Oiii !! This is my bit!!


TPer Emeritus
Ebenezer McScrooge III
Edit My Images
Turn now please

This will be the royal wave then

get the washing machine warmed up mum, be home soon :)

Motorsport can be dangerous, would owners ensure dogs are kept on a lead at all times ;)

Very cool, all of them! :D
Ta, today was a lot of fun, last day of the club championships and the last race was optional fancy dress.

Got to love these wee hooligans ;)

I take it the guy missed you! :eek:

Nice shots as usual Dod. I see set the EV bias to overexpose by a third. Is that common for the sport or just the day?
I see set the EV bias to overexpose by a third. Is that common for the sport or just the day?

Sorry, missed this, been a bit busy the last few days.

It varies. I started off manual but the light was changing too often so shifted to Shutter priority. You tend to get a lot of reflections from these guys and it messes up the auto settings so I'll often add in 1/3 or 2/3 depending on how bright it is. Not ideal though as you can end up blowing out the sky a bit as well, or getting overexposed shots when it doesn't need the compensation.

You just really need to be thinking about it all the time and compensating as and when you need it.
Thanks for the response (on your birthday and all!).

I asked as I have similar difficulties when taking photos of mountain bike racers in the woods where the light fluctuates wildly. You spend your entire time looking at your histograms!!
Thanks for the response (on your birthday and all!).
Beats working :LOL: Day on the phone anyway today, I can browse between calls.

Woiuldn't mind giving the mountain bikes a try out sometime, where abouts do they hold the races?
mucky buggers!