Ok - EOS 500D or D40?



The title is meant to read 40D!

Apologies all, this question I'm sure has been asked countless times. I have searched and read some informative posts, but I am still undecided.

After a break I now have some funds to take up photography again. Coming from a Canon 350D with some sigma / EFS lenses I would like to stay on the Canon side of things as I would have access to a few lenses courtesy of the father-in-law.

So I am torn between a new 500D with all the latest gizmo's, self cleaning, warranty etc or a mint second hand 40D. Both would be body only with a battery grip fitted.

Use would be the usual wildlife / portrait / bit of everything dependant on what lenses I could steal.... um I meant borrow.

My head tells me to go for the 40D (if I can find one) but I guess I would like a sanity check.

Any advice would be gladly received.


If you click edit -> go advanced and then you can alter your title (y)

Personally of those 2, if you don't want / need the video function of the 500D, I'd go for the 40D. Bigger body, higher fps etc, don't think you'd be disappointed with either body. If you can, try to get to a shop and have a hold of both (50D is same size as a 40D), I find the 40D much nicer to hold than my old 300D - which my daughter uses and is perfect size for her (y)

Don't forget about the 450D if finance is coming in to it and you don't need the video function.
I'd go for the 40D if you don't care about the video feature.

Much larger body which IMO is a massive benefit and is also a step up the ladder feature/performance wise.
It has to be the 40D! And it does have self cleaning sensors.
Thanks all - confirmed what I was already thinking - the 40D it is then. The next task is to find a decent one!