Olympus Mju ii Question

simon ess

Just call me Roxanne.
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I've just picked up this Mju 11 and would like to know if it has a fault

DSC_6333 by Simon, on Flickr

In low light it sends out a stream of low level flash pulses, presumably to help it focus.

The flash though, as it's pulsing, gives out a faint crackly buzz.

Does anyone know if this is normal for this camera or is it a fault?

Isn't that red eye reduction?
This that I found on the Olympus web site seems to confirm it, so the concern is about the slight buzz.

New Advanced Combination Autofocus System
An advanced combination autofocus system, which is newly developed to combine the advantages of active and passive dual autofocus systems, assures an unprecedented level of focusing accuracy. Even when shooting extremely low-contrast subjects such as solid color clothes or skin tones, a person standing in front of brightly lit nighttime background, or other subjects that a conventional passive autofocus system has trouble handling, the µ[mju:]-II Zoom 170's advanced combination autofocus system assures precise, accurate focus. Its system integrates the active system which can be used properly among two autofocus auxiliary lights (infrared light emission diode/electronic flash) in compliance with each scene. In addition, the multi autofocus system recognizes the main subjects and brings them into focus even they are slightly off-focus.
I have a similar machine - a Mju III - 120 - it buzzes as it pulses flash when finding focus -