^^^^ What they said.... can you smell the GAS....?

I had the same problem getting a strap - both wrist and neck strap - for mine.

In the end, I got a Gordys strap - both a wrist and a neck strap that attach to the tripod mount. Many other makes will do that do. Makes life very easy with the CL and I can use the straps on my other cameras too.

Shane :)
Was looking for a new TLR to replace my broken C220 (It still works more or less, but it's an excuse to buy a new camera :D ) and came across a Rolleicord V on eBay. I looked at it for a bit and thought, hmm it doesn't look like other V's. I googled the serial number and it was actually a Va. Put a little bid on and won it for £76.77 plus £2.80 postage. Great!

Been racing home from work every day since to see if it had arrived yet, as nothing makes me more excited than a new camera waiting at home for me :D Today was finally the day, and there was a box with my name on it waiting in the kitchen. I (literally) ripped the box open and got the camera out. Looked like it was in pretty good nick and even came with a nice leather case.

As soon as I opened the WLF to look through it, I noticed something wasn't quite right. As I stood there looking at a small round reflection on a mirror it dawned on me that the ground glass was missing. Gutted! It also seems that the shutter is sticky at slower speeds as it opens for a random amount of time, and sometimes doesn't close again at all.

Not sure what to do now. Do I try and get a screen for it and get it CLA'd with the money I saved by getting it quite cheap? Or do I just send it back and then resume my search for a camera?

Mmm..Rick Oleson screen £25 ish. Brian Mickleboro CLA £75 ish...send it back.
Mmm..Rick Oleson screen £25 ish. Brian Mickleboro CLA £75 ish...send it back.

I think this is a good recommendation, although I would pick up an RB67 or RZ67 screen instead of a Rick Oleson screen. The quality of the Mamiya screens far exceeds the Rick Oleson variety and they're priced similarly. I personally find the Rick Oleson screen nearly unusable for my purposes, but mileage may vary.
Mmm..Rick Oleson screen £25 ish. Brian Mickleboro CLA £75 ish...send it back.

I would probably seek a partial refund if it was described in a way that assumes it was fully working/completely intact, and then get a Mamiya screen - Brian probably would charge closer to £50 I imagine, and Rolleicords are quite simple.

Bear in mind that even if you picked up a perfect example, there's still a reasonable chance it would probably need a CLA within the next 5 years.
nothing makes me more excited than a new camera waiting at home for me

I know the feeling , I am waiting for a Pentax K1000 described as mint due to being in a fitted body case all its life ( time will tell )
Mmm..Rick Oleson screen £25 ish. Brian Mickleboro CLA £75 ish...send it back.

Yeah that's what I was afraid of lol. Does Brian have a website or anything or it is just a case of giving him an email and then posting it to him?

I think this is a good recommendation, although I would pick up an RB67 or RZ67 screen instead of a Rick Oleson screen. The quality of the Mamiya screens far exceeds the Rick Oleson variety and they're priced similarly. I personally find the Rick Oleson screen nearly unusable for my purposes, but mileage may vary.

Aren't the Mamiya screens far too big to be used on a Rolleicord? I've just taken the one off my RB and it almost covers the entire Rollei when you put it on top lol

That's shame it look very good cosmetically!
Was the listing mentioned "fully working"?
^^^ Was going to say the same^^^

No it didn't actually mention if it worked or not, the entire listing was "I'm really not sure of any of the details pertaining to this camera. I'm guessing it's a "V" based on photos from similar listings.". I always kind of expect a sticky shutter when you buy an old camera that hasn't been used for God knows how long, but it's not even a complete camera lol.

I would probably seek a partial refund if it was described in a way that assumes it was fully working/completely intact, and then get a Mamiya screen - Brian probably would charge closer to £50 I imagine, and Rolleicords are quite simple.

Bear in mind that even if you picked up a perfect example, there's still a reasonable chance it would probably need a CLA within the next 5 years.

Yeah that's a good point. I'm not sure how ebay works with refunds as I've never needed one before. Is it possible to ask for a partial refund to cover bits that are missing or do you have to return the whole thing and get a complete refund?

nothing makes me more excited than a new camera waiting at home for me

I know the feeling , I am waiting for a Pentax K1000 described as mint due to being in a fitted body case all its life ( time will tell )

Haha, I hope it arrives in good condition! My working day doesn't go too slow until my mum/dad/brother texts me saying I have a parcel, then I swear someone keeps changing my clock when I'm not looking as the day seems to take soooo much longer
Aren't the Mamiya screens far too big to be used on a Rolleicord? I've just taken the one off my RB and it almost covers the entire Rollei when you put it on top lol

Yeah that's a good point. I'm not sure how ebay works with refunds as I've never needed one before. Is it possible to ask for a partial refund to cover bits that are missing or do you have to return the whole thing and get a complete refund?

The Mamiya screens are 6x7, so they are too big - they need to be cut down to 6x6. Lots of people DIY; I sent a screen when Brian serviced my Rolleiflex and he installed it for me.

You can ask for a partial refund, open a discussion with the buyer through eBay messaging. I imagine they might be resistant though, seeing as how it was never described as complete, or functional, or operational in any way - you may not be in a great position for any refund, partial or full.
Fleabay has a reputation amongst sellers for caving in to complaining buyers far too easily, so you may be lucky...
Aren't the Mamiya screens far too big to be used on a Rolleicord? I've just taken the one off my RB and it almost covers the entire Rollei when you put it on top lol

Yes, as @Freecom mentions, they are too big, but Brian Mickleboro would be able to cut it down and instal it for you. You could also elect to cut it down and instal it yourself.
Oi, don't you lot go cannibalising dwindling RB spares for your stuff especially since its irreversible! :)
I agree, if you've got one please don't cut it down, sell it to me I need one :D
I agree, if you've got one please don't cut it down, sell it to me I need one :D

Hmmm... I do have a spare RB67 screen, but I was planning to save it for when I pick up a Rolleiflex with a planar or xenotar taking lens, which I hope is not too far into the distance future.
As is traditional round here I've had a bit of communal GAS and bought an xa2, tragically it appears to be non functional. It won't wind on with film in it and the shutter stays open for a couple of seconds regardless of light or film speed selected.
As is traditional round here I've had a bit of communal GAS and bought an xa2, tragically it appears to be non functional. It won't wind on with film in it and the shutter stays open for a couple of seconds regardless of light or film speed selected.

They are great little cameras, but when their electronics are duff, there really isn't much of a point in trying to faff about with it - easier to try and find a better, working example.
I think I've decided that I'm going to keep my little Rolleicord and try and get it working. The actual body seems to be in really good shape with very little dinks or marks at all, and it seems too much of a waste not to really. Hopefully it just needs a screen and a CLA (plus four little screw that hold the finder on) :)
I had a Rolleicord and it was a brilliant little camera, light and compact, cracking sharp lens and a doddle to use. definitely worth getting it up and running Carl.

I had a Rolleicord and it was a brilliant little camera, light and compact, cracking sharp lens and a doddle to use. definitely worth getting it up and running Carl.


Yeah I think I'll give it a go but I'm not sure how well it'll go! Might be a month or so before I can get the screen for it though, as this month's camera fund has already been allocated to buying some stuff to start doing my own C41 developing, but I expect it'll be March by the time I've wrapped my head round it all anyway :LOL:
My Rolleicord V is one of my favourites. It probably has the sharpest lens I own. I use it in preference to my Rolleiflex.

If I had to keep just one camera, it would be the Rolleicord... perhaps...

I’m not sure if I’m losing the plot or not but I just went out and bought a screen cezanne elite scanner. I only recently bought a RB67 pro S and have yet to put a film though it (currently waiting on new light seals) I’m also developing a desire for a nice TLR camera, not to mention my current fascination with polaroid.

Is this the early stage of some sort of mental breakdown? I seriously thought I had got over all the constant need for shiny new toys.
I’m not sure if I’m losing the plot or not but I just went out and bought a screen cezanne elite scanner. I only recently bought a RB67 pro S and have yet to put a film though it (currently waiting on new light seals) I’m also developing a desire for a nice TLR camera, not to mention my current fascination with polaroid.

Is this the early stage of some sort of mental breakdown? I seriously thought I had got over all the constant need for shiny new toys.

Well if it is a breakdown, you're in the right place for it :D
There are three things we all suffer at sometime:- CRAB (can't resist a bargain even if you don't need it)..GAS (gear acquisition syndrome)...LBA (lens buying addiction) :D
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What a lovely thing !

The timer could be 50 years old as mine is similar...never used it much as if the camera is on a tripod I just used a very long cable that works on air pressure and I sat with the group and squeeze a rubber bulb and this way no guessing like with a timer when the shutter goes and you can say to everyone at the count of three say cheese. Mind you if the cable can't be hidden it's not much use.
As is traditional round here I've had a bit of communal GAS and bought an xa2, tragically it appears to be non functional. It won't wind on with film in it and the shutter stays open for a couple of seconds regardless of light or film speed selected.
I have a couple of XAs gathering dust (well, in a storage box), if you would like one? I'll check what they are.
Just let me know... :)
There's an Olympus XA and a Mju 1. I'd better check that they are working, should be :) Both owned from new.

I never got on with the mju but I'd like go with the XA. Don't worry about film testing it if it turns on I'll swing round on the bike. Let me know and I'll put up a wanted ad to keep above board.
Hi Steve
It turns on, but I think the battery has been in for years- probably about ten.
Going free, so no need for an ad.
PM being sent.