Damn! I was just about to enter this.

Well Done Ascott. Good photo.
A cracking photo and a very worthy winner, congratualtions chap :D
Wasn't expecting that, especially with so many excellent images.
Thanks guys for the congrats and to Ian for the comp.

PM sent for the next theme :)
Thanks to all entrants, new competition starting within next couple of days. Theme picked by ASCOTT will be "Urban Decay"
Regards Ian.
Any news on the picking runners up Ian?

Hiya Dave,

If it was me picking the runners up, you would definitely be up there. I thought your image encapsulated the theme well (especially as I have seen the weir in full force during the summer and to see your image of it all iced up was amazing) For me it was the 'icing' on the cake.


Dawn :)
We have picked no.63 as runner up for the Wintry Weather competition. As it is the last competition I am running due to TP only allowing their own competition I would like to offer the following.
A 2011 Kerso diary to all entrants who had entered this competition and 2 of my previous competitions. Please send me your full address and what competitions you entered.
A BIG thank you to everyone who has entered my competitions in the past, some great photogrsaphers out there. Regards Ian.
Well done Richard, fab shot :clap:

Awe sorry to hear theres not going to be no more competitions run by you Ian,

I really enjoyed having a go and entering them, lol although I never got anywhere, with any of my shots

Thanks very much for you kind and generous offer of a diary :clap:
We have picked no.63 as runner up for the Wintry Weather competition. As it is the last competition I am running due to TP only allowing their own competition I would like to offer the following.
A 2011 Kerso diary to all entrants who had entered this competition and 2 of my previous competitions. Please send me your full address and what competitions you entered.
A BIG thank you to everyone who has entered my competitions in the past, some great photogrsaphers out there. Regards Ian.

Hi Ian
A big thanks for picking my image as runner up and im sorry to hear you will not be setting any more competitions and thanks for your generous offer of a diary



Well done Richard, fab shot :clap:

Awe sorry to hear theres not going to be no more competitions run by you Ian,

I really enjoyed having a go and entering them, lol although I never got anywhere, with any of my shots

Thanks very much for you kind and generous offer of a diary :clap:

Thanks Dave (y)

We have picked no.63 as runner up for the Wintry Weather competition. As it is the last competition I am running due to TP only allowing their own competition I would like to offer the following.
A 2011 Kerso diary to all entrants who had entered this competition and 2 of my previous competitions. Please send me your full address and what competitions you entered.
A BIG thank you to everyone who has entered my competitions in the past, some great photogrsaphers out there. Regards Ian.

that is a shame!!!

Never entered but still a shame we wont see anymore from Ian. (Kerso)

what there reason behind stopping you ??? i had just got into doing that its a big shame :thumbsdown:
my feelings are the mods should allow kerso's comps, these comps give us beginners a reasonable chance of winning something (although i'm not good enough yet) i don't feel out of my depth doing kerso's comps.
Hey Ian,

just wanted to say thanks for the comps in the past, always fun to do them, and its going to be a real shame that there won't be any more. it gave me an excuse to go out and take some pic's!! :0(
Woowho my diary arrived today, thank you very much Ian, (y)

Im really pleased with it, It looks very stylish, love the tan and dark brown embossed cover, and a perfect size to slip in my camera bag and the note pad is just great for writing memos and settings on, (y)

Thanks again very much for you kind and generous gift of the diary, and all the excellent competitions you have run in the past, they gave me much pleasure participating :clap:

As said earlier all the best in the future, and continued presence on TP

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ditto, mine arrived today as well, totally agree with everything dave commented, quality diary thanks very much.
what there reason behind stopping you ??? i had just got into doing that its a big shame :thumbsdown:

my feelings are the mods should allow kerso's comps, these comps give us beginners a reasonable chance of winning something (although i'm not good enough yet) i don't feel out of my depth doing kerso's comps.

It does seem to be a shame :(, but maybe it is to try and encourage more folk to enter the TP POTY comp. Recently I noticed that the number that had entered all tweleve months (TP POTY) appeared very small (was it 12 only this year?), probably due to the high standard of those at the top of the tree.
but maybe it is to try and encourage more folk to enter the TP POTY comp.

Nah nowt to do with that, why would TP do that, surely the Marcel and fan tabby dozzy mods wouldnt do that, just to encourage entries POTY comp, theres loads of entries and enthusiasm/creativity already, LOL us lot dont need much encouragement to join in comps and challenges, (POTY 2011 round 1, 52 entries already) must be some other reason, not sure what but it aint what you think, got an idea,but wont say :thinking:, nothing to do with Ian though hes always come up trumps with his prizes, there you go a clue!! could be wrong like
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