"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

Not me... :razz:


D7000 does look good - some very impressive high ISO pics coming out.

Stunning shot Graham (y)

Agreed d7000 seems to handle noise better than 7d and maybe slightly better than d300s
Thanks Alan.

I still keep flip-flopping between Canon and Nikon in my mind. :)

Just had some canvas prints done - 24 x 16" - all from the G1 or GF1

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They are all looking great, Graham, going on the wall??
Nice prints Grum.
Can i ask who did them?
Need some new pics to go up in the room where the computers moving too and fancy the idea of canvas, no need to worry about frames.
Why are you thinking Nikon or Canon with results like that...

They look great mate(y)
Cheers David :)

Tbh it's mainly because I am going to try and make a bit of cash out of photography, and I reckon the 'presence' of a big DSLR is needed sometimes (as well as some of the reasons further back in the thread).

Definitely keeping the 'G' stuff though - luckily I can afford to do that at the mo.
Cheers David :)

Tbh it's mainly because I am going to try and make a bit of cash out of photography, and I reckon the 'presence' of a big DSLR is needed sometimes (as well as some of the reasons further back in the thread).

Definitely keeping the 'G' stuff though - luckily I can afford to do that at the mo.

Quite understand Graham....wish you luck mate(y)
Saw a lovely little tree off in the distance on my travels today. Threw the car off the road at the nearest gap in the hedge, grabbed little GeoFwith the 45-200 and ran over a field like a crazed madman, as you do.

Just a snap but I like it none the less. :)


Here also: http://www.photoradar.com/reviews/product/panasonic-lumix-dmc-gf2-review

I am utterly disappointed with what looks to be just a stupid namby pamby upgrade. They have taken away the dial on top!!! WE WANT MORE DIALS AND SWITCHES!!!! It's going to be like the Nex from Sony, all on screen adjustments. NO! NO! NO!

AND...where's the built in EVF? I know there was no promise of one but it would have been great. I'm so bloody cross i feel like selling my GF1 as a protest! :D I have been waiting for the GF2 for so long and it could have been SO good but.....:thumbsdown:

Can you tell I'm a bit miffed? :D
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Hmmm, that's a shame. I think they dropped the ball there. You could argue of course that the GF1 is still so much better than the competition that they've no need to overhaul it massively.

Seems an odd decision wrt to the lens bundle options too.
Well at least I have no desire to upgrade now :shrug:

I think a big part of the appeal of the GF1 was it was targeted at 'enthusiasts' as well as compact owners - this is just aimed at compact owners. And if you are making it smaller why bundle with the 14-42? It also annoys me that they have made the lower quality 14-42 standard instead of the 14-45. Poor show Panasonic....
the lower quality 14-42 standard instead of the 14-45. Poor show Panasonic....

I've heard this a lot - I had both, and never noticed a difference between either to be honest, although I never did use either very much. Is it really that much worse?

It's a shame Panasonic have taken this decision - even without owning a GF1, the decision between the two if you're in the market isn't that clear, as the GF2 doesn't seem to add any substantial improvements (although the ISO has been bumped a bit by the sounds of it, but usability remains to be seen). The size advantage of the GF2 seems to be obviated (for us at least) by the corresponding lack of (proper, i.e. not touch screen) manual control.
I've heard this a lot - I had both, and never noticed a difference between either to be honest, although I never did use either very much. Is it really that much worse?

I saw some comparison pics on dpreview that showed a big difference in IQ wide open, and the build quality is lower, and no IS switch. If you don't shoot wide open much you might not notice a difference I suppose.
Doesnt look like the value of my GF1 is gonna drop that much, infact looking at the spec of the GF2, the GF1 is gonna be the more sought after model :confused:
I think they shouldn't have called this the GF2, and should have come up with a new name for a more entry level M4/3 camera - it's hard to see this as anything other than a dumbed down GF1. I wonder if this means there is no future possibility for an improved GF1 sized camera, a proper GF2? If so I think a few people might jump ship, either to Olympus or away from M4/3 altogether.

My GF1 is still a lovely camera though and I have no real need to upgrade anyway.
I wonder if this means there is no future possibility for an improved GF1 sized camera, a proper GF2?

There is, it's called the Fuji X100 (y):LOL:
Personally, I'm glad it looks like a crock of ****, because now I won't be fixated with upgrading from my gf1 to the gf2 as well as my daily wrangle with which dslr to buy (y)

Actually going out and taking photos with ones camera(s) is 'so yesterday' :D
There is, it's called the Fuji X100 (y):LOL:

Nah, again a different breed, the X100 is a fixed lens camera based on the idea Sigma used for their DP range (but hopefully without the DP's faults) a crop sensor in a compact camera and in the Fuji's case a very nice looking retro package, I 'm looking forward to the reviews for it's hefty price tag.

If your quite happy shooting at a single focal lentgh then its probably a good choice (I am) but then again sometimes I like the flexibility of the interchangeable lenses the M4/3 has to offer :thinking:
Looks good to me, smaller body, silent 14mm lens, touch screen lcd and full HD video. What were people expecting? It was never going have evf and is more than competition for the up coming Fuji.
I had similar gut reactions to the GF2 as everyone else on the thread here.. but to put some things in (personal) perspective..

- I shoot 90% of the time in Av mode so I don't use the mode selector that much for PASM-changing. I'd love a mode dial, don't get me wrong. A lot more than a STEREO microphone where the 2 mics are 1mm apart.. ffs..
- Video has it's own button now as well as "full-auto" in the form of iA button (wife and stranger use only) so no need for mode dial for these either.
- The thumb dial is still there thank god. As is the ISO button. Those are the most important to me when shooting so I can adjust aperture, exposure comp & ISO easily in Av mode.
- Then again the AE lock is gone. That IS annoying but I use exposure comp a lot more than AE lock. Apparently you can map the Q.Menu/Fn button to become AE lock but it's in the wrong place dammit.
- The ISO 1600 preliminary results look promising. This would be a BIG plus for me if I could confidently shoot at ISO 1600. Apparently the sensor is the same and the improvements are down to a new image processor. So there might be no improvement in RAW. That would suck. I need-want-demand 2/3 of a stop of improved high ISO.. ;)

Yes it's a less manual & enthusiastic camera than the GF1. But it just might kick my D-Lux 4 off it's go-anywhere camera pedestal. A welcome product, but not a direct successor to the GF2 maybe. Too bad it's not making it for the christmas stockings..
Here also: http://www.photoradar.com/reviews/product/panasonic-lumix-dmc-gf2-review

I am utterly disappointed with what looks to be just a stupid namby pamby upgrade. They have taken away the dial on top!!! WE WANT MORE DIALS AND SWITCHES!!!! It's going to be like the Nex from Sony, all on screen adjustments. NO! NO! NO!

Not really true though, unlike the E-PL1 the GF2 keeps its command dial which means direct access to aperture/shutter and exposure compensation, the main d-pad gives direct access to iso, WB and drive mode while the touch screen should offer an improvement for AF selection. It does lack a mode dial but then so do most top end professional SLRs yet people don't seem to complain about that. My GF1 spends most of its time in aperture priority and it's not a setting I choose often so losing the mode dial makes sense, the settings I do change frequently (iso, WB, aperture, EC) all have dedicated buttons.

AND...where's the built in EVF? I know there was no promise of one but it would have been great. I'm so bloody cross i feel like selling my GF1 as a protest! :D I have been waiting for the GF2 for so long and it could have been SO good but.....:thumbsdown:

It's on the G2/G10/GH2 etc. if you want an integrated EVF, this idea that Panasonic was somehow going to shoehorn a high quality EVF into a virtually non-existent space I think is daft and was not going to happen as clearly space was already at a premium.

Looks good to me, smaller body, silent 14mm lens, touch screen lcd and full HD video. What were people expecting? It was never going have evf and is more than competition for the up coming Fuji.

From what I can tell, it was genuinely expected that Panasonic would be able to defy the laws of physics and engineering to integrate an EVF where there clearly was no space at all for such a function.

From what I can tell, it was genuinely expected that Panasonic would be able to defy the laws of physics and engineering to integrate an EVF where there clearly was no space at all for such a function.


I think they could if they really wanted to, the problem is it would have taken sales away from the other G cameras which are not as popular as the GF1. Not sure if Olympus will do it in the future.
I think they could if they really wanted to, the problem is it would have taken sales away from the other G cameras which are not as popular as the GF1. Not sure if Olympus will do it in the future.

Having seen the size of the viewfinder units, I don't see any way they could without increasing the size of the camera which would clearly be pointless as it would make the GF series a similar size to the other G series cameras as well as upping the price. It's all well and good to photoshop an EVF onto a GF1 to show it can be done but sadly the reality isn't as simple.

John. From your reply, I take your point about external switches etc and as said the GF1 just does not have the room but to got rid of the dial i think is madness and yes I keep it on AP 95% of the time but I just like it being there. I wonder how I would get on with a NEX5?? :D :D

I did go off on one this morning :D and it's probably not that bad but it's not what I thought it would be and I have been waiting for a decent GF1 replacement for ages and ages. Hey ho
Having seen the size of the viewfinder units, I don't see any way they could without increasing the size of the camera which would clearly be pointless as it would make the GF series a similar size to the other G series cameras as well as upping the price. It's all well and good to photoshop an EVF onto a GF1 to show it can be done but sadly the reality isn't as simple.


So your saying it's not possible even though though the GF2 is smaller, proving there is abit of space in GF1 body.

Or maybe it's a clever business practice, take the G1 remove the EVF and swivel screen, put it into a smaller body than the G1 and make a bigger margin on the product as you don't need to many components.
A touch screen will mean that protective glass screens [GGS] will not be able to be used. My GGS has already been chipped and cracked. I won't want to be having to replace a touch screen.

I just wonder if any of these camera makers ever set foot outside of their labs/marketing departments and actually ask photographers what they want.
Well 'Amnesia', looks like I will be following you down the D90 rout? although I may just hang until after Christmas, see how the D7000 fairs? Also, there are likely to be a few bargain D90's on offer to 'he who has cash', there may even be January Sale deals?

I cant see the 7000 being my bag, the cost for one thing, plus I have no one to impress accept me.

The question will be, do I hang on to the G1, I have pretty well the same kit as you??? I will definitely be selling the D5000. If I sell the G1 as well, it leaves me with no animated screen, and no 'small, light' quality camera, could be a problem, me with my dodgy knee and all? It will depend on who waves cash, at what, and how much? . . . :thinking: Mmm, I have an eye on a very smart looking compact?

Enjoy your D90 Amnesia, we will likely bump into each other on the 'D90 owners thread' (y)


Loving my D90 already (there is SOOO much to learn though).
Looks like my G1 kit is all sold already... here's my favourite G1 pic to say goodbye :wave:


Do you honestly think your D90 will do any better than that lovely pic
Phew, that's a relief. Now I won't be hankering after a GF-2!

Also thank goodness the X100 is fixed lens and soooo expensive.

I'm now officially sorted for cameras - GF-1 for digital, Nikon F3 and Mamiya 645 for film.
Do you honestly think your D90 will do any better than that lovely pic

If it doesn't I'll have a lot of explaining to do to the better half ;)

I really can't find anything to fault the G1 on in good light. The main reason I moved to DSLR is that specific lenses are sooo pricey for the G1 and the low light capability isn't the best. I also have relatively large hands and the D90 just feels right in them.

I will still pop in here regularly to see what the likes of Graham, Cliff, Bloater and all you other G(F)1 owners are getting out of the super Panny (y)
Got the Dmw fl360 Flash gun coming at the end of the week for my G1
Got it off ebay for the grand total of £90 :D
Also got a softbox diffuser coming for it too.