"Now, was this Pan-F or Velvia?"

One December day two years ago I went to Belhaven Beach near Dunbar to try to take photos of my son surfing. There was a fierce on-shore wind and blowing spray, so the lens cap went on and off many times. As the light waned and the tide started to come in, I wandered off the beach, onto the nearby point and eventually back to my car... where I discovered that I did not have my car keys! Lots of searching around about, re-tracing my steps etc produced no result. Probably one of those times taking the lens cap out of my pocket, the car keys had come too, and fallen onto the sand to be covered by the tide. :( Rang the insurance company, who sent someone with a tow truck... who couldn't tow the car because the wheels were locked at an angle and the car was double locked! :(:( Luckily my son had his car there, and took me back to Edinburgh. :) Next day I had to go out to Dunbar by train, walk across to the beach, and meet one of those key specialists... a few seconds later he had opened the car door, and 20 minutes later I had two new car keys. £180, thank you very much.

Moral to the story: I now try to keep the car keys in an inner zipped pocket. But there are real risks stemming from lens caps!
I thought you were going to write "a few seconds later, I found the original keys".

I thought you were going to write "a few seconds later, I found the original keys".


Not so far... and AFAIK nor did anyone else... not that they could have worked out which car they were for, or found it anyway, but it did irk me. Now replaced anyway.
masking tape doesn't leave a mark, put a roll in your bag and a pen, i use it on the base plate on my zorki.
masking tape doesn't leave a mark, put a roll in your bag and a pen, i use it on the base plate on my zorki.
Masking tape is not nice to old leather/mock leather camera coverings. It's fine on metal bases of Zorkis but not kind to old Kodak Autographs.
I'm amazed I still have my old Asahi Pentax lens caps as they are just push on and rely on foam felt for grip, well the felt is still good after 55 years so why didn't they use the some stuff for camera seals :rolleyes: mind you, on the lens it would be sealed from the atmosphere.