Official Fuji X-Pro 2 thread

Or ask yourself what difference it will make to your photographs and if that's worth the outlay. I've yet to justify spending more than 500 quid on a body given how they depreciate.

Kev... you have no place in this thread with that attitude ! LOL!!!

Or ask yourself what difference it will make to your photographs and if that's worth the outlay. I've yet to justify spending more than 500 quid on a body given how they depreciate.
I justify it by saying it's my hobby, my money, and I buy what I want not what I need.
I justify it by saying it's my hobby, my money, and I buy what I want not what I need.
I like it, but if the financial controller or better half as she likes to be known as, had any idea what kind of money we all spent on our "hobby" the classified section would be a much busier place, as would the divorce courts !:grumpy:
I like it, but if the financial controller or better half as she likes to be known as, had any idea what kind of money we all spent on our "hobby" the classified section would be a much busier place, as would the divorce courts !:grumpy:
I'm fortunate in that SWMBO doesn't mind as it keeps me out of mischief! And I let her go into whichever charity shops she chooses! Sometimes even with one of my, sorry, our, fivers.
I like it, but if the financial controller or better half as she likes to be known as, had any idea what kind of money we all spent on our "hobby" the classified section would be a much busier place, as would the divorce courts !:grumpy:

I stopped smoking 7 years ago and bought a brand new camera with the savings, since then what I've saved on cigarettes is a fraction of what I've spent on camera gear, my better half is quite happy with my choice :)
I saw a post on here once, not sure if it was a sig but it went something like this

'when I'm gone I hope my wife doesn't sell my gear for what she thinks I paid for it'

There is a woman at work who tells her husband she pays half of the ticket price for everything, so this goes both ways sometimes!

I don't lie but sometimes I may just not mention the price full stop ;)

Not that I have to, but I do! :)
A conversation I had with a retailer in the UK yesterday revealed that they had stock of the X Pro2 and the 2 lenses I was interested in, the 23mm f/1.4 and the 35mm f/2. Had a think about it overnight and decided to go for it so I've ordered them today and I should get them early next week. Can't wait!
Well in a shock to no one mines coming tomorrow.... I resisted when WEX called me but when Park called today they got my card details, should be ace to take this on holiday next month.
Also ordered the Handgrip from WEX today as well and a 35 f2.....
Well in a shock to no one mines coming tomorrow.... I resisted when WEX called me but when Park called today they got my card details, should be ace to take this on holiday next month.
Also ordered the Handgrip from WEX today as well and a 35 f2.....

Lol, I think recently you have been. GAS is also getting to me big time though. Nope, imo there isnt.

I've been dreadful of late, mostly I've been buying used so its not really cost me much of anything so forking out brand new is a big step!
Well in a shock to no one mines coming tomorrow.... I resisted when WEX called me but when Park called today they got my card details, should be ace to take this on holiday next month.
Also ordered the Handgrip from WEX today as well and a 35 f2.....

OK, can I have first refusal for the camera when it's in the classified next week ;)
Well in a shock to no one mines coming tomorrow.... I resisted when WEX called me but when Park called today they got my card details, should be ace to take this on holiday next month.
Also ordered the Handgrip from WEX today as well and a 35 f2.....
Nice one, going by you user name I assumed you were Scottish, you can't be though £1797 approx on camera gear on a whim ?
I stopped smoking 7 years ago and bought a brand new camera with the savings, since then what I've saved on cigarettes is a fraction of what I've spent on camera gear, my better half is quite happy with my choice :)
Right I'm off to purchase 20 of the finest coffin nails, I hope SWMBO falls for it !:hungover:
Well in a shock to no one mines coming tomorrow.... I resisted when WEX called me but when Park called today they got my card details, should be ace to take this on holiday next month.
Also ordered the Handgrip from WEX today as well and a 35 f2.....
Be interested what you think of the grip. I'm not thinking I need one as it fits quite well into my hand, but you never know ...
As it's a better day today I went back down to the bottom of the neighbour's garden, and the result is this. Straight OOC jpeg with 35mm f2 lens and Velvia setting with sharpness set to -2. Only action was to resize for the web.

I've been using Canon cameras since 1979 and for the life of me I can't name one Canon paid ambassador, maybe they do exist, but obviously they're not as vociferous as the new breed of mirrorless gurus. As in all things in life you have to see through all the hyperbole and make your own mind up. I find the whole gushy endorsements hard to swallow when you know they are being handed free kit and f*** knows what else.
I put more stock in reviews from mainstream journalist, Amateur photographer or What digital camera or from sites such as DP review.

Yeah, the Canon ones are much more subtle. ;-)

Seriously, I recall one well-known, US family/lifestyle photographer switching from Canon to Nikon a couple of years ago, and claiming in blog posts that it was purely down to image quality. Within six months she was named as a Nikon ambassador. Coincidence, I'm sure!
I may be wrong but I'd assumed that part of the gushiness was because mirrorless is rather new and people were excited by the new toys and new abilities.

TBH this is one aspect of CSC's that I like, they're moving things on and lets be honest competent though DSLR's are at what they do when was the last time there was an interesting technical move forward in DSLR land? I can't think of one but with CSC there's lots of new technical stuff to either enthuse or complain about.
I may be wrong but I'd assumed that part of the gushiness was because mirrorless is rather new and people were excited by the new toys and new abilities.

TBH this is one aspect of CSC's that I like, they're moving things on and lets be honest competent though DSLR's are at what they do when was the last time there was an interesting technical move forward in DSLR land? I can't think of one but with CSC there's lots of new technical stuff to either enthuse or complain about.

DSLR's have (for the moment) reached a bit of a plateau, they do what they do well enough (at the top end) that aside from maybe EVF's surely they've just reached maturity for now?

Aside from the (in my opinion sometimes quite poor) MF assists that everyone keeps banging on about an the EVF whats so massively technically advanced about mirrorless?

I've just taken delivery of mine and I thought I'd blast off a few first impressions.

1. Build quality. It feels like a tank - especially with a weighty prime like the 16mm or 56mm. This always bothered me about the XT1 as I thought it was a bit flimsy and didn't feel particularly solid in the hands.

2. Focus speed. Feels much quicker than any other Fuji I've owned. I don't think the XT1 was a slouch, but this is definitely much quicker and putting it close to DSLR territory.

3. Overall speed. Aside from focussing, the whole system is lightening compared to my X100T. The X100T can be a bit sluggish when jumping from LCD/EVF but the XP2 is pretty much instantaneous and has quite a satisfying click to confirm it. Navigating the menus is also much quicker.

4. The shutter sound... Love it, but best off on the lowest volume setting. CRUNCH!

5. My only gripe so far - Normally I back button focus but I don't see how you could comfortably do that with this camera. The only thing I can think of is using one of the grips might allow a better grip with the fingers so the thumb is free to reach over to the AF-L button.

First impressions are great and I'm glad I made the decision to move on the X100T. Feel much happier with an interchangeable Fuji system again :cool:
A conversation I had with a retailer in the UK yesterday revealed that they had stock of the X Pro2 and the 2 lenses I was interested in, the 23mm f/1.4 and the 35mm f/2. Had a think about it overnight and decided to go for it so I've ordered them today and I should get them early next week. Can't wait!

I've got the 16mm and 56mm but I've just had a go of the 35mm f2 and it is a dream!

Definitely on my list.
I've got the 16mm and 56mm but I've just had a go of the 35mm f2 and it is a dream!

Definitely on my list.

So all the reviews reckon, not having tried any of them I'm taking a chance but, from what I've read, the 35mm f/2 should be ideal for street photography (50mm equiv on ff) and supported by the 23mm (35mm equiv). The 16mm could be a lens I'd add to these for landscapes etc and although I'm impressed by results I've seen from the Fuji 56mm f/1.2, I already have the Canon 85mm f/1.2 so I wont go for that. The Fuji 90mm f/2 looks tempting though!
The 35mm f2 is beautiful, especially suited to the X-pros because of its lack of intrusion into the OVF. My latest photo above was using this lens. Lightning fast focus.
How about the EVF? How does that compare with the one in the XT-1

I'd say it was slightly smaller than on the XT1 but I could easily be wrong on that. If it is, it's not really noticeable and with it being quicker to refresh, it operates much better IMO.
So all the reviews reckon, not having tried any of them I'm taking a chance but, from what I've read, the 35mm f/2 should be ideal for street photography (50mm equiv on ff) and supported by the 23mm (35mm equiv). The 16mm could be a lens I'd add to these for landscapes etc and although I'm impressed by results I've seen from the Fuji 56mm f/1.2, I already have the Canon 85mm f/1.2 so I wont go for that. The Fuji 90mm f/2 looks tempting though!
You'll definately not be disappointed with the 35.

As for the 23mm, I find the 35mm equivalent view a bit too close at times and personally think the 16/35 combo works much better than the 23/35. Just my two peneth though :)
You'll definately not be disappointed with the 35.

As for the 23mm, I find the 35mm equivalent view a bit too close at times and personally think the 16/35 combo works much better than the 23/35. Just my two peneth though :)

We're all comfortable with working at different focal lengths, I'm used to 35mm and 50mm on my ff Canon gear, just a) sick of carrying loads of heavy gear around and b) don't want to change lenses on and off camera bodies any more than I have to when I'm out taking pics. If the Fuji works out I'll go out with 2 cameras one with 35mm (or equiv) and the other at 50mm. I often do that now but find I'm weighed down by 2 DSLRs.
We're all comfortable with working at different focal lengths, I'm used to 35mm and 50mm on my ff Canon gear, just a) sick of carrying loads of heavy gear around and b) don't want to change lenses on and off camera bodies any more than I have to when I'm out taking pics. If the Fuji works out I'll go out with 2 cameras one with 35mm (or equiv) and the other at 50mm. I often do that now but find I'm weighed down by 2 DSLRs.
That's my favourite combination only in my case it would be my XT1 or X pro 1 with 35mm f/1.4 and my X100T FF equivalent of 35mm and 50(ish)MM. Extremely lightweight and unobtrusive, I generally also have my 10-24 and 55-200 in my bag just in case.