"old" digicams

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Not sure how this will go but.. I've got a thing for "old" digicams, from the infancy. Anyone else have one or two laying about? I quite like going back to how things used to be occasionally! I have just acquired a Sony F828 for under 40 notes. Very nice thing considering. Also have an EOS D30. Will post some pictures later. Not sure if this thread will go anywhere but... here is hoping! Cameras over 15 years old in the digital world, shall we say? Anyone else have anything like this? Breathe life back into the ones that kicked it off for you!

My 18 year old D30

My 15 year old F828
Not as old as 15 but I have a 1D MK 3 that is actually 4 months away from being 11 years old now.

Apart from video and resolution it wipes the floor with a nikon d810
Somewhere I have my very first digital camera.

A Kodak though can't recall the model number but is <1MP camera.....it was a Xmas gift oh so very long ago.
I still find the odd use for my Coolpix 990 which I bought new in 2000. The full circle fisheye is particularly useful.

Sony A65 8GB Unnumbered DSC01857.JPG
still got one of these that i like to use every now and again


My first two Digital Cameras have long since seen the inside of a land fill
1. A Vivitar something or other (320x240 resolution, 27 pictures and I seem to recall the memory was volatile). Dates from pre 2000
2. Kodak DC240 - Actually took reasonable shots for a 1.3mp camera - Dates from 2000 (took it on my Honeymoon).

I do still have a Digital Dream L'Espion which was in interesting toy from around 2001/2002.
Looks exactly like this
(Not my image).

I still have an old Fuji S5600 hanging around somewhere from 2007 or so. Dead internal battery :/ so it doesn't keep time or settings, but still functional.
Shame about the S5600; can’t the internal battery be replaced as in it’s just a button type battery? Shame!
I had a f828 a few days after it came out ,a superb bit of kit despite the weight and small sensor ,it was a toss up between that or a canon DSLR at the time and the Sony was better specked
My favourite old camera was the Ricoh i700 .bit of a spy type camera 3.3 mp with a flip up screen .long and slim easy to slip into a pocket ,I used to use it to photograph finds in the field while metal detecting ,as with all Ricoh cameras of that time it focussed down to 1cm . Super bit of well made kit
I tried one of these for a while! Didn’t cpmvncoe me though; the F828 is convincing me though. So far, quite impressed!

i still quite like the camera :)
it doesn't take great images every time you press the shutter and focus can be challenging on occasion but when everything comes to plan the images are not half bad considering it's age and limitations

compared to modern cameras there is no competition but that doesn't really matter if the image has some importance to me i will use a better camera but i like the challenge sometimes of trying to get a good result from it
the oldest digital camera i still have gathering dust in a drawer is this 1996 vintage Agfa Ephoto 307
i don't think i ever got a keeper out of it :(

taken with canon powershot pro 1 :)


no idea where the lead might be it's probably floating round in another draw somewhere

dunno why iv'e hung onto this it's basically crap, it was crap new and age has done it no favours
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In '96, they only had USB 1.0, which was rubbish, so it likely had an RS232 serial lead.
You'll be lucky to find anything today with a port to plug it into. :(
In '96, they only had USB 1.0, which was rubbish, so it likely had an RS232 serial lead.
You'll be lucky to find anything today with a port to plug it into. :(

your right it is an RS232 lead i edited my post to delete the USB lead bit when i realised it wasn't USB

the lead will be around somewhere but i won't be losing sleep if i don't find it :)
I had one of those L'Espion things. Came in a funky pyramid box, worked for about a week,
Other than that I've got a Nikon Coolpix 3200, flash cards and an appetite for batteries.
I still have an Olympus E1, full 4/3, the one with the shutter which sounds like an angels drawers dropping. No lens for it, though!
Somewhere in my storage unit is a Canon Ion from the late 80s. Not really a digital camera as such, but a still camera built on video technology. Stores pictures on a small floppy disc and plugs into a tv to display them. Bought it for 1.50 at a boot sale around 2005. I was robbed.
Somewhere in my storage unit is a Canon Ion from the late 80s. Not really a digital camera as such, but a still camera built on video technology. Stores pictures on a small floppy disc and plugs into a tv to display them. Bought it for 1.50 at a boot sale around 2005. I was robbed.

Seeing mention of floppy disk storage..........I wonder if anyone is (still?) a Sony Mavica???
Few of mine from he F828! Nothing amazing but I do like the Lena despite the many moans about the fringing..
Pictures below, reattached!


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I lusted after a Sony f717 for years! I thought they were so cool.

My first digital was a Nikon coolpix s5 (I think) I loved that camera. It came everywhere with me.... eventually the paint wore off, all the screws came out and it literally fell apart.

I called Nikon to try and have it refurbished but the serial had worn off the bottom of the camera. No idea where it ended up - but it capatured some great memories.
I still have an Olympus C5050Z which will be 15 this year. It was bought to replace the 2020 that I managed to leave on a train.

Until recently my son had been using it, but he now has an X-T1. This camera is one of the first to utilise a 1/1.8" 5 megapixel CCD sensor. Previous 5 megapixel sensors had been 2/3" in size.

Taken in 2005 on a weekend trip to Valencia, for 5MP, it delivers great images......

val05 by Steve Jelly, on Flickr
The oldest digital camera I have is a Medion and dates from 2005. I like simple cameras and this one is very simple and it's a nice metal little credit card sized camera but with the drawbacks of being slow and the colours being all over the place. I find it best to open the files as raws in CS5 and tweak for effect.

Here it is, front and centre.


And just one picture :D


As the colours are a bit funky I sometimes like the old film look but also sometimes convert to black and white in Nik filters and I don't think these would look too out of place in an old photo album and for that reason I can't bring myself to throw it out :D
Until recently my son had been using it, but he now has an X-T1. This camera is one of the first to utilise a 1/1.8" 5 megapixel CCD sensor. Previous 5 megapixel sensors had been 2/3" in size.

thats interesting - the F828 has the ⅔ sensor - I thought the ⅔ size were bigger than the 1/1.8 and ½.5 that are commonplace now on cheaper zooms? I thought the ⅔ style is the ";argeest out there apart from the 1 inch ones?
thats interesting - the F828 has the ⅔ sensor - I thought the ⅔ size were bigger than the 1/1.8 and ½.5 that are commonplace now on cheaper zooms? I thought the ⅔ style is the ";argeest out there apart from the 1 inch ones?

Taken from DPReveiew

DPReview said:
On August 19th (approximately a month before Photokina 2002) Olympus announced their new five megapixel, three times optical zoom prosumer level digital camera the C-5050 Zoom. This camera is one of the first to utilize a 1/1.8" (7.18 x 5.32 mm) 5 megapixel CCD sensor. Previous 5 megapixel sensors had been 2/3" (8.8 x 6.6 mm) in size. The advantage of the 1/1.8" size is that it is identical to previous three and four megapixel sensors and so certain components such as the lens system can be re-used without requiring any redesign. In the case of the C-5050 Zoom it uses the same three times F1.8 - F2.6 lens seen in the two megapixel C-2040 Zoom*, three megapixel C-3040 Zoom* and four megapixel C-4040 Zoom.

So, the new sensor was physically smaller than other 5MP sensors, but it fitted into the bodywork of previous models (of less MP), which meant that little retooling was required.
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My second digicam, the first was stolen and was a 640x480. Crap but expensive at the time. This was a major step up, cost around £400, 8MB storage!
P6280001 by Pete Banks, on Flickr
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I could get 3 EM10MK11s for what this cost me


Early shot from it

Only one I have left is this Canon A720is, still use it sometimes, great for macro, think its circa 2007

As many are mentioning millennial models.

I still have (though not used for years) my Fujifilm F700 bought in 2003 within weeks of it being in the UK. I researched for ages once it was announced as it was a lot of money for me at the time. Superb camera IMO for its time.
Still have my first digital camera, complete with box, instructions and receipt, a JVC GC-S5 which was released at the beginning of 1998,
though it was really a clone of the Fujifilm MX-700. It has a resolution of 1280x1024, and the lens is 7.6mm f/3.2 that equates to a 35mm FF lens.
LCD screen was a reasonably sized 2 inch colour, and there is also an LCD panel on the top. Not too bad for the £370 purchase price!!
