"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

Yes, its a combination of really wide aperture (f1.4) that isn't available in any oem lens and the slightly 'imperfect' edge sharpness that gives a unique style. The manual focus isn't a major issue unless you're shooting very fast moving subjects...and they're cheap!

At the price one might be worth it just for the fun it'd give getting used to using it. Can't go wrong I think. Plus the f1.4 will deffo come in handy sometime.
Getting to grips with the 'manual focus' on my G1, coupled with the pin sharp 14-45mm lens, I can get in really 'up close and personal':


Need to work on composition may be . . . ?


It's nice and sharp and great DOF, but I think I would have gardened away the leaf, as it doesn't quite fit. Maybe you could do it in Photoshop.
OK, it was the manual focus I was playing with, hedgerow crawling, having just discovered how good it is on the G1 . . . (y)

Here is another, different location, shaded bluebell wood, rich colour, manual focus . . . If I new how, I would have done it with a plain back ground . . . :thinking:


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memory card question for a G1.

i've already got a class 6 4gb card in the camera. i'm going on holiday soon and decided to get another card. am i right in thinking that a class 4 will be amply sufficient? the f/s firing rate is not fast enough on the G1 to need a faster one? or have i not understood the whole write speed thing?

I was speaking with a shop assistant in my local London Camera Exchange the other day and he was saying Panasonic are about to have some new models out. Anyone know anything about this?
He was saying they won't be restocking the GH2 because of this.

I am still trying to decide if I will go fully M4/3 and sell all my Canon L glass (don't have a DSLR body at the moment so the glass is useless at the moment) or get another DSLR body. It would be interesting to see what if anything Panasonic has in the pipeline. If they had something that would rival the Canon 7D I might go fully M4/3.
Sorry for not replying sooner. Yes, the cctv lens is surprisingly sharp in the centre, especially if it's stopped down to F1.8-F4.



just got to work out now how to get another bit of kit in the house past the wife ;)

anyone else got any shots with one to share?
I was speaking with a shop assistant in my local London Camera Exchange the other day and he was saying Panasonic are about to have some new models out. Anyone know anything about this?
He was saying they won't be restocking the GH2 because of this.

I am still trying to decide if I will go fully M4/3 and sell all my Canon L glass (don't have a DSLR body at the moment so the glass is useless at the moment) or get another DSLR body. It would be interesting to see what if anything Panasonic has in the pipeline. If they had something that would rival the Canon 7D I might go fully M4/3.

but the GH2 hasn't been out for long has it?
I was speaking with a shop assistant in my local London Camera Exchange the other day and he was saying Panasonic are about to have some new models out. Anyone know anything about this?
He was saying they won't be restocking the GH2 because of this.

There's a rumour site... They say that there's a 81-99% chance the G3 will be announced the second week in May.

"The cameras is a MAJOR step forward compared to the current Panasonic G2. It has a new design and a new sensor."


Looks like Panasonic may be making their cameras even smaller.
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but the GH2 hasn't been out for long has it?
That was my first though. I was after a GH2 and the guy said they didn't have any and wouldn't be restocking them. He went on to say I would be silly buying one at this point. I ended up getting a GF2 with dual kit lenses so it doubles as a pretty pocketable camera.
Might all have been a load of bull though. :thinking:
That m4/3 rumour page is funny! Are there supply issues with the gh2? I've been after a fl360 flash gun for some time and no one seems to have one and they can't get hold of them either. All very odd, why wouldn't you have supply of two current models?
That was my first though. I was after a GH2 and the guy said they didn't have any and wouldn't be restocking them. He went on to say I would be silly buying one at this point. I ended up getting a GF2 with dual kit lenses so it doubles as a pretty pocketable camera.
Might all have been a load of bull though. :thinking:

GF2 and GH2 are two different things. i've got a G1 but i think i'll be with a GF soon for the pocketability. good choice:)
Hi everyone, I have been patiently getting to grips with my G2 over the last few weeks/months but the time has come to post a few pics! Comments very welcome :)

These two were taken early in the morning in Swanage, Dorset with the standard 14-45mm lens



And these two were taken at Monkey World in Dorset with the 45-200mm lens



And finally a seagull at Poole Harbour

Markp777 said:
Hi everyone, I have been patiently getting to grips with my G2 over the last few weeks/months but the time has come to post a few pics! Comments very welcome :)

These two were taken early in the morning in Swanage, Dorset with the standard 14-45mm lens

And these two were taken at Monkey World in Dorset with the 45-200mm lens

And finally a seagull at Poole Harbour

These are as good as it gets, Mark. Clear as a bell. Some great stuff can be produced with those lenses.
Park Cameras are selling the GF1 bodies [red and black] for £200, and the black stock is running low. This is somewhat cheaper than used ones are going for on ebay [e.g. £220, £250 and more] and I've just got one as a backup to my existing one. I'd be heartbroken if it died, and not wanting a GF2 with its touchscreen I'd be at a loss replacing it.
i've been tryng to sell my metz 44 af (panasonic fit) flashgun that i use with my G1 on another forum as i'm after a fl360. funny thing is i'm trying to find a new one (FL360) out there and every single shop seems to be out of stock and is constantly waiting for stock. why? is it the earthquake? i was really surprised.

can anyone shed any light?

it's official, there are seemingly no fl360e flashguns in stock anywhere in the UK! after numerous phone calls and emails it's no where to be seen. very very odd. i can understand that it is not as in demand as a GF2 for example so stocks would be lower but even still.

is there a new one due out? does this often happen in the panasonic supply chain? anyone else find this for other panasonic kit?
There's always the possibility of that big quake in Japan causing production issues [?]

e2a: They have photo equipment factories in Fukushima and Sendai.
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I'm on the lookout for a Panasonic DMW-LVF1E viewfinder for my GF 1, any recommendations for the best reasonably price place to get one, even a second hand one from a TP member would be considered.
I'm on the lookout for a Panasonic DMW-LVF1E viewfinder for my GF 1, any recommendations for the best reasonably price place to get one, even a second hand one from a TP member would be considered.

Do not buy it at yorkshirecameras.com, however attractive the price may seem (it came up with a Google Shopping search for me the other day).

They're ripping off the company details from Martin's Camera Shop (who are very reputable).

As far as I'm concerned Yorkshire Cameras is a scam site.
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Do not buy it at yorkshirecameras.com, however attractive the price may seem (it came up with a Google Shopping search for me the other day).

They're ripping off the company details from Martin's Camera Shop (who are very reputable).

As far as I'm concerned Yorkshire Cameras is a scam site.

Hmm that's interesting - I was planning on taking a cycle ride out to Berwick today to check them out. Is it definitely a confirmed rip off? (I agree it certainly looks too good to be true : d3100 kit for approx £300!!)

Back to Panasonic G : is it worth waiting for the 25mm f1.4 that's allegedly on the way or selling up and going back to a Nikon DSLR? I currently have 20mm, 14mm pancake lenses and the 14-45 kit lens. Do we know how much the 25mm lens is meant to sell for?
Hmm that's interesting - I was planning on taking a cycle ride out to Berwick today to check them out. Is it definitely a confirmed rip off? (I agree it certainly looks too good to be true : d3100 kit for approx £300!!)

Well, there's their prices, which, as you say, are in the 'too good to be true' category.

Their site template looks the same as the one used by the con-artists discussed in this thread (though their site has now been taken down)

yorkshirecameras.com domain was registered on 18 March this year, from an address in London (allegedly) via a Registrar in Lithuania.

And finally, from the link to Martin's Camera Shop I posted earlier

Martin's Camera Shop said:
Please Note: Martin's Camera Shop has nothing whatsoever to do with a company calling itself "Yorkshire Cameras" who are claiming to be a part of our company. Under no circumstances should you send them any money. They have copied and pasted vital information from this site and a police investigation is currently taking place.

enough for me.
KayJay - I love that Glen Isla pic.

I like that dark and brooding sense in a landscape, just great.
KayJay - I love that Glen Isla pic.

I like that dark and brooding sense in a landscape, just great.

Thanks Des. The interesting thing is that I decided to take the GF1 with me that day instead of the 5D2 because I'm starting to realise just how good the GF1 can be for landscape. The skies were a bit dull that day but with the filter I could get some serious detail out of them.
Well, I spent a while away from the G side but finally saw sense, sold my big heavy DSLR and ordered a new G2 at a very good price yesterday.
Then, while looking around today, I found that someone ( Park Cameras) was selling new GF1's for £199 :eek:
Well, I had to have another didnt I? I mean, it would be rude not to get one at that price wouldnt it?

So, I am just looking for a 45-200mm lens now and I am back where I started...... again.

Looking forward to going out and enjoying these in the nice weather to come..

I took the GF1 'to the edge' last night.

Photographed a gig while using my manual focus 50mm F1.8. Set to ISO 800 I was actually surprised with the results. Both these are crops, the second moreso. They won't win any awards but are a great memory of an excellent gig.

Delain 2011 by Richard Lindley, on Flickr

Delain 2011 by Richard Lindley, on Flickr
Well, I spent a while away from the G side but finally saw sense, sold my big heavy DSLR and ordered a new G2 at a very good price yesterday.
Then, while looking around today, I found that someone ( Park Cameras) was selling new GF1's for £199 :eek:
Well, I had to have another didnt I? I mean, it would be rude not to get one at that price wouldnt it?

So, I am just looking for a 45-200mm lens now and I am back where I started...... again.

Looking forward to going out and enjoying these in the nice weather to come..


I knew you would see sense Alan. I've been tugging my D80 and heavy lens around for the last few weeks on my PP DSLR Skills course, and just realised how much I love my GF1 and G1.
First outings with the G2 and 14-42 this weekend while out with the family, which was one of the reasons I bought it as the other half complains when I bring a big camera bag with my 5D and an assortment of lenses on family trips.

Despite my experience with film rangefinders, I've been surprised how low I can go with the shutter speed without a mirror to worry about and an IS lens on top. 1/5 sec and it's acceptably sharp even at 100%, which will make up in part for the noise that creeps in above ISO 400.

Rochester Cathedral


River Medway Conservancy Board Offices


[perspective correction in Lightroom for both of the above]

Then up at the South Bank yesterday for Billy Bragg's Big Busk. The 14-42 didn't provide enough reach for any decent pics of the man himself.





I'm still feeling my way round the camera. The EVF leaves me feeling a little less engaged with the scene than an optical viewfinder and it'll take me a while to figure my way round the controls.

Now I'm waiting for my FD adapter to arrive to see how I can get on with my arsenal of FD glass on the G2...
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