New Logo Idea

Edit My Images
Hey All,

I've been toying with the idea of a new logo on the bottom of my pictures. I like my current logo, but it's not very me.

My other idea is much more contemporary and me, but I feel it could be a little obstructive.

What do you feel? Do you have any other ideas/adjustments that could make this work better?

Current Logo

Nissan Silvia by Tom Cash, on Flickr

New Logo Idea

New Logo Idea by Tom Cash, on Flickr

Thanks guys!

Hi Tom,

Well, if you want to just add a watermark to show off your work to friends and family, then the new one is just fine! However, if you are using the watermark to protect your images or use it as a way as advertising to customers - you need a total rebrand.

Photographers can pay designers £1000's of pounds to brand and protect their work, but this course is a master class of how to do it all yourself:

You can rent it for $10 (about £8/9) and it is so worth the money. After, your watermark will be so much better.

I hope that helped, I promise I am not a salesperson!

I like the first one. If you like the font of second photo its good as well. but I think - don't leave the black frame behind. Paint it like shadow if you want to contrast it better.
I like the first one better in all ways & font is good.

The second looks harsh with its black sharp edged frame & the font is like you have just scrolled through the font choices to get one that you feel is like a handwriting style you prefer.
If you like the font of second photo its good as well. but I think - don't leave the black frame behind. Paint it like shadow if you want to contrast it better.[/url]

I do like the black background but try 50%-75% opacity to see what that looks like.
The second one to me changes the balance of the picture whereas the first one doesn't. I'm not keen.
Thanks for the replies, peeps.

I've read and taken into consideration all the comments and I think it's clear that if it isn't even 50% a hit, that it needs changing. So here are some additional ideas.

Thoughts welcomed, again.

Black Box at 40%

new-logo-40% by Tom Cash, on Flickr

No Black Box (White Text)

new-logo-2 by Tom Cash, on Flickr

new-logo-4-50%] by Tom Cash, on Flickr

new-logo-2-30% by Tom Cash, on Flickr

No Black Box (Black Text)

new-logo-3 by Tom Cash, on Flickr

new-logo-3-30% by Tom Cash, on Flickr

all that aside- the watermark/Logo , owing to the location within the image could be removed in Photoshop in seconds and therefore has no real protective application

you will need to have a watermark that actually protects your image aganst theft,if thats the reason you are searching for a suitable Logo etc etc

like This:


Not saying mine is perfect, its just an example- however: you can see it would be much harder to remove

Hope this helps?

Les (y)
I made mine in Photoshop by going to file - new and creating a new clipboard canvas, make it 1000 pixels wide and 500 high.
Now pick up the type tool and with the foreground set to white, the font of your choice, size at 48, type what you want (you wont see it, white on white) now click the FX button at the bottom of the layers pallet, click on stroke set the colour to black and 2 pixels, OK. You will now see what you typed in outline, go back to FX and click drop shadow set this to your liking, don’t over do it.
Now click on the background layer and drag it to the bin. Your logo is now transparent.
Open edit go down to transform - scale and with the shift key held down stretch the logo across the transparent box, OK.
Go back to edit go down to and click brush preset name it say MY LOGO, hit OK.
A new brush will have been created.
Save and close the workspace image.
The new brush is now ready for use. You will be able to resize, change colour, etc.
I always apply it to a new top layer you can then alter opacity and position at will, have a go if it’s not what you want well there’s nothing lost.(y)
Here’s what it looks like, it’s been applied in a similar way to the way you have shown the logo in your images. As Les says used larger and across the image will give more protection. This would be done by ether enlarging the brush or transforming scale with it applied to a new layer. The transparency is altered by opacity on the brush or layer.

