OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

I have stuck quartz on the lion mac and gimp is definitely better. There isn't the lag between doing something and having it display just slightly behind where you were. Wish I'd changed on the old mac as that was chronic.
You can change this in the mail preferences...

:) Cheers, I found that pretty quick to be honest.

I may have been a little harsh about Launchpad too, as I can kind of see a use for it as the app folder get full it gets more cluttered, but seeing as you can sort and delete what you see on lauchpad it could become the default way to get to apps.

Apart from the safari issues the other are just getting use to them I guess, and after my upgrade of Aperture I see that apple want a grey world, personally I found have project and folders different colours a very good idea.

May be Apple don't want everyone buying retina displays when a good old monochrome monitor is going to work fine on their GUI :thinking:
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Having to pay about £11 to upgrade Little Snitch virtually doubled the total cost :D

Not the biggest upgrade in the world. I would certainly have been a bit miffed if I'd had to pay Windows OS upgrade prices but at £14 or whatever it was I'm quite happy.
Are they complete dummys, no RSS reader in Safari OR Mail :bang::bang: and why change the way to remove stuff from the dock, somebody over there wants a good kicking, Steve will be spining in his grave.

I wish it was easier to go back to previous OS version.
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ML hasn't been ground breaking, especially since I don't use iCloud etc. But it has made a significant improvement in speed and stability of Lightroom 4 / CS6 for me. That's well worth the price alone.

Other favourites are 1 click drive encryption and voice dictation which is going to get a fair bit of use I think...
1. x11, which apple now appears not to support directly, but does direct you to xQuartz for the solution - x11 is needed for GIMP, so this could be a surprise for people updating.

I'd be interested to know if xQuartz works ok with gimp and inkscape. Just wondering whether to try xQuartz with both of them and find out. Hopefully they'll work better as the gimp ui is rather slow.

When I installed GIMP 2.8 on Snow Leopard (10.6.8 iirc) when it first came out it actually made me install xQuartz anyway. I can't remember the exact reason but I think the installer failed until I had xQuartz.
put this on my macbook which is 2011 and the airplay mirroring is exceptional. Almost no delay at all and its awesome being able to get video and sound onto the hdtv with no cables.

It's much better than the ipad mirroring because it changes screen res to fit your TV full screen.
so whats going on with notes? In icloud to set up notes you need to enter a mobileme email address. Why can't i sync the notes from my iOS device to my mac using my normal icloud email address?
Having to pay about £11 to upgrade Little Snitch virtually doubled the total cost :D

Not the biggest upgrade in the world. I would certainly have been a bit miffed if I'd had to pay Windows OS upgrade prices but at £14 or whatever it was I'm quite happy.

why dd you have to pay to upgrade little snitch? I upgraded mine at no cost
why dd you have to pay to upgrade little snitch? I upgraded mine at no cost

It depends when you bought it. It was a free upgrade if you bought it since a particular date which I can't remember.
If i have no iOS devices, is there anything worthwhile in Mountain Lion?

Macbook pro 17 2009
If i have no iOS devices, is there anything worthwhile in Mountain Lion?

Macbook pro 17 2009

Yes it is worth the price, because it is such a small charge. Had it been like Windows and £100+ then I'd have been shouting RIP OFF but at that price it is.

Nothing much to really shout about to be honest. I had taken the installer and modified it onto a memory stick and made it work with a 32bit EFI using Lion files but there is so little difference I can't be bothered re-installing it and setting up server again. I'll leave it for now...

My new laptop is due soon which will have it too........ Retina MBP with 16Gb Ram, 512 Gb SSD and the fastest processor........... Niiice. Glad my MBA is this years model so it all works nicely.

I still think it was a shame that Apple blocked 32bit EFI as it clearly works!!
Yes it is worth the price, because it is such a small charge. Had it been like Windows and £100+ then I'd have been shouting RIP OFF but at that price it is.

Nothing much to really shout about to be honest. I had taken the installer and modified it onto a memory stick and made it work with a 32bit EFI using Lion files but there is so little difference I can't be bothered re-installing it and setting up server again. I'll leave it for now...

My new laptop is due soon which will have it too........ Retina MBP with 16Gb Ram, 512 Gb SSD and the fastest processor........... Niiice. Glad my MBA is this years model so it all works nicely.

I still think it was a shame that Apple blocked 32bit EFI as it clearly works!!

Cheers Darren. I hear a lot of people mentioning airplay problems with older laptops - is this only airplay mirroring to apple tv that has problems.

I use airplay from itune to stream audio to an airport express - will this still work?
Hopefully my itunes gift card thing will come today, then I'll be trying out ML on my 2011 13" MBP.
I haven't used AirPlay yet although I will soon enough. My main machine is a 2008 17" MacBook pro although I have a mac pro and a 2012 MacBook air. I've just given the MacBook pro to my daughter as my 2012 retina MBP is on order when that arrives I'll try out the airplay. To be honest I wouldn't upgrade an OS for one feature but as it is so cheap it makes it ok. When I gave her the MBP I got her 2008 white MacBook which I'm going to use for karting around at work. Stuffed a £67 120gb sandisk 500ms/s SSD in it and it transformed it :) so looks like I'll still be using lion on half my machines.
Yes it is worth the price, because it is such a small charge. Had it been like Windows and £100+ then I'd have been shouting RIP OFF but at that price it is.
We've been through this before... Apple charge for every upgrade, Windows only charges for the major upgrades which happen every 2-3 years or longer, service packs come free.
We've been through this before... Apple charge for every upgrade, Windows only charges for the major upgrades which happen every 2-3 years or longer, service packs come free.

lets compare the last three updates then.

snow leopard - £20
lion - £15
mountain lion £15

so total cost of the last three years updates is £50

how much was the update from win xp to vista

or vista to win 7?
lets compare the last three updates then.

snow leopard - £20
lion - £15
mountain lion £15

so total cost of the last three years updates is £50

how much was the update from win xp to vista

or vista to win 7?
How did I know you'd answer Joe ;)

The upgrades I did from Win Vista to Win 7 were £13 each.

For me, XP to Win 7 was £80 for Professional, which would have been £10-£20 cheaper if I had gone for Win 7 Home. IIRC, if you upgraded in the first 6 months of Win 7 coming out it was about £40. It looks like Win 8 (released 3 years after 7) will be £40.

The true cost to me was when I bought the OS's in the first place. I first bought XP in 2001, Win 7 in 2009. Please accumulate the costs of all Apple updates from 2002 to the end 2008 to find the true costs to Apple users.

Still cheaper? No... thought not ;)
How did I know you'd answer Joe ;)

The upgrades I did from Win Vista to Win 7 were £13 each.

wow, where did you get that price? On amazon it looks like it would cost me £80 to do that upgrade


what gives? how did you get it so cheap, is your price what the price for an average user would be?

also, you said each? Surely once you buy once you can put it on multiple machines? like with OSX it can go on all the machines in your house

The true cost to me was when I bought the OS's in the first place. I first bought XP in 2001, Win 7 in 2009. Please accumulate the costs of all Apple updates from 2002 to the end 2008 to find the true costs to Apple users.

Still cheaper? No... thought not ;)

Thats incomparible. The service pack features of Win XP over that time was nothing like the features added to OSX from 2001 to the end of 2008 your service packs were essentially big fixes. Also, it looks like you skipped vista so essentially a better comparison would be to ask how much it cost to upgrade to OSX from OS9 and then kept it at OS9 with the incremental updates like 9.1 9.2, 9.3 etc etc and then in 2008 how much did it cost for OSX Snow Leopard

So yes. It is still much cheaper since snow leopard cost £20 - by the way how much was Win xp in 2001 to start with?
My problem is they are slowly breaking finder. With the new iCloud integration, slowly but surely hierarchical folders are becoming a thing of the past. I have a late 2011 MBP and 2009 MP, with a complicated file structure synced between th two with a 3rd party app. The folder structure is dictated by my project work (not related to photography), with different file types organised into folders corresponding to the project. With over 50GB of files for these projects, plus 100GB of photos, there is no way that the iCloud file system of linking documents to apps without any folder hierarchy can cope with it. Then when you factor in the limited storage (55GB max, for £70 per year!), they will lose a lot of pro users, I think.

If apple push this,it's a deal breaker for me and I might end up moving to Windows (urgh) or even Linux!

See here for a comprehensive review, and how disastrous it could be if Apple push iCloud at the expense of finder:

You need to compare like for like though and compare using Windows ULTIMATE because when you get an Apple OS you get the full thing not a selection of cut down versions. The reality is that Windows is updated every 2-3 years but to be honest these are no more than the combination of 3 OSes for Apple. If you bought Leopard plus upgrade to Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion it is still much cheaper and as big an upgrade.

I really cannot see Apple charging more than the current level for their os ie £14 in fact I would not be at all surprised if they stop charging for updates eventually - They make their money on the hardware not the software.

What price is Windows 8 ULTIMATE likely to be? I will accept the OEM price because that needs to be bought with hardware and Apple's OS is supposed to be installed on their hardware....

So W8 @ maybe £90-£120 against £14+£14+£14 .........

plus no charge for the rest of the computers in your house!

I really couldn't give a monkeys what OS someone else is using. I run a Mac Pro capable of booting everything from Tiger to Lion, MBPs with Mountain Lion, Windows XP, Vista, W7 and a preview of W8 plus two variants of Linux. Some people treat these companies like football teams, it's absolutely bonkers! My current favourite OS is Mountain Lion full stop but who's to say I will not be running Windows 9 on my retina MBP in 2014/5.

I will run the OS I like best at the time on the hardware I like best at the time (so long as they are compatible and so is the software) someone on a forum slagging one OS or another off isn't going to change what is best for me. There really are some absolute loonies out there (MOSTly on the Windows side) who slag off ANYTHING that Apple does and there are also Apple fans who do the same the other way. I would suggest that they get a life.
My problem is they are slowly breaking finder. With the new iCloud integration, slowly but surely hierarchical folders are becoming a thing of the past. I have a late 2011 MBP and 2009 MP, with a complicated file structure synced between th two with a 3rd party app. The folder structure is dictated by my project work (not related to photography), with different file types organised into folders corresponding to the project. With over 50GB of files for these projects, plus 100GB of photos, there is no way that the iCloud file system of linking documents to apps without any folder hierarchy can cope with it. Then when you factor in the limited storage (55GB max, for £70 per year!), they will lose a lot of pro users, I think.

If apple push this,it's a deal breaker for me and I might end up moving to Windows (urgh) or even Linux!

See here for a comprehensive review, and how disastrous it could be if Apple push iCloud at the expense of finder:

You can stick with finder and a hierarchal file structure that isn't an issue you are not forced to save your documents in the cloud, I certainly will not be. I am going to use iCloud for a few SELECT documents that I might want to have access to on my iPad or phone and others I will have in the current directories backed up to my server in Germany....
Yes you don't need to use iCloud yet, but what about OS10.9, or even OS11? Apple are not afraid of making radical changes.... For the moment, you can run the two side-by-side in a rather clunky manner. Looking at that review, it seems that the file-open dialogue has changed considerably, making it more iCloud than finder compatible.... In other words, making life hard for us for no apparent reason. That in itself is something I am going to cogitate quite seriously on before taking the plunge.

But I wonder if this is just the start of the direction they will eventually force us to go? Think about it..... 60 million users of OSX.... But just last month, they sold 50 million iOS devices..... OSX is going to merge into iOS and I bet it will be only a 1 way merger.... And that would be a deal breaker.
Yes you don't need to use iCloud yet, but what about OS10.9, or even OS11? Apple are not afraid of making radical changes.... For the moment, you can run the two side-by-side in a rather clunky manner. Looking at that review, it seems that the file-open dialogue has changed considerably, making it more iCloud than finder compatible.... In other words, making life hard for us for no apparent reason. That in itself is something I am going to cogitate quite seriously on before taking the plunge.

But I wonder if this is just the start of the direction they will eventually force us to go? Think about it..... 60 million users of OSX.... But just last month, they sold 50 million iOS devices..... OSX is going to merge into iOS and I bet it will be only a 1 way merger.... And that would be a deal breaker.

I share your concern re the integration of OSX and IOS but I am hoping that this is down to features such as the notification centre. When all said and done it is a tool for a job and if it can't do the job it is worthless. With this in mind I'm hoping that they don't go too far.
Also I actually preferred MobileMe to iCloud! I liked the way you could sync the things you wanted to sink such as email accounts etc without messing around.
YOSX is going to merge into iOS and I bet it will be only a 1 way merger.... And that would be a deal breaker.

<troll> What like Windows 8? </troll>

Another "thing" to throw into the price of upgrage: Initial hardware purchase price. Similar spec and vintage was the price the same? Answer I'd guess is "more or less" but still something else to consider.
PS. It's pointless us arguing about costs, I'll always think I'm right, Joe/Darren will always think they're right as each of us have different relative values for features.

BTW: my favourite OS is actually FreeBSD - which the Mac OS-X interface is built on (but with all the useful stuff taken out ;))
I installed Mountain Lion last night on my MBP, can't really tell that there's a massive difference from Lion.

I ran Win8 developer preview on one of my other computers for a while and just could not get on with it. I'll definitely be resisting upgrading any of my Windows machines to 8.
I'm unsure weather to upgrade my MBP when i go and collect it back from the Apple Store later today... Might see if they want to upgrade it for free whilst i'm there, if not, i'd rather keep my 14 quid and go out for lunch....
I've upgraded and found a few things are better, but it isn't a huge upgrade.

As someone who uses AirPlay and my Apple TV a lot I'm not actually all that fussed about AirPlay not working on my 2011 iMac, I can still watch films/listen to music through iTunes and I don't see the point in mirroring my iMac to the TV for anything else.
I've upgraded and found a few things are better, but it isn't a huge upgrade.

As someone who uses AirPlay and my Apple TV a lot I'm not actually all that fussed about AirPlay not working on my 2011 iMac, I can still watch films/listen to music through iTunes and I don't see the point in mirroring my iMac to the TV for anything else.

Mirroring desktop is actually quite useful for iplayer etc I have found. My PS3 is flaky for such things and the mac mirrored to the appleTV works nicely. Mine is a 2011 iMac, not sure why yours is not working.
I've upgraded and found a few things are better, but it isn't a huge upgrade.

As someone who uses AirPlay and my Apple TV a lot I'm not actually all that fussed about AirPlay not working on my 2011 iMac, I can still watch films/listen to music through iTunes and I don't see the point in mirroring my iMac to the TV for anything else.

It depends on the setup. I have a 11" MBA and a 15" retina MBP (on order) so if I'm downstairs with the 11" MBA on my knee and I find something I can send this to the Apple TV on the downstairs TV for everyone to see..... Nice feature and useful for some things.
I Lied, in the apple store right now and i'm downloading it as we speak...