New Laptop?

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Looking at upgrading my 3yr old Dell
Its a P4 1 gig ram

I use it mainly for web stuff inc design, and photo editing etc.. all my photography stuff is done on here! Use CS3 and lightroom

I have been milling over 2 machines

1 Dell XPS 1330 - great spec and great looking.
2 Mac book 2ghz - would need software cs3 and lightroom and MS office!

I do not wish to spark off a mac v pc debate... but would appreciate opinions on each individual system...

each system has it's merits so lets not get a debate about whats best.

You must ask yourself which of these suits your working style, I love the looks of the mac stuff, but I can't get used to working with them :(

My last 3 laptops have been dells, in the value for money stakes and the range of factory installed upgrades they're hard to beat except for the charges for more RAM
I have a Dell laptop - a Latitude D820 - and love it to be honest - it's awesome. Have to say the screen resolution for a laptop (1600*1200) is superb. If you're going for a Dell don't forget to take a look at the Dell outlet store - you get loads of fantastic bargains there at prices well cheaper than specifying your own model.

However, as I am an electronic music freak too - I decided to have a closer look at a Mac and purchased a Macbook. Now... well... I use my Mac all the time - and only use the Dell when I am at client sites.

Just because I am a convert doesn't mean I am anti-PC or anti-MS - the Dell is a superb machine, but for me personally, the Mac offers a far superior user experience. I use it exclusively now for both of my hobbies; which are taking photographs and recording music on my synths.

As digitalfailure rightly says - decide what you want to use a laptop for - then see what's about out there for the price.

The only thing I'd have to say about the Mac's are... don't worry about running any of your current apps on your Mac - using 'parallels', XP can actually run on a Mac AND as fast as it runs on a native PC - as can all your XP apps... at the same time as running Mac OSX...!!

Shout if you need more specifics...
Thanks for that comparison, I guess that is a close to my current situation as I can hope for.
Everytime I say I want to use it for Photography... everyone I speak to says Mac...
But! Looking at the XPS Dell have to offer for a similar price, and the lack of hassel in regards to programmes It may just have the edge... But if my wife was the only woman I had slept with I guess I wouldnt appreciate her as much! ;)

I could really do with living with a mac for a day and see how I get on I guess...
Any more opinions or comparisons most welcome..
Thanks for that comparison, I guess that is a close to my current situation as I can hope for.
Everytime I say I want to use it for Photography... everyone I speak to says Mac...

You are very welcome... Personally, as I have both, I'd say go for a Mac.

But DO wait for other opinions too, yeah. Good luck in your choice, go for what you like.:)
I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 and I have to say both it and Dell after sales have been absolutely superb ... (y) ... and that given I purchased mine through a re-seller rather than Dell direct ... :shrug:

Got a stunning deal on exactly the spec I was looking for from an ebay based re-seller - you know cancelled orders and all that and was totally the sceptic until it arrived, as promised, on time and exactly to spec ... ;)

I have also recently purchased a DeskTop from an ebay seller and again met my spec and offered an unbeatable price ... :D

My experience of pooting is solely PC based so I cannot comment either way on Macs I'm afraid ... I know what I know and I like what I know ... :shrug: ... it works for me ... ;)

Good luck whatever you go for ... but I would advise trying re-sellers before going to Dell direct from personal experience ... :D

I can't tell you about the PC machines as it's far too long since I've bought one. I can tell you that I love my MacBook Pro and it's by far the best puter I've used. For OSX or XP.

Not everyone gets on with them though and if you swap to mac versions of software you already use on a PC, you'll most likely have to live with far fewer keyboard shortcuts.
Well in the end I went for the 2.16gig mac book
First impressions are good... just need to get used to the keyboard, as the keys seem slightly off set to the right so touch typing is somewhat hit and miss!!
No right click.... that will take some getting used to.

Other than that, I've downloaded Lightroom for it and will have a play later :)
Wil do a full review on it in a few weeks when I have got used to it!

Oh... it looks cool :)
Get yourself a graphics tablet mate & then both the pen & mouse come with extra buttons (mine has 5 & a scroll wheel) I am used to it now but I hated not having a right mouse button when I got mine. Best hardware investment aside from the mac itself & I couldn't be without mine now. Congrats on your new toy, am considering one myself so will look forward to your review (y)
Erm nope! well i know their mice now have 2 buttons, but my nav pad thing only has one!!!
just finding my way round, but did some editing in LR and it was very fast :)
Ctrl + click is the right-click equivalent in case you didn't know mate (y)

Or tap the pad with two fingers (you might need to turn that on in the sys preferences though if it doesn't work).
Cool, that is another little niggle sorted out :)
I'm getting there, but happy with everything at the mo :)