Negative criticism or Shut The Randolph Scott Up?

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OK, I'm new here.

I appear to have rubbed one or two people up the wrong way with my comment about what I believe was the photographic equivalent of mutton dressed as lamb. Actually, I wouldn't even call it mutton :nuts:

The thing is, and my point, is it better to buck the trend and disagree, criticise and say what you think. Or. Just click on the next thread or even the little "x" in the top right hand corner and move on?
^yep, always good.

I think you have to find a way (the right way!) of putting it, electronic comms don't always come over in the right way - even with the use of simlieys and the like. :)
You might think an image is the worst thing you've ever seen, but there are ways of saying so that won't cause offence, also by offering constructive advice you help the poster to improve if they choose to accept it.

I've not read any of the comments you have left so I can't comment on that.
Part of the OU course that I did taught how to critique other's work. I'll try to summarise.
One. Try to remember that it IS someones work so tread lightly.
Two. Critisism is fine but do try to be constuctive with it. A good example might be. "Nice composition but it might be slightly overexposed for my liking, you could try an alternative using curves"
Three. What goes around tends to come around, so sow as thou shalt reap.
Four. Read. Photo mags are very good with constructive critisism, read how they do it.

Hope that helps


There's the thread. I shan't add to my posts in there because, even though my original post was interpreted as an insult towards the poster it was more of a general observation.

My original thoughts when I saw it were "WTF is this?" and can't believe that some people believe that there is something to be had by taking a photo of something like that. I see no point in it.
Say what you think by all means, but do it with respect and courtesy. The friendly nature of this place is what sets it apart from other forums. There are photographers here at varying levels of experience from absolute beginners to professional togs. We all have to start somewhere and posting photos to gain CONSTRUCTIVE critique is what helps us all to improve.

Frankly, posts like the one to which you refer are only going to deter people from sharing their photos as they make people feel their work is going to get ridiculed, and we don't do that here :shake:
My original thoughts when I saw it were "WTF is this?" and can't believe that some people believe that there is something to be had by taking a photo of something like that. I see no point in it.

The TPF forums came into existence because a few folk wanted create somewhere with a friendly and helpful attitude, where everyone from professionals to absolute beginners could 'meet' to enjoy the hobby and improve their photography. They and the members have worked hard to keep it that way. There are plenty of forums where your style of comments would fit in, but this just isn't one of them.

What I'm saying is, if all you can think of to post about an image is negative, then post nothing.
I wish people would say what they really think about my stuff (or maybe they do).
I have yet to feel insulted by anyones comments and, if someone thinks my work is garbage, I want to hear about it.
I won't defend malice for the sake of it but I for one want the truth about my pictures whether it's good or bad.
So it's fair to say that when someone posts their offering and it gets no replies then everyone is stood around whistling their disapproval :LOL:
Constructive criticism is all good and even the occasional truthful opinion if an image is bad. But comments such as this

" Do people really spend £1000's on camera gear just to take photos of junk and try to pass it off as something special? Sorry if I come across all snobby but this kind of thing perplexes me!"

Are neither constructive or of any use to the OP
If you think about it, the person who posted the photo did so because they felt that it was worth sharing and getting some feedback about, even if it is a work in progress, or just an experiment or whatever. comments that are basically negative without offering anything constructive at all can be seen as quite discouraging and this place has always been a friendly one! maybe try being a little more positive and tactful as Joe T said above. just my opinion.
So it's fair to say that when someone posts their offering and it gets no replies then everyone is stood around whistling their disapproval :LOL:

Judging by the number of comments on your Flickr site you'd better hope not:LOL:
Following the other comments you received on the original thread, I'm afraid that the sympathy fairy has neglected to sprinkle me with the requisite dust to share your views on this.

I read the orignial thread twice just to make sure, and I still can't see for the life of me where you criticised the actual photo. Despite reading it armed with your comments from this post it still looks like an ill considered flaming of the OP rather than his work. I personally welcome proper, considered criticisms of any of my work, it's the only way I'll improve. Unfortunately nothing you've said so far meets any of that criteria.

In retrospect I suspect that this thread was also started to provoke a reaction to your somewhat antagonistic approach.

If, on the other hand I've got you all wrong,
perhaps you'll offer us a chance to critique some of your pics.
How about if you went out, did something that you don't usually do, where you've actually had to think, find a decent photo opp, consider how you'd like to portray it and then take the shot, as opposed to the stand on the touchline point click and post approach that seems to be your norm.......
It's always best to be honest but as has been said, there's honesty delivered by bulldozer and that applied with care and a little feeling.

Most everyone pretty much said the same thing as you, just without the need to burst into the tread like a missile. I did start a thread once to get a little discussion on why it's ok to post "I like it" or "great" as a response but no so acceptable to say "I don't like it" or " rubbish" It's not equal but it is the way of the world that you don't always have to make a case for a compliment where as you do for a criticism.

Right? Wrong? Don't know but that's the way it is. :D
OK, I'm new here.

I appear to have rubbed one or two people up the wrong way with my comment about what I believe was the photographic equivalent of mutton dressed as lamb. Actually, I wouldn't even call it mutton :nuts:

The thing is, and my point, is it better to buck the trend and disagree, criticise and say what you think. Or. Just click on the next thread or even the little "x" in the top right hand corner and move on?

I would say you should be honest...if you think it's rubbish then say so. If you can think of a way to improve it...say that too. I criticise images that "don't do it for me" even though I can't offer ways to improve them because it's not my style of photography. I don't think there's a problem with that.

However, from reading your "criticism" to the post referred to, I think Mr Bing has less to learn about photography than you have about tact and social interaction ?

If your reaction to that last statement was in the realms of "WTF does he think he is" then think about.

I wrote that to show that being blunt can cause offence. If you took offence at my statement then you shouldn't be suprised that someone felt likewise after reading your post.

Fair point ?


PS....The statement was only put there to cause a wasn't a criticism of your method of critique.
OK, you clearly are new here, but no stranger to forums. I can't decide if you're a troll or not. But having read through the thread to which you linked, and given that you've offered me a choice of actions from your thread title, I would choose the latter.

At least until you've learnt a little diplomacy and respect.
The statement was only put there to cause a reaction

It very nearly caused my keyboard to react to an assault from a mouthful of coffee. :LOL:
Judging by the number of comments on your Flickr site you'd better hope not:LOL:
I might be bothered if I uploaded them to flickr to target flickr users as an audience, but I don't so it doesn't matter. Besides, those that I do upload are superb (y)
I support the OP :eek: If I was looking at an image that I thought was "mutton" or even mutton mince I would certainly put my thoughts forward.

However I would at least actually provide a bit of guidance as to why I disliked the image and if I knew I would also say as to what I would have done differently. As others have said constructive critisism mixed with tact is the way forward.

As my grandma used to say to me if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all
Say what you mean & mean what you say is always good.
Tact and diplomacy ( something I have yet to master) is also good
Constructive critique is good.
A general slagging off does no one any good, least of all the person doing the slagging off,
as you have probabley realised by now.
So I guess the latter part of your title would work for now at least (y)
If, on the other hand I've got you all wrong,
perhaps you'll offer us a chance to critique some of your pics.
How about if you went out, did something that you don't usually do, where you've actually had to think, find a decent photo opp, consider how you'd like to portray it and then take the shot, as opposed to the stand on the touchline point click and post approach that seems to be your norm.......

OK, here's a light trail that I did the other night. My second ever one...
I'm not too sure about this swearing in the subject of a thread, tbh. Everyone knows what the acronym means, and no-one's a prude, but would be nice to just ease off a touch with the language in a thread-title :)

Also, get a book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People", and no, I'm not taking the mickey either. It was given to me as a gift a few years ago, and I've recommended it to many other friends since then, and everyone who has ever read it has had it change the way they look at things. Learning how to influence people, get what you want, and make them like you is such an awesome skill. Not to mention it's dirt cheap to buy! I really recommend it to anyone reading this, but it does seem especially pertinent here ;)
Besides, those that I do upload are superb (y)

Which of course is a matter of opinion..........
Again I state that you seem to be deliberately provoking reactions in an antagonising or provocative manner, so I guess you might consider your own advice and use

the little "x" in the top right hand corner and move on?

This plainly isn't the place for you.
Reminds me of an old joke. A fella goes into the library and says to the man behind the counter, "Oi Fatty, you got any books on tact?"

In futue, I think I shall STFU!
I think one of the negative points with digital, is that it doesnt cost you anything to see what rubbish you take at times, plus we've all done it.

Although i disagree with beating around the bush, plain speaking or dont speak at all.
If I might be allowed to offer some constructive criticism.

If you were to actually offer some of your own critique on the photo, instead of spewing out comments which offer no route of improvement to the owner of the image you'd get something out of being a member here.

You may not like that kind of image, hundreds of other people do. we may well be a friendly forum, but we will not tolerate disrespectful posting towards other members, please bear that in mind :)
I'm not too sure about this swearing in the subject of a thread, tbh. Everyone knows what the acronym means, and no-one's a prude, but would be nice to just ease off a touch with the language in a thread-title :)

Gotta agree with this. Thought I had found a forum where profanities were not needed in order to express an opinion. Really disappointed that somebody who needs to indulge themselves in this way is getting the attention seen here regardless of his subject matter.:thumbsdown:
negative criticism is good, but try to say how to make it better instead of just that it is bad.

If someone just goes: "thats a really bad photo" or "it doesn't do it for me" then thats quite annoying for the photographer in question, not because some1 didn't like there work, but because he/she really wants to know why. This can also be the same if some1 jsut says: "love it!". its really nice if people actually give reasons to their statements instead of just saying things with no backup.

Say wat you think. Say y you think that. then say how you think it could be changed for the better (if needed).
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