"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

Was considering going back to a "big" SLR today, so went outside in the garden with the GF3 and my 14mm on and I think its convinced me to keep it :)

I love this little camera! must try and make more use of my G2 though! I think ive taken it out once in six months :(

Anyway, heres the snap:

P1040817(1) by ozyboyross_40D, on Flickr
I ran into one of the big problems that my G1 has today... In low light the EVF just blacks out and will not display things which can clearly be seen by eye and through the OVF of my 5D.

This is one of the big issues that stops me switching fully to MFT. It's a pain :razz:
I ran into one of the big problems that my G1 has today... In low light the EVF just blacks out and will not display things which can clearly be seen by eye and through the OVF of my 5D.

This is one of the big issues that stops me switching fully to MFT. It's a pain :razz:

Given your using the oldest MFT body, I'd expect you'd see some improvement from a newer body. Obviously not going to be like OVF's or equivalent for a while.
I think they used the same EVF up to and ncluding the G3, dunno about the G5.

There's a report that the GH3 EVF is much better than the GH2 but things like higher resolution will not help me as it's not a resolution issue. I'll need to try before I buy.
woof woof said:
I think they used the same EVF up to and ncluding the G3, dunno about the G5.

Can't say I've ever noticed the VF blacking out on my G2 and I've taken pics in near total darkness - torch light deep in a cave and long (> 20 sec) exposures at night.

The refresh rate may drop a little, but it's never gone completely black and good enough for manual focus with FD glass.
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Torchlight isn't a problem and at night when outside it's ofen not actually that dark. I'm talking about lower light than that. My G1 is good in low light, better than an OVF in fact but as the light drops further but still above the level at which human night vision kicks in it blacks out.
:shrug: . . . Have a dilema this coming weekend . . . Its the 'British National Model Flying Championships', affectonatly knowns as 'the Nats' . . . a load of grown men chasing around after highly sophistcated lumps of balsa wood, dope, plastic, carbon and glass fiber, radio controlled or twirling round and round at the end of a pair of 'control line' wires and free flight, 'like it was in the old days' . . . Some superb pices of model enginereing will be flown, loooking just like the real thing . . . :clap:

Do I take my G1/14-42PZ, dump the PZ and go for the 14-45mm manual which is a better lens, or just take the G1/42-200mm zoom. I favour the 200mm zoom, but it has been slated so much, I've not used it much, but when I have, its been OK IMHO . . . :

Gaff rigged yacht, G1, ISO200, 2500sec., f6.3, focal length 51mm.

Simple static pic at sea, G1, ISO125, 1300sec., f7.1, focal length 128mm.

Movement at sea, G1, 2000sec, ISO200, f6.3, focal length 200mm.

One extra for luck and colour, G1, 1600sec, ISO200, f6.3, focal length 61mm.

Taken afloat in verious conditions, all with the Panisonic 14-200mm. I'm not ratting them as anything special, but equaly, I'm not unhappy with the results considering the :thumbsdown: that 200mm zoom gets . . . its the guy behind the camera thats probably the problem.

The 'Nats' is only once a year and I have not been since 1992 . . . So its memory time, I was a competitor in those days, now its just playing for fun for me:)

My alternative is to dig out the Nikon D90/Sigma 70-300mm . . . I've looked back on my Sigy 300mm pics, all taken with a Nikon D80, they are not any better IMHO, in fact, I might say a little softer and the colour is not as vibrant, although PP could take care of that?

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There don't look a lot wrong with those, there's something about the old type sailing boats that's pleasing to the eye.
Lovely shots, CJS. All beautifully exposed, very well done.
I took some shots of model aeroplanes flying using my GF2 and 45-200mm

THey didn't come out too bad, at least a lot better than I thought they would. I was quite impressed with the 45-200mm. I will post up some pics as soon as I can
I've always been happy with my 45-200 lens.
It's had a good workout over the last couple of weeks with my holiday and a couple of air shows, but it's done a great job for me. I've really don't see why it gets such a bad rep.
I've always been happy with my 45-200 lens.
It's had a good workout over the last couple of weeks with my holiday and a couple of air shows, but it's done a great job for me. I've really don't see why it gets such a bad rep.

This is the point Mandoo, I looked back on my files,they look OK to me, but I have alowed myself to be influenced by hear say (thats a kind way of putting it . . . begins with 'b' ends with 't' . . . ?)? Its my problem, lack of confidence coupled with depresion, a bad combination. Something over recent months I am coming to terms with.

I still hold with my need for 'light kit' and the fact that the G1 handles better than any thing I have held recently . . . . . . . ???

In this instance, short of a compact with a 20x lens, I need the x2 200mm telephoto of the Panisonic. By its nature any form of aicraft spectating involves distance. So, 'man bag will have to travel', along with G1, 45-200mm and 14-45mm. One of those rare ocassions where the days subjects are known and therefore dictate kit requirements, still light kit in DSLR terms.

Sort of helps me to come to grigs with understanding my own general thinking and belief . . . ?

Sorry folks, not ranting at anyone, the jigsaw fits . . . in my mind, believe in ones convictions(y)

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Yeah, I get what you're saying.

I think one of the downsides of photography is that there is a huge range of kit and equipment available and it develops massive lens envy and gear acquisition syndrome. There is always this feeling that there is something better out there and with the modern age of the Internet you often read a lot of people's opinions before buying which puts a doubt in your mind about its quality before you even open the box.

I was at Clacton air show yesterday and was stood next to a pro with a 7D and L series glass all day. I felt a bit inadequate (and jealous!) at times, but I'm happy with the results I got and that's what matters.
Yeah, I get what you're saying.

I think one of the downsides of photography is that there is a huge range of kit and equipment available and it develops massive lens envy and gear acquisition syndrome. There is always this feeling that there is something better out there and with the modern age of the Internet you often read a lot of people's opinions before buying which puts a doubt in your mind about its quality before you even open the box.

I was at Clacton air show yesterday and was stood next to a pro with a 7D and L series glass all day. I felt a bit inadequate (and jealous!) at times, but I'm happy with the results I got and that's what matters.

. . . 'Gear Acquisition syndrome' . . . I like that Mandoo. Missed out on the Clacton air show, in fact I miss out on most public events, people, queues, rip off food vendors, the price of bottled water!!! . . . the actual getting there, parking and getting out, I get grumpy even thinking about it.

Recentley . . . past couple or three years, I have shed the 'must have' thing and I now take pleasure in 'getting the most from the least'. This I have applied to my whole way of life . . . some times frustrating but in general I am a much happier person. It helps no-end with control over depresion, the bank ballance is better for it. I 'can have' but all in good time when I have reserched properly, which very often ends up indicating why bother, what I have is fine:shrug:

I'm looking forward to the next few days. Getting the 45-200m out and re aquanting myself, taking lots of photos in and around home, working out the best bagging (mam bag) for the camera/lens, mobile phone, wallet, couple of sarnies and a bottle of tap water . . . we travel light. Then the trip to RAF Barkston Heath on Sunday, revisiting my past life and meeting old friends who are now grey like me. Lots of people, but not so many as a public air show. No layout for fancy equipment, £6 to get in (concession!!) and a 100 mile each way drive, thats not so bad. Mobility scooters in the back, dog sits on my lap, he is only very small . . . all we need is some dry weather and not to hot?

This will our first trip out to any event for years . . . the depresion and lacking confidence stoped all that . . . a change in outlook, life is is a much better prospect all round . . . :clap:

. . . 'Gear Acquisition syndrome' . . . I like that Mandoo. Missed out on the Clacton air show, in fact I miss out on most public events, people, queues, rip off food vendors, the price of bottled water!!! . . . the actual getting there, parking and getting out, I get grumpy even thinking about it.

Recentley . . . past couple or three years, I have shed the 'must have' thing and I now take pleasure in 'getting the most from the least'. This I have applied to my whole way of life . . . some times frustrating but in general I am a much happier person. It helps no-end with control over depresion, the bank ballance is better for it. I 'can have' but all in good time when I have reserched properly, which very often ends up indicating why bother, what I have is fine:shrug:

I'm looking forward to the next few days. Getting the 45-200m out and re aquanting myself, taking lots of photos in and around home, working out the best bagging (mam bag) for the camera/lens, mobile phone, wallet, couple of sarnies and a bottle of tap water . . . we travel light. Then the trip to RAF Barkston Heath on Sunday, revisiting my past life and meeting old friends who are now grey like me. Lots of people, but not so many as a public air show. No layout for fancy equipment, £6 to get in (concession!!) and a 100 mile each way drive, thats not so bad. Mobility scooters in the back, dog sits on my lap, he is only very small . . . all we need is some dry weather and not to hot?

This will our first trip out to any event for years . . . the depresion and lacking confidence stoped all that . . . a change in outlook, life is is a much better prospect all round . . . :clap:


What a lovely outlook you have on life, this is the best read I have had on this forum in a long time.:)
I took some shots of model aeroplanes flying using my GF2 and 45-200mm

THey didn't come out too bad, at least a lot better than I thought they would. I was quite impressed with the 45-200mm. I will post up some pics as soon as I can

OK, as promised, I have uploaded some of the photos I took at a show a few weeks ago.

All photos were taken with a GF2 and Panny 45-200mm lens set as JPG i.e. not RAW format.

Note that ALL these images are straight from the camera with no post-processing or cropping. They could do with some cropping but I thought it best to post them 'clean' given the OPs question.

I think they came out quite well given the distance I was trying to zoom in on and the fact it was my first outing with the GF2 and 45-200mm (I normally use my Canon 40D and 70-300mm lens)

These first three are of various model planes that were being flown:




These last two were of a real plane (I think it was a Jungman but don't hold me to it, I am no expert!):


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What a lovely outlook you have on life, this is the best read I have had on this forum in a long time.:)

Thanks Mal, some say I'm miserable . . . I dont think so, I'm fairly content with my lot these days, which means one does not get excited, my pleasures create a 'warm glow' as I watch the world go by, no strong desire to have this or that?

But I do still suffer from depresion, a few years ago it was days in the wilderness of my dark mind, these days, with a changed outlook, I still get 'black dog' but its a few hours, and much easier to deal with, the best thing is, others around me dont suffer, I can keep it to myself.

Just been down to Tescos to get the bread and filling for the sarnies. Hazlet and roast shoulder of pork and Branston pickle, might be some 'cheesey ones':LOL: in there some where too, tasty.

I have complete empathy with the recent posts - I always want what I don't have then when I do get it, I'm not so sure that I wanted it. Then you see the next thing and want that bad!

After having issues in Rome in blinding sunshine and a GX1, I eventually got an LVF2. Now don't get me wrong, it is far far better than the rear screen of the GX1 in sunshine but it is certainly not perfect and I did consider briefly going back to DSLR this morning. I made a mistake.


I 'always' leave my ISO set on 160 but was playing around at 3200 yesterday and forgot to reset. The majority of my pictures from a walk out today are, naturally, noisy. Whilst I am yet to view the pictures on the computer, I know that few would have been keepers anyway - but it does serve as a reminder that kit is as good as the operator.

I too am a believer in the 45-200 and think it's great. I recently saw a 100-300 going and was sorely tempted! Both pictures here with the 45-200.

I did like the colours in this - and got the ISO right!

Galaxy66 said:
What a lovely outlook you have on life, this is the best read I have had on this forum in a long time.:)

I was just about to say the same thing....we should all have a think about that.
They are great - nice and sharp and rich colours - what lens was this?

The two on track shots were with the Panny 14-140mm. The bonnet emblem was either with the PL25mm f1.4 or the Oly 45mm f1.8.

Glad you like 'em :)

So, tomorrow I go to 'the Nats', I decided I had better get some practise in!! Long time since I used any sort of long lens . . . I went to the local air field where the guys were having a bit of a 'model fly in' . . . I discovered my technique needs some work:LOL: but the Lancaster with a bit of PP did OK'ish?

Model Lancaster, Panasonic 45-200mm @ 200mm

Genuine artical, these are rich boys toys, doing final checks befor take off, Pannie at 200mm

Then it was lunch time, I had a wander around the hanger.

'Pitts Special' Panasonic, ISO400, 14-45mm, f3.5, 1/160sec.

As I say, good job I had a go, I have forgotten so much, who was that said it shows . . . ?

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Hi, I recently joined and currently have a G1 with kit lens and the 45-200mm.
I am currently thinking about upgrading. I missed the G2, and was originally thinking about the G3, but it is far too small for me to use comfortably!
So that brings me to my two last options: either a G5, or make the leap to a Cannon 550D or Nikon D5100.

Has anyone else made such transitions?
I simply cannot decide what is best!
Part of me wants to stick with the G5, and part wants to move to full size....

I LOVE the moveable screen on the G1, and also post review in the view finder. I would be really stuck without those!
Ive been using my brothers Nikon D80 to see how I get on with it, and really don't like post review on the rear screen.

I think I'm leaning towards the G5 at the moment, and would love to see some shots from one if anyone has one yet :)
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Has anyone else made such transitions?
I simply cannot decide what is best!
Part of me wants to stick with the G5, and part wants to move to full size....
I'm 95% certain I'm going to move from a 5D2 and 4 x L lenses to G5 plus top of the range m4/3 lenses. Image quality is so close you need to pixel peep to see the differences (that are there if you look). Convenience and weight are the main considerations, but I see m4/3 really starting to take off with the decent lenses that have appeared in the last year or so.

I think I'm leaning towards the G5 at the moment, and would love to see some shots from one if anyone has one yet :)
You could look in the G5 owners thread ;): http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=428627

Bear in mind those are JPEGs on default out of the box configuration. Lightroom doesn't have RAW support just yet - I would be able to do better from RAWs.
Hi, I recently joined and currently have a G1 with kit lens and the 45-200mm.
I am currently thinking about upgrading. I missed the G2, and was originally thinking about the G3, but it is far too small for me to use comfortably!
So that brings me to my two last options: either a G5, or make the leap to a Cannon 550D or Nikon D5100.

Has anyone else made such transitions?
I simply cannot decide what is best!
Part of me wants to stick with the G5, and part wants to move to full size....

Mmm . . . A number of those on here (4/3 forum) have been the oposite route. DSLR is all very well but after a while, luging great lumps of glass and camera bodies the size of hous bricks around gots the better of them . . .

That was certainly my experiance, I discovered I could fulfill my requirements with the G1, it was light and compact but not too small, had a viewfinder, as well as an animated rear screen, the lenses are not like bazookers.

I personaly have no yet seen the G5 . . . Its got to be 'streets' ahead of the 'superbly handling G1' to make me even think twice about a change. I have an almost new Nikon D90 + a couple of lenses that have not seen the light of day since last year . . . I must get round to putting them on the for sale thread.

Pays your money, takes your choice, but if you are not profesional, or do not have asperations in that direction, I cant see why one would need the agrovation of all the parifinalia . . . ask the question why? It certainly does not make one a better photographer, might impress a few mates . . . :shrug:

Thanks, I did search for G5, but the search filter said it was too short.
Plus I thought they would be covered in this thread as it was'nt model specific :)
I'm 95% certain I'm going to move from a 5D2 and 4 x L lenses to G5 plus top of the range m4/3 lenses. Image quality is so close you need to pixel peep to see the differences (that are there if you look). Convenience and weight are the main considerations, but I see m4/3 really starting to take off with the decent lenses that have appeared in the last year or so.

You could look in the G5 owners thread ;): http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=428627

Bear in mind those are JPEGs on default out of the box configuration. Lightroom doesn't have RAW support just yet - I would be able to do better from RAWs.

Hay Andt those pics taken with the G5 are impresive . . . I will be keeping my eye on the prices over the next 12 months . . . ?

??? :thinking: do I need a new G5 and lenses? . . . Christmas is just around the corner . . . birthday in June . . . ? Those realy are good enough to make me think . . .

Ive already done a lot of research on the G5, mostly on the Lumix Lifestyle forum.
I was planning on using the discount code, but sadly it was removed before I was able to due to being leaked onto other forums :thumbsdown:

Ive thoroughly enjoyed my G1, especially after I got the 45-200.
I am most likely going to get the G5, one reasons being that it is better handling low light, which is one of the few things I don't like with the G1.

I suppose I should post up a few of my favourite shots taken with the G1 over the last year or so :)






Ive already done a lot of research on the G5, mostly on the Lumix Lifestyle forum.
I was planning on using the discount code, but sadly it was removed before I was able to due to being leaked onto other forums :thumbsdown:

Ive thoroughly enjoyed my G1, especially after I got the 45-200.
I am most likely going to get the G5, one reasons being that it is better handling low light, which is one of the few things I don't like with the G1.

I suppose I should post up a few of my favourite shots taken with the G1 over the last year or so :)

Them are nice pics Martyn, one of the things that is consistently fingered on the G1 is poor low light . . . I rarly, if ever need low light caperbility . . . As I have stated in earlier posts, the G5 has got to be head and shoulders over the G1. However, I will look . . . I'm not an Ostritch:tumbleweed: . . . if it is a goer, then the price tag will dictate, wait for the G6, and special deals on the G5:shrug: well I did not say I was not tight :LOL:

Thanks CJS. I'm sure it's the 25mm that makes the difference.

Sceptic that I am, that was to be my next question, did you use that glass on a G1 . . . ? accepting the G1's limitation in poor light, the pics you 'linked' to were in normal/good light, so as I soaked in the bath, I though, 'tried on G1'?

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Sceptic that I am, that was to be my next question, did you use that glass on a G1 . . . ? accepting the G1's limitation in poor light, the pics you 'linked' to were in normal/good light, so as I soaked in the bath, I though, 'tried on G1'?

Unfortunately, never owned a G1, but I think all those are ISO 400 or less (the advantage of a 1.4 lens...)
Unfortunately, never owned a G1, but I think all those are ISO 400 or less (the advantage of a 1.4 lens...)

Mmm . . . Primes are superior we all accept that. However, as with the slating of the 45-200mm Pannie zoom which led me to ignor it for a long time, see my two posts above, airplanes and boats.

The 200mm is not perfection but it aint bad either. Also see the picture of the red 'Pitts Special' biplane, Thats at ISO400, using a Panasonic 14-45mm, I'm sure your 25mm prime would improve on it, my PP'ing might have been better too . . . but in the plan of things, I'm not unhappy with the results.

It comes back to making the best of what one has, better kit dont make a better photographer . . . I have much to learn!

I still like your pictures, 'the lens quality' . . . if you see what I mean:shrug::LOL:

I took this with my 45-200, at the time I was unaware of the extra optical zoom, so could of made them even better


Aint it good what can be don with 4/3'ds . . . I love the simple, 'real world' pictures that are being posted . . . right place, right time and a nice light, compact easy to use camera to hand . . . (y)

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Beautiful set of photos there, Dest. I don't think you need a different camera or lens after seeing those!