Nexus 4 and google store woes

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when it comes to certain things I seem to have no luck :crying:

I bought Nexus 4 in February from Google. It took me over a week to put my hands on it after I was forced to drive at midnight to TNT sorting office over 20 miles away (I live near Bristol centre btw). The pack was in a terrible state, but the box seemed OK, so I signed for it.

Next up I slowly started noticing all annoying faults, like really poor 3G and wifi connection (compared to HTC desire that I thought was not a brilliant phone), low audio out volume and finally the crackling noise from the headset. Obviously I missed the 15d refund timeframe :bang:

So there we go, how about a replacement then? I gave the support a call - spoke to Indian / American sounding chap who had little interest in this. Obviously they can't help me unless I call from another phone (can't do that till tonight) and wouldn't even listen about faults, and just complained how bad the connection was. Of course - it's their faulty phone and to top it up '3' network (on that note I may move to giffgaff this summer). So what do I do - email them, phone again, and has anyone got any idea what awaits me next?
I am starting to think about consumer direct in this one...

I can't stop thinking that I should have bought an iphone now, and 'they' are better of doing what they do best - the web stuff - until they sort out their own HW business (Motorola) and at least few retail stores.
Just call again, they should replace it if there's a fault.

I have a Nexus 4 too and have had a great experience with it so far. A very good phone, especially considering the price.
TBH, whatever phone you buy, if you accept the package in a 'terrible' state, it's probably not going to end well.
TBH, whatever phone you buy, if you accept the package in a 'terrible' state, it's probably not going to end well.

The inner box was fine, so I signed for it...

Now I got RMA and a thousand warnings how they will charge me twice:
You’ll need to return your original device to our service center. Additional charges for the full price of the device will be incurred if our service center doesn’t receive your original device within 21 days of this email.

You will incur additional charges up to the full price of your device if our service center determines that the damage to your original device isn’t covered under warranty. Typical exclusions are cracked LCD screens and devices that have been wet or affected by power spikes. Please refer to the warranty card in the Nexus 4 packaging or visit for details on the LG limited warranty.

So if TNT messes up (later or otherwise) I pay. If they feel like it, I pay. Great! thats a customer service

Can I open the new phone in TNT centre a few millennia later, test it before signing (not) and then refuse if it is faulty again? What are my rights with this TNT-schroogle? :puke:
I feel like I am again dealing with some low life ebay scammer.
I got 2 x Nexus 10 devices, both boxes placed in a plastic TNT bag and both arrived damaged at the corners of the boxes.

These boxes are not designed by Samsung as suitable packaging for sending by a delivery company and until Google figure it out I wont buy anything from them.

They then have the cheek to send you a bag to return the item and state that if it arrives back damaged due to poor packaging they wont issue a refund. :wacky:

I returned my items in a box with bubble wrap etc. and had to fight for more than a month to get my money back.
I got 2 x Nexus 10 devices, both boxes placed in a plastic TNT bag and both arrived damaged at the corners of the boxes.

These boxes are not designed by Samsung as suitable packaging for sending by a delivery company and until Google figure it out I wont buy anything from them.

They then have the cheek to send you a bag to return the item and state that if it arrives back damaged due to poor packaging they wont issue a refund. :wacky:

I returned my items in a box with bubble wrap etc. and had to fight for more than a month to get my money back.

Exactly what I was waiting for!

My email only mentions a label:
You'll receive a return shipping label with your replacement device. Use this label with the shipping container used for returning your original device.

Anyway do I play the silly game and risk getting charged again for another faulty nexus, or just ebay this current one?
An authorization for the full price of the replacement device will be placed on your credit card. This means that a portion of your card’s credit limit is held for several days, but no charge is made if your original device is delivered within 21 days and the damage to your device is verified to be covered under warranty.
Interpret that just as you like :shake:

If they mess about with me this will go to trading standards and court if needed. Needless to say I won't be buying from them directly which means I will walk in to Cribb's Apple store or John lewis
I have to agree Google's customer service is woeful, I was lucky enough to score a pair of N4's for the wife and I back in December, and although we got them eventually, Google and their oddly-accented CS people were of absolutely no help.

You're spot on regarding the bricks and mortar stores being needed, I think Google could have done a very good job of this if they'd anticipated, but as it is they've managed to cheese off early adopters and later buyers in equal measure. Not cleaver :wacky:
well, received a new phone and that is also hissing and crackling. Its a bit less intrusive than the first one but it is definitely there when you look for it (HTC Desire or any of my previous phones didn't do it).

I've asked for a full refund and will most likely get rid of both altogether for good.

I guess this is now a choice between an old cheap used samsung S2/Nexus or a new iphone. Apple would at least fit in the pocket OK :LOL:

edit: Just out curiosity - can you guys and gals with properly functioning Nexus 4's try out if you get the same music volume as your PC/ipad on the same speakers? I have a feeling all of them may be the same, just most people won't notice or ignore the faults (ie. somebody texting a lot, or just mainly using the social media, etc)
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The low sound volume via the headset is most likely not a fault it's European law. New devices made for the. European market are not allowed to have volume that goes up past a point set by the EC so as to avoid hearing damage. Many people complain about it on mp3 players as well as phones while others don't notice.
The low sound volume via the headset is most likely not a fault it's European law. New devices made for the. European market are not allowed to have volume that goes up past a point set by the EC so as to avoid hearing damage. Many people complain about it on mp3 players as well as phones while others don't notice.

I didn't realise that. My iPad 3 is not affected so is this very recent? Do I expect the iPhone 5 to be same? I am not sure where that leaves my car stereo upgrade - USB sticks and dab radio?
I think there must be an update.

So I have sent out the old phone last week via TNT, fully tracked and received by LG Poland. Google have so far completely ignored my request to verify receipt of the phone. Not good.

The packaging labels for phone 2 have never arrived. I contacted google, and they firstly suggested taking phone to TNT office and sort out labels in the depo, but very quickly changed their opinion that I should wait for another label to be posted.

Ok, so I am stuck with pretty wrecked 3 year old HTC desire and over £500 out of pocket with no sight of the end to this saga. Truly Scroogled this time

Anyone got any ideas where to find some good Samsung Galaxy Nexus copies (new or used) for under £160? Until I sort out a new iPhone or something else decent
1. Googles customer service blows goat....lots of goat
2. You've been very very unlucky
3. The Nexus 4 is by far the best phone you'll get at anywhere near that price point
4. You're at the mercy of delivery companies / telephone support unless you buy goods over the counter
6. £500 would buy you ONE iPhone 5 / Samsung GS4
A BIG note to anyone going through the returns with them:

Do not under any circumstances presume that TNT can issue a label in their depo, even if the google agent tells you so. They tell many things, and then they tell you something else and it is eventually all your problem.
It is not nice to make phone calls to TNT at night to amend shipping numbers and adresses. Google won't help with that, and won't even communicate between their own departments or LG service centre :shrug:

I hope I get it sorted eventually and won't touch their online store again.

1. Googles customer service blows goat....lots of goat
2. You've been very very unlucky
3. The Nexus 4 is by far the best phone you'll get at anywhere near that price point
4. You're at the mercy of delivery companies / telephone support unless you buy goods over the counter
6. £500 would buy you ONE iPhone 5 / Samsung GS4

1 - quite!!!!
2 - as always :bang:
3 - maybe, but even my ancient nokia sounds a lot clearer on a phone call
4 - I have really learnt that lesson now
6 - it looks like they almost got me and my money - at least apple customer in-store support is great
I've read a few tales of woe regarding googles lack of support for the hardware they're selling (nexus tablets as well as the nexus 4). Hope you get this sorted out soon, it's a shame that the phone stores aren't able to sell the nexus 4 at the same price as google. It's as if they want to force people to buy direct so they can screw them over if they have any problems.
Better to ask for your package to NOT be marked "fragile", in my experience some couriers read this as "football".
The low sound volume via the headset is most likely not a fault it's European law. New devices made for the. European market are not allowed to have volume that goes up past a point set by the EC so as to avoid hearing damage. Many people complain about it on mp3 players as well as phones while others don't notice.

It isn't that simple, the EC regulation came into being in 2009, and it isn't as draconian as some believe.

Under the new restrictions, manufacturers must set the default max volume, but there's nothing stopping them from allowing users to disable this restriction.

For example, in the music settings on an iPhone is the menu setting "volume limit", which can be turned off.

I didn't realise that. My iPad 3 is not affected so is this very recent? Do I expect the iPhone 5 to be same? I am not sure where that leaves my car stereo upgrade - USB sticks and dab radio?

Your iPad and iPhone will both have the restriction, anything made since 2009 will have it. Just turn it off in the menu if you prefer going louder.
After 6 weeks I am still waiting for my money back and my patience is running out.

I have sent an email this morning, no reply yet. I'll phone the tomorrow. I fear will soon have to phone my credit card and Consumer direct
I was just thinking how good the service was .
The charger port on my Nexus 4 seemed a little loose, so I gave Google a call expecting to have to send it away....and they apologised and said we'll send you a replacement out!
Replacement arrived within 48 hours of the call, and I've got 21 days to send the old phone back to them using their pre-paid mailing pack.

I can't complain!
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