
This reminds me of the JPG vs RAW argument!
Yes, RAW is better if you have time, skills and inclination but the difference isn't necessarily massive, especially with modern machines like Nespresso ....

^ exactly that, couldn't think of a better way to put it!
This reminds me of the JPG vs RAW argument!
Yes, RAW is better if you have time, skills and inclination but the difference isn't necessarily massive, especially with modern machines like Nespresso ....

My in laws have a nespresso but I've never been impressed at all by the coffee from it tbh, I do think you get much nicer coffee from an actual espresso machine, even the cheaper ones that don't require time or skill, probably less to do with the type of machine though, and more to being able to put better / fresher coffee into it in the first place.
With the Gaggia a brick of ground expresso coffee costs about £3 and I reckon I get about 20 Doubles out of it.
Single expresso shots are for pussies :)
I wonder how many of the coffee lovers then go on and ruin it by putting milk and/or sugar in their coffee....Or have a cold cup, or ...
I wonder how many of the coffee lovers then go on and ruin it by putting milk and/or sugar in their coffee....Or have a cold cup, or ...

Now now....surely people are allowed to like different types of coffee :p
(Though you're right about cold!)
then go on and ruin it by putting milk and/or sugar in

But TBH I don't get all snobbery that's surrounds coffee, as long as it contains caffeine and is hot, that's fine by me.

Oh and Espresso is like drinking mud, fashionable it maybe, but its still mud :p

But TBH I don't get all snobbery that's surrounds coffee, as long as it contains caffeine and is hot, that's fine by me.

Oh and Espresso is like drinking mud, fashionable it maybe, but its still mud :p
Which is exactly my point, thank you very much. I mean people going on and on about the beans, the different machines etc. But then they put milk and sugar and syrups and all sorts in it, which just negates all this kind of snobbery.

Me, I like mine black, with a cigar and a brandy :)
Now now....surely people are allowed to like different types of coffee :p
(Though you're right about cold!)
They are indeed allowed to like any type they like, but please then don't go on about the subtle differences of flavours between machines and beans etc. Or do :) I don't actually loose sleep over it...

if you like the taste and options of a pod machine then they are great, only one I have ever taken to is the Lavazza one as you get some nice shot options. the wife favours the Tassimo for the Costa Americano and Petit Dejoneur(sp?) pods, they have some great hot choc options too and the hot water adapter so you can use it to dispense just hot water..

Delongi bean to cup is a brilliant affordable option if you want access to any coffee bean, big and noisy though when in use but relatively maintenance free..

Gaggia Classic or Baby Class easily IMO the best of the affordable home espresso machines, superb boiler, solenoid valve, consistent hit after hit.. trouble is you are looking at £130+ for a grinder to compliment it £25+ for a weightier tamper.. there is an art to pulling a great shot but it soon becomes 2nd nature.

oh and if you are EVER tempted by the Nescafe Alegria machine... BACK UP AND STEP AWAY...:D
Recyclable, they used to pick my used up.
Do they wash and refill them? Or do they melt the aluminium down?
Single expresso shots are for pussies :)
Meow. What do you call people who drink a ristretto?
I wonder how many of the coffee lovers then go on and ruin it by putting milk and/or sugar in their coffee....Or have a cold cup, or ...
You 'need' milk and sugar if your coffee is crap. It probably comes from the 'instant' generation.

If you don't take milk or sugar, then you quickly notice when you are given bad coffee.

My journey started when I smelled coffee roasting in town. I like that smell, I thought. Later I was in an Italian restaurant, and was served a great espresso. It was like a totally different drink from filter coffee. Which I never really enjoyed.

So getting a fully automatic espresso machine was worth it for me. As it's tasty, cheap and ready at the push of a button.
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I've had various coffee machines in the past and without fail have all been chucked out.
I now use a Cafetiere and a milk frother, which consists of a glass jug with a mesh disc,
warm the milk, move the disc up and down and you get that lovely thick froth that sticks to the mug
works a treat, yes I do like milk in coffee but not sugar :puke:
Nice active thread, I loved how the RAW Vs JPG crept in :D It's like a canonpresso vs Tassikon debate :)

I would dearly love a full on set up and the ability to stand there and wait for X number of seconds as the perfect extraction takes place. Sadly though it's got to be a case of click and brew while i'm doing something else so it's got to be a pod job.
I've had various coffee machines in the past and without fail have all been chucked out.
I now use a Cafetiere and a milk frother, which consists of a glass jug with a mesh disc,
warm the milk, move the disc up and down and you get that lovely thick froth that sticks to the mug
works a treat, yes I do like milk in coffee but not sugar :puke:

Can you remember where you got the frother?
I like the sound of that a lot! :)

As an Italian i can definitely say, THIS is the best espresso maker.
Nice active thread, I loved how the RAW Vs JPG crept in :D It's like a canonpresso vs Tassikon debate :)

I would dearly love a full on set up and the ability to stand there and wait for X number of seconds as the perfect extraction takes place. Sadly though it's got to be a case of click and brew while i'm doing something else so it's got to be a pod job.

If you get a machine that takes ESE pods you can have best of both, you just change the insert in the group handle.

Mine was £145 when it was on sale, i never use the "automatic cappuccino" milk jug though, just the hot water spout attachment -

I assume some of their other machines have the same option if that's too expensive.

Takes these -

But i prefer just using freshly ground coffee.
Of course you could just buy a £5 Cafetiere which is what I used with my Nespresso machine for frothy milk :)

Does that work ok ?
The jug has a very fine nylon filter in it where as a jug is quite course metal.
I can actually have the froth towering out of the top of the mug ...............Heaven
I have different size Cafetieres depending on how many mugs of coffee are wanted
so just might try and compare
I'll stick with my Gaggia.

I'd say it was more like MF film and 35mm digital :)
Would that be a Lady Gaga? You know, the one with the weird attire ?

Hope not, if she comes with it, I think I need all the coffee I can get to keep it :p up :(
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I blame Safari corrective spelling :p
You corrected the wrong one :D
Would you like me to do it for you? :p
Yes please, dad. You can show me the way. Now there is a scary thought :p
Use your Senseo and get the Coffeeduck filter for it. I got one. Bob on!
Isn't there a clever one cup thingy that's supposed to be pretty good? Saw it on the box. Cheap as well. Can't remember what it's called. Found it. Called aeropress. £20.
The aeropress makes AMAZING coffee. It's really very good indeed plus you can take it to the office/camping etc...
Use your Senseo and get the Coffeeduck filter for it. I got one. Bob on!

Bob on!!
Not heard that for donkeys years!