Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

On you folks recommendation I've been playing with ISO3200 and I have to say I'm rather impressed.

Here's our other cat Alfie, this is a raw shot straight into Lightroom with NO processing done whatsoever. None.

PL25 at f/1.4 ISO3200
View attachment 28358

Here's a 100% crop:
View attachment 28362

The more I use the camera the more I like it and to get this quality at ISO3200 is amazing. Still got lots of settings to play with and loads of functionality I haven't tried yet too. Might it be time to flog the D610 for an EM1 and go all in?
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Ha ha, not until Oly figure out continuous tracking AF. However, to be honest there are only a few occasions where I need tracking AF so I really can't see me using it much - certainly won't be taking it to Marrakech when we go in Feb.

Fortunately there is no pressure to sell it so it will just sit there until needed.
There is something about that Leica name isn't there...

I've been looking at the O25 and umming and ahhring, think I'll keep the PL though and I'm looking for the 17mm instead (no point in swapping one 25 for another).

I currently have the P14, PL25 and O40-150 (and 14-40EZ which I haven't really used). In reality I can't see me needing more than that at the moment - doesn't stop GAS though.

The big roadblock in my mind is that I am shooting a mates wedding this year and I kind of feel I should keep the D610 for that. On the other hand, two OMD's one with a 17 and one with a 45 would work rather well too...
The c-af with tracking on the e-m10 is hilariously bad. I tried it last week at the local park, following a RC car and it just kept jumping to stationary objects nowhere near the subject.
I did the same with some ducks, I had an astounding array of water shots :)
I know what you mean, it's a big old unit by m43 standards. I sold my Nikon 70-200 to fund the Oly. The Nikon never got used because it's weight combined with all the other FF stuff was too much.

I reckon my existing m43 kit plus the 40-150 should be pretty manageable in comparison.........hopefully.

It's certainly bigger than the tiny Lumix 35-100 f/2.8 but then it has a fair bit more reach. Really the hood is the culprit to a degree, especially when extended but then it is a pretty neat solution.
I have my E-M1, gripped with 12-40, 40-150, MC-14, 75-300 and 60mm macro all in the small Lowepro Flipside Sport 10L AW for walks/trekking. Sometimes throw in the Samyang 7.5 Fisheye in the side pocket too.
15 - 600 mm (EFL) in a quite small lightweight package, that's what I like :)
I used to keep changing cameras all the time because one could do this but another could do that,etc,etc. Then i looked back over my photos and realised i never use half the functions these cameras have.

They will never make a camera that can do everything good. Otherwise every one would buy that and then the now oh so common annual upgrade release would not keep them bringing in the money....hehe

I think i had 6 different cameras/systems last year. It had to stop!

And now with my Em5 it has!!!!!

I hope you guys dont need to quote me on that in a few months....lol
Lol. Was going to advertise my 25 this weekend but a few retailers are doing a 10% discount on Oly lenses so I'll wait a bit I think.

Quite fancy both the PL15 & 25.
Wilkinsons still have the silver PL 15mm for £349.99 if your quick about it!
How would that make any difference? It has the same sensor and processor doesn't it?

I'm happy shooting RAW so it makes no difference, i just don't understand it.

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

Nice shots David.

The E-M10 had the same TruePic VII image processor as the E-M1 but the sensor is different, it has the E-M5's 16 MP sensor (manufactured by sony).
The E-M1 uses a sensor manufactured by Panasonic and has on chip phase detection as well as the normal contrast detection photosites. The E-M1 may offer a tad more resolution by virtue of it's lack of antialiasing filter but to be be honest I can't say I've ever found the output from my E-M5 lacking in comparison to my E-M1.
The E-M1 also trumps things with 5 verses 3 axis IBIS and the EVF is a real nice step up too, not that it would enhance image quality of course.
Then there the general handling, weather sealing etc etc but to be honest I like both bodies, the E-M1 for the handling and feel, the E-M5 (E-M10 is similar) for it's tiny stature/package.
Meh. The focussing system drives me insane. Could have had some pretty awesome shots today but the focussing kept missing. When it did get it though it was bang on. It may be down to me though. :LOL: Is the em1's PDAF much better?
Here's a couple from a short walk yesterday.

Something I am coming to notice is that when shooting in burst the first one is always the best - not surprising I suppose but its something I will need to adjust my shooting to accommodate.

Someting else is that lens hoods would be useful - oblique sun seems inevitably to lead to some funky purple flare.

View attachment 28442 View attachment 28443
Meh. The focussing system drives me insane. Could have had some pretty awesome shots today but the focussing kept missing. When it did get it though it was bang on. It may be down to me though. :LOL: Is the em1's PDAF much better?

Here's the rub, as far as I know PDAF only kicks in if you're using 4/3rds glass via a MMF (1,2 or 3) adapter, of course the older 4/3rds glass was designed for PDAF.
I've now sold all my 4/3rds glass.... there have been reports that the 4/3rds 50-200 SWD (f/2.8-3.5) works quite well with the E-M1 but i can't verify it.

I did get some reasonable results yesterday with my new 40-150 f/2.8 using C-AF+tracking , Red Kites circling at dusk.
To be honest the best most consistent results have been using S-AF when panning or following a target, reason being it's so quick.

Edit: A few examples http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/th...m10-owners-thread.395080/page-83#post-6599732
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Meh. The focussing system drives me insane. Could have had some pretty awesome shots today but the focussing kept missing. When it did get it though it was bang on. It may be down to me though. :LOL: Is the em1's PDAF much better?

Hoping so ;)
Really? So it's just an advertising con then? That's poor. If you look on mu43 at the recent motor cross pics that were posted they're awesome. It just has to be me then. Will have to try and play with different settings then.

With my Nikon I used to shoot AF-S and it worked really well, motorsport, birds etc. I was amazed when I tried the 3d tracking. It was so good.

Might give face detection a whirl and see if that's any kop.

Like the Swan Ned, the second shot hurt my eyes. :D
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Really? So it's just an advertising con then? That's poor. If you look on mu43 at the recent motor cross pics that were posted they're awesome. It just has to be me then. Will have to try and play with different settings then.

Not really a con, PDAF was included with the E-M1 to appease the many 4/3rds users out there who felt they had been left behind in the push towards mirrorless m4/3rds as the main flagbearer for the 4/3rds sensor format.
So Oly users with E-series DSLRs finally had something in the E-M1 that would make use of their legacy 4/3rds glass and there is a lot of very nice glass in that range.

Edit: Here's some more action examples with the E-M1 http://e-group.uk.net/forum/showthread.php?t=34350
These were all taken using the not particularly fast (aperture wise) 75-300 MKII, it still locks focus very quickly, these were all from bursts using S-AF.

Thought I better post some here too rather sending you off somewhere else ;)

The classic Hunter trainer

Extreme aerobatics with the XtremeAir XA-41 Sbach 300

Spitfire MKIXB & Mustang P-51D
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Still doesn't make sense to me. Why include a superior af system and then not make it of any benefit to the native lens users? Any new comers to the system won't get the benefit unless they buy older, more cumbersome lenses...
The newer m4/3rds lenses from Oly and Panasonic or anybody else for that matter are not designed for phase detection auto-focus.
They are some cracking pictures Huw - really nice! Love the Spitfire and Mustang and the Hunter looks almost 3D!

Out of interest, how is a lens 'designed' for types of AF - is a matter of the electronics?
Thanks Ned :)
Regarding the electronics that may be one aspect but also I understand the focus mechanism would be optimised for contrast based autofocus, this suits lighter elements with lower inertia (again I understand). I hasten to add I'm no expert :)
It was explained to me that contrast difference AF needs to scan, until it recognises the sharpest result. Whereas Phase differential compares the signal of 2 points, calculates the focus distance. So CDAF drives the lens blindly to the focus point. And PDAF knows the value before it starts. So a PDAF lens must know where it currently is.

PDAF is not strictly "superior" to CDAF. As CDAF has accuracy and low light benefits. I guess the best is a Hybrid system with matching lenses.
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They're lovely shots David.
Great resolution and the exposure looks spot on.

I would expect the E-M1 to meter in the same way as the E-M10.
For most of these air show shots I would have used shutter prioty, center weighted or spot for metering with my finger on positive exposure compensation whilst keeping an eye on the live histogram.
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I had a horrible keeper rate yesterday out in Sheffield, but as soon as I saw them I saw why - I'd left it in aperture priority, which had given some slow shutter speeds (1/125 ect) which given I was shooting on the move from the hip on a cloudy day was way way too slow and the motion blur was just stupid.