Nick_A's 52 - Week 8 added (chaos)

Hi, Nick, I spent about 15 minutes in PS rotating it to see if there was a better composition, but there wasn't...

Overall, nice colours and I guess you got the best you could have with the extension tubes.

Week 8 - Chaos

struggled again this week (they are all making me think!!). Not the greatest but hey ho :thinking:

Hi Nick, I really like your chaos pic - I had been looking at it for surprisingly long before I noticed it spelt chaos! It looks good as a black and white shot and the depth of field only just showing the empty keyboard behind is a nice touch.
Hi, Nik, well done for submitting your chaos week.

I really like the processing in this one and for some reason I'm draw to the off centre 'H' in chaos... nice shadowes as well.

Hope your keyboard still works!
