One of my first shots...

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Hi all, this is one of my first shots that i havent taken on point and shoot, just thought id share it to see what u think, i dont care if u pull it to pieces as its still very early days only had my cam at Christmas just starting to enjoy it ;)

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If you could explain what you have tried to capture/achieve, it would help with an analysis and critique.
Personally I'm not sure, it looks like a chair in a partially decorated room, nothing else.

I agree with Gary - Some more comments and what you are trying to achieve would help. My initial thoughts are similar to above.

Compositionally, the chair is on the bottom third, which is good. I would suggest moving it to the right, so that there is more space to look into as if you were sitting in it.

Hope that helps - Keep em coming (y)
Although not to excelently framed, I do like the lighting (from the side?) and how it bounces off the legs, and the shadows it forms, hope that you expand your photography horizons!
cheers for the feeback ;) i wasnt really tring to capture alot just messing around tbh, comments appreciated.