New 5x4 camera

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No mention of prices yet but this should be launched on Kickstarter very soon and it's British too!

Worth keeping an eye on I think.
No, no, no, no...... I don't want a large format camera, really I don't..... It does look rather interesting though.
Depends on how light he thinks light is. Looks like wood so its not going to be that light unless its balsa. Would be better doing it in plastic. Worth keeping an eye on though.
I know... I really don't want one yet, but I think in the not too distant future I will succumb.
I got my first 5x4 when I went into a shop to buy some 120 film. As the nice chap in the shop said, it's just like 120 only more so... Or words to that effect. Why on earth wouldn't you want one? Accept your destiny.