Noise reduction software - Whats best?

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Hi guys,
Now the nights are drawing in and the clocks are going back, I see myself having to use a higher ISO again on the 7D and that means a little noise.

Now - Ive always "assumed" that owning Lightroom and PS CC meant I had pretty much the best noise removal available, but I had a discussion tonight with a pro who said no way, there are lots out there much better.

So what is the "Ultimate" noise removal software and just how much better is it than PS and LR CC?

I've a few noisy images id love to give it a try with, and I don't mind paying for stuff that works, as long as it brings benefit to my images.
I have a trial for Topaz DeNoise which a number of people recommended, downloaded all their plugins for a 30 day trial.
I have used a very old version of N oise Ninja successfully, so I reckon that it must be even better now. I've heard good things of the current versions.

But for my use, even LR can do wonders. This photograph was taken at ISO 1600 on the ancient D70s in RAW, of course, and treated with LR3.
I don't think there is a definitively 'ultimate' one. Try a few and see what works best fro you. I use Imagenomic. I think they still do a free version of this, which worked fine but only on single files and strips EXIF. But the paid-for was pretty cheap and is transferable if you change your comp or editing programme.
I use Nik Define as I already had the Nik Plug in Collection. I only use it for particularly noisy images or where for example bringing out shadow details in LR increases the noise in shadows. But I find around 25 colour and 25 luminance works well in LR for most stuff up to ISO 3200 or so if the initial exposure is okay.

AP did a test here for what it's worth and rated Topaz first followed by Nik Define:

Similar test/comparison here also rated Topaz but it's a bit out of date:
I think lightroom is good enough personally, as long as you mess around with the settings and hold the alt key, you will actually see what it's removing from the image. I'm not knocking other plug-ins but I can get good enough results, also the full version of photoshop is amazing for noise removal, try it and compare it to topaz or any other third party plug ins.
Yep I'm another adovocate of Define (Nik software). It really is very good but i'm not able to post any any images at the moment.

Incidently, I use it as a plug in from CS6 allthouhg this is good. Define will do a better job.
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Thanks for your advice everyone, will download some trials and do some comparisons and see what I feel is best, if anything, over lightrooms own solution.
Really enjoying using Photoninja at the moment, noise reduction seems very good (includes various versions of noise ninja) and the RAW processing excellent.