Nikon D80 lens release

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This is very basic I'm afraid:wacky:

Just changed lens on my D80 for the first time.
Held the lens release button in to remove the lens (held it in all the time)
Put the 50mm 1.8D in while holding the button in, Autofocus didn't work.
Put the lens in again without holding the lens release button in permanently.
All works fine.

Please clarify correct method please.

Dave (Learner):bonk:
Either way should be fine, but if you're holding the button in you might want to give it a little turn after you've released it to ensure it's located correctly.

Could just be the contacts were a little grubby and removing and refitting the lens cleaned them up a little.
You dont *need* to hold the button when puting the new lens on, it will click into place by itself.
Hi Kryton55, I have the same lens with my D80. Have you set the Min Aperture lock at f22, then slide the the lock lever towards the aperture ring so that the two orange dots are aligned. That should do it.
^^ That has nothing to do with what the OP was saying, your situation is the cure for FEE errors.
You haven't knocked the switch on the body to M have you :shrug: As I have done on a few occassions on my Nikon bodies some of the time & worried why the lens wouldn't AF :bang:
If the lens is a screw-driven one, try turning the MF ring a little to see if it's just a matter of the driver blade not dropping into the slot. I've had this happen on an old 28-80 and f65. Turn the focus ring gently and stop if you feel any real resistance. If this is the problem, you'll probably hear a click as the blade drops into the slot and you'll feel a lot more resistance as soon as you hear the click.