Need a very good To Do application for an iPhone

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To cut a long story short; I have an iPhone to use, it's the 3G version that was with my daughter, and I want a very good To Do list application.

I've checked the various threads here, but nothing specific on this.

Any tips, pointers and a link would be appreciated.

I've been using Zenbe lists, it can be a bit slow to start up, but does the job. There's also a website to go with it which works well. It's free too.

Ideally I'd like an Apple App that syncs with the todos in Mail/iCal, my old Sony Ericsson could do it...
Thanks (y) for the recommendations.

I am not at all bothered about with my laptop. I just use it as a stand along, but if it does sync. then all the better.

The NOTES application that is built in does the job for me. It also syncs with the Mac.

The NOTES application that is built in does the job for me. It also syncs with the Mac.

:) Thanks Darren. This is what I am using at the moment; but I need something that I can put into group of projects and tasks. I'd rather keep Notes for just that, notes, so as not to clutter the whole thing up. Also, I need something that tracks items that are over due, past due, completed etc. Setting recurring tasks!

I think a "iPhone for Dummies" is a must buy for me, soon. I rather like the iPhone. Actually, I love most things from Apple and this is reminding me sooooo much of the Newton :crying:. Sad that they killed that project.

Thers also one called 'THINGS' it gets quite good reviews, i think it costs about a fiver.

Do you possibly have a link to where I may get it at that price? It's been suggested in a previous post in this thread, but I've had a look and I only found it for $45 :eek:
What, you mean like this one...

It's £6 ($10) for the iPhone app (it's in the AppStore) and about £35 ($50) for the desktop app.

:LOL:; I didn't know that what I was looking at was just the desktop version and that the iPhone version was so much cheaper! I guess, at that price, it's worth a try :shrug:

can you not just Sync with Outlook on your PC? I do with my little old phone

I don't was to sync with my computer; moreover I don't run Outlook, am using Entourage for Mac. Still, I have no intention of, with my computer, what so ever.
Wail - will you call me, I tried calling you, and your mobile switched over :)
i use YouNote

YouNote is an application for iPhone that allows you to take quick notes on all sorts of information.
This information is accessible and available at all times on your iPhone.
Whatever format the note is in (Drawing, Audio, Text, Photo,...), it is possible to link different criteria (tags, a color, the geolocation,...) which simplifies the filing and finding of the notes.

Ticks all the right boxes for me :)
Thanks, but I am not looking for anything that runs on Mac, only for iPhone :shrug:!
Wonderful, that seems to do all that I need (y)

Thank you so much for the link :)
I'm a great fan of omni focus, it is a bit costly but you get a really great program that runs on your computer as well.
Thanks for all the tips & links. It seems I've gone with Things; but thanks for all the input.