Nikon D750 & D780

Football. With a macro lens! :LOL:

I'm waiting on a 20/2.8 arriving to see if that will do me as a small, fast(ish) wide prime. If it does then there's a good chance the fishy lens will be up for grabs. And my 14-24 which I use even less than the fish-eye.

Hi Dave could you PM me or give me the heads up before you post it in the classifieds as I might be interested in the 14-24mm :)
what a brilliant thread. Going to take me a while to read through it all! I ordered a D750 last night from Wex with next day delivery and currently sat in waiting on the delivery!!!

I went for the Meike grip, 50mm f1.8 and the 16-35mm f4.

Cannot wait to try it.

Is the wifi really as rubbish as some people say it is? I just need it so I can see the viewfinder on my iphone when the camera is 6m up in the air on my elevated pole :)
Hi Sammy good to see you over here, you're gonna love the D750. Look forward to some rig shots with it and your thoughts compared to the Sony.
Well, I'm a happy bunny today. I have another lens en route (second hand and cheap but that's good) and loads of "little" kit turned up today: arca plates, L brackets and grips and stuff. Which meant I could get my studio set up properly :)

But... when I say studio, it's really just a room in the house we don't use as much as other rooms. So the studio has to pack away again as soon as Mrs Pjm1 gets home and tells me so. It's also - rather conveniently - the "adult" room (not a dungeon, mind) where we go to watch films, so it has a projector installed in the ceiling. Which I've realised makes the perfect second screen for tethered shooting! As long as I set up the backdrop on the opposite wall, the "clients" (aka my kids) get to see the images projected onto the wall they're looking at.

Which, I've discovered today is the perfect recipe for getting the little wosnames to actually stay still :) And I get some good expressions for the next shot when they see their face pop up 4m wide :)

Here's a panorama I stitched together in LR:


Yes the room is a state and we're getting some work done on the far bay window which leaks :( And needs curtains. But why spend money on curtains when that same money can be spent on lenses?

And here's a shot of my eldest trying to look cool ;)

Ollie: Too cool for school
by Paul M, on Flickr

More or less SOOC apart from some usual tweaks (WB etc.) and I didn't even bother to tidy up the mucky backdrop.
Recall update:

Sent my camera off on 19th March, got an email today informing me that DPD will be delivering my camera on Monday 11th April. A little over three weeks for the turnaround.
Thoughts please, I used a Sigma 150-500 a lot on my D7000 before changing to the D750. I do still have the D7000 but would like to sell it on. With the Sigma on the 750 i am loosing a lot of focal length. It i changed the Sigma for one of the longer 150-600's would i be any worse off given the extra crop-ability etc of the 750?
Thoughts please, I used a Sigma 150-500 a lot on my D7000 before changing to the D750. I do still have the D7000 but would like to sell it on. With the Sigma on the 750 i am loosing a lot of focal length. It i changed the Sigma for one of the longer 150-600's would i be any worse off given the extra crop-ability etc of the 750?

I have the tammy 150-600 and it fades past about 550 anyway. So if your 500 is good enough for you at full stretch, I'd keep it, especially considering what you'd get for it now.
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Hell yeah ;)
Recall update:

Sent my camera off on 19th March, got an email today informing me that DPD will be delivering my camera on Monday 11th April. A little over three weeks for the turnaround.
3 weeks :eek:
I'm puzzled and very slightly chuffed.

It's been almost a week since I upgraded from my Pentax K5 to my Nikon D750.

I explained this was happening (the camera upgrade) to my wife when we were both very slightly plastered, but the good news is I told her before it was happening. Brownie points therefore accrued.

Since my new camera has arrived - which quite clearly has NIKON plastered on it, as well as the lens caps - she hasn't mentioned a thing. I've since added a vertical battery grip (not insubstantial) and an 85mm lens with a honking great hood. It is now genuinely twice the size of my old camera, looks a completely different shape and it makes a funkier noise.

I've had her and the kids in for shoots and mucking around... not once has she quizzed me on this "growing camera with a different name". Am I being set up for a massive fall? Or have I got away with it?
you will be ok until you have a big argument about something then like magic she will remember the new camera you spent all that money on :)

To be fair, everything gets wheeled out in those scenarios so I just discount them as "conversations that will not be won". Which means I still have a bit of a (temporary) result :)
I'm puzzled and very slightly chuffed.

It's been almost a week since I upgraded from my Pentax K5 to my Nikon D750.

I explained this was happening (the camera upgrade) to my wife when we were both very slightly plastered, but the good news is I told her before it was happening. Brownie points therefore accrued.

Since my new camera has arrived - which quite clearly has NIKON plastered on it, as well as the lens caps - she hasn't mentioned a thing. I've since added a vertical battery grip (not insubstantial) and an 85mm lens with a honking great hood. It is now genuinely twice the size of my old camera, looks a completely different shape and it makes a funkier noise.

I've had her and the kids in for shoots and mucking around... not once has she quizzed me on this "growing camera with a different name". Am I being set up for a massive fall? Or have I got away with it?
Perhaps it just means next week you will see a new pair of Jimmy Choos on her feet and Chanel on her arm. :p
Since finally getting around to installing the long overdue firmware update last week my portrait orientation images no longer rotate in the LCD so I have to turn the camera to view them, but what's more annoying is that they're not rotated when I import into lightroom. Any idea how to fix this? I've tried the rotate tall option but this doesn't seem to do owt.

Seems reasonable. I sent my Coolpix A off under warranty, just before the D750 recall, (for, of all things, a sensor clean) and it took two weeks to come back to me.

Belting camera, by the way. Makes sharper pictures than the D750.:exit:
Anyone hired lenses before?

I'm doing a friend's wedding in a few months unpaid. Although it's free I still want to do a great job and use the pics myself going forward.

I can't afford any decent glass right now and only have the 50mm and a friend's 24-85mm available.

Of course having researched on here and online it's recommended that you either have a bunch of primes where 2 bodies are near enough essential or have a 24-70 f2.8.

So I'm thinking that getting a 24-70 f2.8 might be the answer (unless of course my horse wins today which could happen looking at the weather!).

I did a wedding before using the 28-75 Tamron and was pretty happy with the results but thinking the Nikon 24-70 or 24-70 VC might be a better option. It also took me ages to get a decent copy of the 28-75!
Seems reasonable. I sent my Coolpix A off under warranty, just before the D750 recall, (for, of all things, a sensor clean) and it took two weeks to come back to me.

Belting camera, by the way. Makes sharper pictures than the D750.:exit:
Turnaround was 1 week when I sent mine in for the flare issue.
Since finally getting around to installing the long overdue firmware update last week my portrait orientation images no longer rotate in the LCD so I have to turn the camera to view them, but what's more annoying is that they're not rotated when I import into lightroom. Any idea how to fix this? I've tried the rotate tall option but this doesn't seem to do owt.

There is an option in the menu for this isn't there?
Anyone hired lenses before?

I'm doing a friend's wedding in a few months unpaid. Although it's free I still want to do a great job and use the pics myself going forward.

I can't afford any decent glass right now and only have the 50mm and a friend's 24-85mm available.

Of course having researched on here and online it's recommended that you either have a bunch of primes where 2 bodies are near enough essential or have a 24-70 f2.8.

So I'm thinking that getting a 24-70 f2.8 might be the answer (unless of course my horse wins today which could happen looking at the weather!).

I did a wedding before using the 28-75 Tamron and was pretty happy with the results but thinking the Nikon 24-70 or 24-70 VC might be a better option. It also took me ages to get a decent copy of the 28-75!
Scout the venue, can you get close or do you need a longer lens?

Is it well lit or quite dark? Will you be there in the evening or is it daytime only?

That should give you some indication as to what lens you need to take!
Scout the venue, can you get close or do you need a longer lens?

Is it well lit or quite dark? Will you be there in the evening or is it daytime only?

That should give you some indication as to what lens you need to take!

Fairly dim but compact location. 50mm will be too tight. Group shots should be outside and plenty of space. Evening again dim but more freedom to move about so 50 might work there. Think having thought about it, 24-70 is the best option!
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