Nikon D750 & D780

If stopping down 2 lens to say F11 and 1 is rated sharper faster etc does the difference become less as they are stopped down as a rule?
If stopping down 2 lens to say F11 and 1 is rated sharper faster etc does the difference become less as they are stopped down as a rule?

To answer your question: generally, yes. But sharpness is pretty complex - it's dependent upon aperture as well as the location of measurement on the lens/sensor (how far from the middle of the lens that pixel is). Then there is diffraction to throw into the mix as you start to stop down - which gradually becomes an increasingly significant factor and starts to take over from otherwise increased sharpness anywhere from about f/8 onwards but again, that's dependent on the lens.

Sharpness in the middle and sharpness at the corner can exhibit quite different trends as you stop down, so there simply isn't an overall "sharpness" measure that you can compare.
Thanks Paul.the reason i ask is because it may seem a waste spending on a fast sharp lens if your not really going to make use of the
bigger apertures im thinking but i take your point its not cast in stone.
Thanks Paul.the reason i ask is because it may seem a waste spending on a fast sharp lens if your not really going to make use of the
bigger apertures im thinking but i take your point its not cast in stone.

That was my thinking when I bought the Tamron 19-35. It might not be the sharpest below 5.6 but how many WA landscape shots am I going to shoot with shallow DOF? I'm not using it for astro, so it's basically going to be between f/11 and f/16 depending on whether I want starbursts (16) or slightly less diffraction (11).
Thanks Paul.the reason i ask is because it may seem a waste spending on a fast sharp lens if your not really going to make use of the
bigger apertures im thinking but i take your point its not cast in stone.
This is why I chose the 18-35mm G, it mainly gets used at f8-f11 and is super sharp. That being said I used it wide open at f4.5 at 35mm to take a 'portrait' and it was still extremely sharp.
This is why I chose the 18-35mm G, it mainly gets used at f8-f11 and is super sharp. That being said I used it wide open at f4.5 at 35mm to take a 'portrait' and it was still extremely sharp.
Toby ,i keep trying to convince myself to get the 24mm 1.8g but your photos with the 18-35 keep convincing me to get that lol
On the whole I think I'll hang on to my noisy 20mm. Out and about it doesn't seem as annoying. :)

Toby ,i keep trying to convince myself to get the 24mm 1.8g but your photos with the 18-35 keep convincing me to get that lol
Thanks. 24mm is uber sharp (according to DXO) but it's pretty specialist and not that wide TBH.
Thanks. 24mm is uber sharp (according to DXO) but it's pretty specialist and not that wide TBH.

I've re-evaluated my lens choice and I'm either going to buy(next month or two) a Nikon 20mm or a 24mm not 4mm isn't that different but it's still causing me a headache!
I've re-evaluated my lens choice and I'm either going to buy(next month or two) a Nikon 20mm or a 24mm not 4mm isn't that different but it's still causing me a headache!
4mm at the wide end makes quite a difference.
Enjoy the beast!!

It's pretty heavy but once on camera it kind of feels not so heavy! Handling will take some getting used to as first lens with zoom closest to the body.

The hood is massive! Going to give it good test run this weekend before I buy it. Actually I can use it till next weekend. Would be interesting to get the Tamron to test them side by side.
It's pretty heavy but once on camera it kind of feels not so heavy! Handling will take some getting used to as first lens with zoom closest to the body.

The hood is massive! Going to give it good test run this weekend before I buy it. Actually I can use it till next weekend. Would be interesting to get the Tamron to test them side by side.

The AF is insane on that lens - I tested a couple of bodies and they both had that lens attached. I didn't think AF could be working as there was no sound and I couldn't see focus moving in and out. Because it was so fast...

I'm sure you'll love it :)
I used to have that lens as well, it was very good but just too heavy for my casual use. Perfect for a wedding though I'm sure!

Tamron has VC though so you might want to test both before purchasing
@anibap lovely colours!

As for the 24-70 - you guys are selling it well to me!! VC would be nice, but I'm hoping I won't need it. Will take a load of handheld shots this weekend in some dim conditions and see what you all think!

You are right about the casual use thing so might pick up a 24-85 for that or just use my 50mm as my walk about... or maybe a 35mm.
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@anibap I prefer the second one you've posted because to my eyes (which are odd, I'll concede) the straight verticals make the building stand out more :) But it doesn't detract from it being a super shot of a wonderful spot - the background glow is fab (y)

Conversely, I'm limited to indoor snapshots owing to the fairly rubbish weather here right now. Although my daughter wandered through to my office in her Minnie Mouse outfit so I couldn't resist taking a photo :)

Minnie Mouse
by Paul M, on Flickr

Yes, I know she has the ears on backwards ;) YOU try turning them round!
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A temple in India at twilight.

Prem Mandir
by Anirban Acharya, on Flickr
Really nice. I prefer this with the converging lines too.

And to the rest of you, stop praising the 24-70mm so much, I am was very happy with my 24-120 but all the talk of supersonic AF on the 24-70 is giving me GAS :runaway::ROFLMAO:
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Really nice. I prefer this with the converging lines too.

And to the rest of you, stop praising the 24-70mm so much, I am was very happy with my 24-120 but all the talk of supersonic AF is giving me GAS :runaway::ROFLMAO:
Thanks Toby.

I know the 24-70 is a super lens, but I have managed to control my GAS. I have realised I simply don't need it now. If I do weddings, I might consider it.
Thanks Toby.

I know the 24-70 is a super lens, but I have managed to control my GAS. I have realised I simply don't need it now. If I do weddings, I might consider it.
Yeah, it was tongue in cheek. I'm more than happy with the 24-120mm, the extra reach is more important than the AF speed for me ;)
H.Lehmann.... Wow. Unbelievably crap service. They have said they emailed me on the 12th with the revised quote... Which they didn't. So they re-sent the quote whilst on the phone to me and miraculously it arrived within seconds... Brilliant.

£350... Ouch!