New UK Photographer

You're 14... Not sure you can really call yourself a UK Photographer just yet, but I guess that's subjective.

You've got some nice colourful shots in your collection but they all seem a little chaotic. See if you can nail yourself a particular style and work on perfecting that. Your cityscapes are better than your landscapes imo (y)
You're 14... Not sure you can really call yourself a UK Photographer just yet, but I guess that's subjective.

You've got some nice colourful shots in your collection but they all seem a little chaotic. See if you can nail yourself a particular style and work on perfecting that. Your cityscapes are better than your landscapes imo (y)
Hmmm.... do you suggest he calls himself 'UK Photographer in 4 years' then neo...?

I know what you're getting at here of course, but he can call himself whatever he wants.
Now she is talented for her years! How the hell she gets models and locations like that is beyond me, she either has a rich mommy and daddy or very good looking friends.... either way I'm jealous as hell!
Looking at some of those pictures, I suspect they are her friends as most do look young.
You're 14... Not sure you can really call yourself a UK Photographer just yet, but I guess that's subjective.

You've got some nice colourful shots in your collection but they all seem a little chaotic. See if you can nail yourself a particular style and work on perfecting that. Your cityscapes are better than your landscapes imo (y)
He's from the UK and does photography. even if it's a hobby that still makes him a UK photographer, just not a professional one :D
I don’t know who making your web but al the images are load too big the thumbnails are full size3008pxx2000yet scaled to 300x200px when opening full size you still have same size files but display them as 1319x877px
This makes your site slow to load for anyone with out a fast BB not a good idea
Make your thumbs the size it will be displayed and resize the main one to display res
Hi Alex, post a few pics on the various forums here and you'll get plenty of responses I'm sure. Just dropping a single post like this can get people thinking you are just trying to pimp your website and it's also difficult to give any specific comments on images based on a website due the number of images there. (y)

Hi guys,
thanks for your feedback - it's interesting to see other's opinions.

I have recently adjusted a few things on my website, so the gallery now has two pages, and so the photos should load quicker.

I shall post a few photos here and there around the forum for more feedback, as Gonetae suggested.

I know you said look at the photographs but some of the index images on your site are over 2mb each, takes an awful long time to load them.
That's a bit unhelpful.

As apposed to your pearls of wisdom in this thread??? :thinking:
Why did you leave out the rest of my post, I thought that was fairly helpful??

"I'm a new UK Photographer" suggests he's a new pro, which is not the case... although I agree he can badge himself how he wants, nothing to do with me...
It doesn't really suggest he's a Pro, it just means he's a photographer.

I call myself a photographer, I just don't call myself a Pro.
As apposed to your pearls of wisdom in this thread??? :thinking:
Why did you leave out the rest of my post, I thought that was fairly helpful??

"I'm a new UK Photographer" suggests he's a new pro, which is not the case... although I agree he can badge himself how he wants, nothing to do with me...

Why do you think that UK Photographer = Pro? :thinking:
I think it's great to get yourself a dream and wish I could have set myself up with a website when I was 14...30 something years ago! I was doing photography and thought I was it, and can you belive at 15 had done a wedding and quite a bit of work here and there...but makes me cringe when I look back now! It was all rubbish even if I didn't know it at the time. The wedding btw was just snaps when I know what it should look like now, the couple were broke and just needed anyone with a camera I think! At the time I thought I was a professional, you can create that by having websites and all the lot now for free. Don't want to break any dreams, but 'UK Photographer' isn't really a statement about anything, we could all use it. Persoanlly I'd just use it as a website to showcase your ability but not create an impression of being a working 'tog Alex. One or two of those images need cleaning up for dust too but great effort, some nice pictures.

The girls images are fantastic, she has a great imagination and some great friends. I'd guess she is a little rich girl, but doesn't buy the imagination. She obviously has that and has a good understanding of photoshop. She could go far but I guess these days there are a million and one other people with a camera too so who knows.
The girls images are fantastic, she has a great imagination and some great friends. I'd guess she is a little rich girl, but doesn't buy the imagination. She obviously has that and has a good understanding of photoshop. She could go far but I guess these days there are a million and one other people with a camera too so who knows.

If that's referring to Nirrimi, then she already has gone much further than a lot of photographers ever do. Their (her a Matt's) client list, is pretty impressive and international.
Calling myself a UK Photographer is true. I am a photographer, from the UK. Therefore, I am a UK Photographer. This is not hinting, implying or calling myself pro in any way - I am far from being a pro.

Yes my artwork is on sale, and yes I have a website, but this just means I enjoy making money, and have knowledge of CSS and HTML - it does not mean I'm calling myself pro at all!

Saying I'm calling myself a pro because I have a website, and because I called myself a UK Photographer is very ignorant - this means that you are calling every photographer with a website a pro...

Congrats on being from the UK and a photographer :clap:

If you're also selling images then good for you (y)

It's been mentioned before but...
Looks like you've scaled down 3000px image to 200px, you should scale the image via art package to give you the sizes you want, then upload them to the site and remove all size parameters in the img tags...there are some images that are 300px × 199px but scaled to 300px × 200px.

Having several 2.5MB files downloading takes a while and pointless at 200px...

Have a look at Lightbox 2 javascript, it's a great tool and I use it on my website selling cigarette lighters

I don't get you. I thought Alex's post was a good one, valid points made in a mature way.

For a 14 year lad to reply as he has, has showed a lot of maturity I know a lot of young lads that would have got moderated with their reply :LOL:

Anyway, lets comment on his photography...

Alex, how about posting a couple of specific image you really like that you've taken...don't forget the 800px (I think) limit on images
For a 14 year lad to reply as he has, has showed a lot of maturity I know a lot of young lads that would have got moderated with their reply :LOL:

Anyway, lets comment on his photography...

Alex, how about posting a couple of specific image you really like that you've taken...don't forget the 800px (I think) limit on images

Agreed and yes, the limit is 800 pixels. (y)
Looks like I've hit a nerve, excellent... I'll add "labelling a pro" to my list of phrases not to be use on a forum full of busy bodies, right next to "how much do I charge for my first wedding" and "I just bought a 400D, how do I setup my business"...

My post was based on a few things, including this from alex website:

"I'm a young photographer who often goes on long walks to capture the perfect photograph. I'm based in London and am responsible for the design, creation and upkeep of my website. I'm now able to sell A1 and A2 prints as well as A3 canvas prints of my photographs. Prices are on my website, but please don't hesitate to contact me if you want one of my deviations printed up and posted to you!"

If you are selling your shots, you are touting yourself as a pro, end of.

Alex, nothing ignorant about my statement at all, and at 14 you should really have a grasp of manners and respect for your elders sonny. :nono:
I've never understand why people call themselves photographers unless it's their profession:shrug: I enjoy photography but it doesn't define who or what I am.
Looks like I've hit a nerve, excellent... I'll add "labelling a pro" to my list of phrases not to be use on a forum full of busy bodies, right next to "how much do I charge for my first wedding" and "I just bought a 400D, how do I setup my business"...

My post was based on a few things, including this from alex website:

"I'm a young photographer who often goes on long walks to capture the perfect photograph. I'm based in London and am responsible for the design, creation and upkeep of my website. I'm now able to sell A1 and A2 prints as well as A3 canvas prints of my photographs. Prices are on my website, but please don't hesitate to contact me if you want one of my deviations printed up and posted to you!"

If you are selling your shots, you are touting yourself as a pro, end of.

Alex, nothing ignorant about my statement at all, and at 14 you should really have a grasp of manners and respect for your elders sonny. :nono:

So at 14 he can't sell photos? And I don't see any lack of manners in Alex's posts but I consider yours quite rude!
From the extract of his website NEO has posted, I too would have jumped to the conclusion of being a pro but that said, why can't he be at 14? (no need to answer as that's been done to death now).

From my point of view, REDUCE THE IMAGE SIZES, most people will flick away from a website if it doesn't load fully in less than 10 seconds, or at least the average joe will.

Also, I really don't like the font and "word art" style. It does look much too like a 14 yr old's website. My one word advice would be ... simplify!
So at 14 he can't sell photos? And I don't see any lack of manners in Alex's posts but I consider yours quite rude!

Not what I said at all, but considering you're on your high horse, you'll read whatever you want into what I say.
And Fabs, lets face it mate, you're not the most polite poster at the best of times, so let's just agree to disagree.... :razz:
Not what I said at all, but considering you're on your high horse, you'll read whatever you want into what I say.
And Fabs, lets face it mate, you're not the most polite poster at the best of times, so let's just agree to disagree.... :razz:

Oh I think you'll have to provide some sort of evidence because that's a personal attack! :nono:
Oh I think you'll have to provide some sort of evidence because that's a personal attack! :nono:

Oh no it's not, it's a misguided attempt at lightening the tone of this exchange, but I think I selected the wrong smilie :)naughty: probably would have been better placed).
You've read my initial post in the wrong light, and I've bitten at your response so we're really just arguing a moot point.

Alex has every right to sell his stuff at 14, and I'd encourage anyone at any age trying to improve their commercial awareness and get ahead in life so don't get me wrong. My original point was really a light hearted dig since Alex came bursting on the scene posting his site and asking us to comment on the work of this "new UK photographer". I checked his site out expecting to find an established photographer who had moved to the UK recently, only to find a 14 year old peddling his wares (no disrepect intended there either). My resulting comment was .... well.... lighthearted at best. (y)
alexbarnes38 call yourself anything you want m8, it's your business and no one elses. Ignore the nitpicking ninnys who seem to love disrupting other peoples threads with no care for what the o.p. was trying to achieve.

These forums are generally a great place for advice and help but sometimes you just have to filter through the crap to get to it.
Personally I would drop calling yourself a UK photographer - its misleading. You're UK based certainly, but if your preferred genre is cityscapes or landscapes I'd call yourself a landscape photographer.

I'd call myself a motorsport photographer as that is where my interests lie.

Your website needs a consistent theme, seems a bit muddled at the moment, and I gave up waiting for the thumbnails to load - thumbnails should be tiny pictures that load almost instantly.
Oh no it's not, it's a misguided attempt at lightening the tone of this exchange, but I think I selected the wrong smilie :)naughty: probably would have been better placed).
You've read my initial post in the wrong light, and I've bitten at your response so we're really just arguing a moot point.

Alex has every right to sell his stuff at 14, and I'd encourage anyone at any age trying to improve their commercial awareness and get ahead in life so don't get me wrong. My original point was really a light hearted dig since Alex came bursting on the scene posting his site and asking us to comment on the work of this "new UK photographer". I checked his site out expecting to find an established photographer who had moved to the UK recently, only to find a 14 year old peddling his wares (no disrepect intended there either). My resulting comment was .... well.... lighthearted at best. (y)

Then I shall take it as such. ;)
alexbarnes38 call yourself anything you want m8, it's your business and no one elses. Ignore the nitpicking ninnys who seem to love disrupting other peoples threads with no care for what the o.p. was trying to achieve.

These forums are generally a great place for advice and help but sometimes you just have to filter through the crap to get to it.

Must.... resist....
I've never understand why people call themselves photographers unless it's their profession:shrug: I enjoy photography but it doesn't define who or what I am.

Why not? You don't have to be a professional at something to call yourself one.

I like walking, oil painting and photography. I don't make money out of any of those things but I will call myself a walker, a painter or a photographer if I want to.

I think this thread is getting hilarious now, he's a photographer, from the UK. Therefore he is a UK Photographer, regardless of what he gets out of it and how he goes about it.

I feel it's quite ridiculous how some people have been arguing for days over the correct term of the use "UK Photographer". If people took as much time working on their photography skills as they do arguing on this forum, I think everyone on this forum would be an amazing photographer (not saying that there aren't a lot of incrediblie photographers already using the forum).

Sure Alex may have some things to learn, but for god's sake he's 14! I didn't even know what a shutter speed and aperture was when i was 14, let alone produce images like that. Good on you Alex and keep at it.
:nono: can we keep this thread on topic and polite, dealing with the OP's original post and not getting into personal tit for tat debate, it doesn't exactly encourage the up and coming generation to get involved if so called adults cannot be sensible.
