Newbie here

Hi Ellen and welcome, nothing to be frightened of in this forum :thinking: Well there is a Mod or two :cautious: Feed them Jaffacakes now and then and they will be your friends for life. Enjoy your stay, and look forward to seeing some of your work. You will find the most important section of TP right HERE it will save you a lot of little problems (y)
Hi Ellen and welcome to TP :wave: Don't listen to Rich, even us mods are friendly really (although we're always willing to accept bribes, espacially chocolatey ones :D ) It's good to have you here, so please take a look around and make yourself at home.
Thank you for the welcomes! I'm sure I'll be back with some comments!
Welcome to TP Ellen. This is a great place to be, so post some pics, listen to the comments from others and you'll be enjoying yourself in no time. There's a great feeling of community on here, so pull up a chair and enjoy the ride!

Look forward to seeing you around (y)
Welcome Ellen.. Look forward to seeing you around :wave:
welcome to the forum, lots to do and see here,best of all we are a friendly bunch

Les :wave:
Thank you all for your friendly welcomes!
I haven't been on this site for awhile but I hope to change that.
What's a mod?
I tried to upload a picture and I got a note saying this app doesn't accept pictures or videos. I may need to look at my settings and hope I can fix that issue.
You all sound so friendly with a sense of humor. I like that!
Hi Ellen and welcome to the forum :wave: