photography wedding photo 1" etc etc to help your seo.

Get the menu tabs 'above the fold' too. Because their fixed, I can't see them to click on them.
First - The site looks great(y) (here's why it looking good isn't that important)
This^ but "dan child photography wedding photo 1" is no good for SEO either.
I've no idea where you are or where you work - this site is on the World Wide Web. Give it a chance. You're never going to get to page 1 for 'wedding photographer', with some work you stand a chance for 'Wedding photographer mytown'. So your image titles should be 'bridal portrait My town' or 'wedding photographer mytown' or 'local venue wedding photographer' And all your page titles need that help too, and some content on the pages that tells people where you are and what's in it for them as customers.

Generally the mistake photographers make is this is who we are and this is what we do - look at the lovely photo's. And you jumped straight there:shake: - look at other websites from a customer perspective - how do they address:
  • what can you do for me,
  • why should I book you,
  • how do I get in touch,
  • how can you save me money / offer a superior product?
Website is pleasing on the eye and all the sections are clearly marked and do their job well.
- when i scroll down on the homepage it only scrolls the header away?
- The wedding menu at the bottom of the homepage falls off the page
- When i navigate to another section the whole website theme changes

Overall youve done a great job.

First - The site looks great(y) (here's why it looking good isn't that important)
This^ but "dan child photography wedding photo 1" is no good for SEO either.
I've no idea where you are or where you work - this site is on the World Wide Web. Give it a chance. You're never going to get to page 1 for 'wedding photographer', with some work you stand a chance for 'Wedding photographer mytown'. So your image titles should be 'bridal portrait My town' or 'wedding photographer mytown' or 'local venue wedding photographer' And all your page titles need that help too, and some content on the pages that tells people where you are and what's in it for them as customers.

Generally the mistake photographers make is this is who we are and this is what we do - look at the lovely photo's. And you jumped straight there:shake: - look at other websites from a customer perspective - how do they address:
  • what can you do for me,
  • why should I book you,
  • how do I get in touch,
  • how can you save me money / offer a superior product?

Thanks Phil. I'll bear these things in mind - I thought it was reasonable for info, but having a look again I think I need to add some more detail, which I will be doing over the next week or so. I've done some SEO today (not complete as yet) on the images, so hopefully I'll see some benefits on Google at some point.
The black & while look is easy on the eyes - nicely done. I found that the transition from the colorful homepage to the b/w info pages very contrasting. Maybe have the pictures on the homepage in b/w as well?
The black & while look is easy on the eyes - nicely done. I found that the transition from the colorful homepage to the b/w info pages very contrasting. Maybe have the pictures on the homepage in b/w as well?

Interesting idea - I might think about that, but at the same time, I kind of like it as a sort of magazine concept with a colourful front page with simple black and white typography and design inside. I will probably be adding images to those pages with text only, which might help the balance a bit.
Interesting idea - I might think about that, but at the same time, I kind of like it as a sort of magazine concept with a colourful front page with simple black and white typography and design inside. I will probably be adding images to those pages with text only, which might help the balance a bit.

Yes, I think adding pictures would work. Lets take a look again once its updated!
ill PM how to make the carosel faster to load without loosing image quality. im a web designer for a living
Page titles.
Page titles.
Page titles.
Page titles.
Liking the home page, but it does take time to load. Why is the nav at the bottom of the page? and then at the top on the other pages?
I think your line length is too long on the other pages. Looks somewhat amateur compared to the home page.
What is
<!-- All in One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert of Semper Fi Web Design[295,315] --> ??
Last edited:
ill PM how to make the carosel faster to load without loosing image quality. im a web designer for a living

Thanks Page - that would be useful.

Page titles.
Page titles.
Page titles.
Page titles.

Phil - I've taken advice suggesting that putting for example, "About - Dan Child Photography - Weddings, MyTown, MyCounty etc etc" is not too useful. I've got my location at the bottom of each page so my location should be crawled. Are you suggesting something else? I followed your advice on SEOing all my photos, and I've used an SEO plug-in on everything for keywords and page titles etc. I initially did "Title - Wedding Photography, MyTown", but my Google position fell through the floor - presumably for repetition and making it 'too optimised'. I toned it down a bit and now I appear on page 2, largely I think, due to conributions from posting recent blogs and new content.

Liking the home page, but it does take time to load. Why is the nav at the bottom of the page? and then at the top on the other pages?
I think your line length is too long on the other pages. Looks somewhat amateur compared to the home page.
What is
<!-- All in One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert of Semper Fi Web Design[295,315] --> ??

The bar is at the bottom on the front as I felt it added more balance - meaning your eye has to scan the entirety of the page. Does anyone feel this is strange? Bearing in mind too that the front is meant to be distinct from the inside of the site.

I will take on board the line length comment - I was thinking of reducing the font size too.

Could you tell me where <!-- All in One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert of Semper Fi Web Design[295,315] --> appears - this seems to be a piece of code which has escaped into the world somehow. What browser are you using?

All comments appreciated, so thanks all :)
I will take on board the line length comment - I was thinking of reducing the font size too.

Could you tell me where <!-- All in One SEO Pack by Michael Torbert of Semper Fi Web Design[295,315] --> appears - this seems to be a piece of code which has escaped into the world somehow. What browser are you using?

All comments appreciated, so thanks all :)

If you reduce the font size, make sure its scalable.
<!-- --> is in the source code. I bothered to google it.
Meant for wordpress, apparently.
Wedding Packages.

Why would I pay £600 for the Primo when the Claro is only £500 and the only difference appears to be a Photobook which only costs £50 extra in the Optimo?

(Assuming that I have understood it correctly ... and if I haven't, would a prospective customer?)
Wedding Packages.

Why would I pay £600 for the Primo when the Claro is only £500 and the only difference appears to be a Photobook which only costs £50 extra in the Optimo?

(Assuming that I have understood it correctly ... and if I haven't, would a prospective customer?)

Thanks Gramps - I was just thinking today that this could be unclear. The other difference between the packages is the delivered images. The Optimo comes with web res images, so essentially I'm charging £50 for full rights for enlargements etc. Do you think this is flawed? Even if it is not, it doesn't appear to be clear so I will think around it.
Phil - I've taken advice suggesting that putting for example, "About - Dan Child Photography - Weddings, MyTown, MyCounty etc etc" is not too useful. I've got my location at the bottom of each page so my location should be crawled. Are you suggesting something else? I followed your advice on SEOing all my photos, and I've used an SEO plug-in on everything for keywords and page titles etc. I initially did "Title - Wedding Photography, MyTown", but my Google position fell through the floor - presumably for repetition and making it 'too optimised'. I toned it down a bit and now I appear on page 2, largely I think, due to conributions from posting recent blogs and new content.

I know the discussion you mean and it went a bit round in circles. I took my lead from here and it's worked for me so far.