Panic Petrol Buying

VAT on hot pastys since the budget! Buy it cold and spend the money saved on an extra litre or two of unleaded.
big soft moose said:
that depends on whether his bath full of unleaded is on fire or not

also random question of the night , assuming you were stupid enough to fill your bath with unleaded , and assuming you avoided it going kaboom , how long would it take to evaporate ?

.... I cab't believe I just asked that :coat:

It wouldn't, it would become dead fuel, the longer the fuel sat in a bath in a vented room, the safer it would become however it would be of no use ! Your better off storing it in your homes in anything you can find, the more the better so we can come along for even less wages than the tanker drivers and risk our lives and save yours while putting out your fire, not that I'm bitter or anything lol

And I can't believe I answered it for you
If £45k a year is an average, then that must mean there is a large proportion on around £60k, which is quite franky rediculous.

I dont care what paper its come from, its rubbish.
I work with a major Texaco distributor and none of thier drivers come close. None of the drivers that deliver to them come close and none of the drivers I meet out and about come close.

HGV drivers, and more specifically most tanker drivers, do not earn £45k a year!

this if from a drivers blog

It is ripe for attack by cowboy operators, the small companies who hire and fire drivers, paying them £8-£9 per hour for a job they know ought to be paid £15 per hour.

he also says that he works a 12 hour day 5 days a week so 60 hours at £15 , that 900 quid a week or £46,800 a year - so if drivers are supposed to be paid £15 p/h then the 45k figure isnt rubbish.

even at the £9 p/h alledgedly being paid by the cowboy opperators thats £28k which isnt a bad slice of wedge.

( I know some bleeding hearts are going to pick up on the 60 hours a week being too much, but I'd just note that i work more than that in a salaried job, as do many other people , including numerous drivers - and it won't all be driving time anyway)

Also even if they only work the standard 37.5 working week (which is a fiction in some legislators head as outside of minimum wage jobs i don't know anyone who works it) they would still pull down £29,250 per annum at £15p/h
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Also even if they only work the standard 37.5 working week (which is a fiction in some legislators head as outside of minimum wage jobs i don't know anyone who works it) they would still pull down £29,250 per annum at £15p/h

I only work a 37.5 hr week and I'm no where near minimum wage, or do you just mean lorry drivers. Aren't Tanker drivers covered by the same max no. of hours per day as other truck drivers?
On a car forum a member has asked if it's ok to top up the tank of his diesel engined car with veg oil if he can't get any diesel today. He only has room for 10 litres in a 58.5 litre tank.:wacky:
One of the two garages in Skipton is now out of fuel. It beggers belief!

Even saw the rozzers in the queue yesterday!
Me being the absolute most disorganised person I know had to get petrol last night as the light had come on. Now when I passed the station in the morning, it was 144.9 for diesel. In the evening, it was 149.9 and only diesel left (luckily for me, I run a diesel). Really annoying

Do the people panic buying realise that by the time the strike might happen, they'll probably have all run out anyway?

But the cynic in me does agree with Martin's quote:

Someones take on this from our local paper.

Fantastic idea by the government. Create panic buying of a product on which you get a massive amount of tax at the point of sale, just before the end of the financial year, so as all the extra tax revenue falls into this year and makes things look better than they really are. The public always fall for it.
35 million extra isn't going to go very far to prop up the back into recession growth figures though. Plus if everyone is worried about going out if anything it will make them worse not better!

If you think it is bad now you wait until the strike date is actually announced. Then the entire population will suddenly descend on the fuel stations thinking they're the only ones doing so!!
Do the people panic buying realise that by the time the strike might happen, they'll probably have all run out anyway?
I'm not sure they will, a lot of people will be cancelling non essential trips.
This also throws spanner in the idea of 'extra revenue for government'

Easter is usually a big driving period, lots of plans will be getting changed as no-one would want to be trapped at mother-in-laws for example. :puke:
I don't really see the government is making money from all the panic buying.

If I fuel my car up today (fat chance of that by the sound of things) then unless I am
a) just going to get rid of the fuel
b) go hundreds of extra miles looking for fuel.

My car will do the same amount of miles per tank (I always put in as much fuel as I can so the argument about the weight of the fuel increases my fuel consumption doesn't apply to me and I suspect a lot of other people who drive for a living) so my contribution to the treasury is the same, just might be in their coffers a bit sooner, but they aren't actually getting any more money.
So if the tanker drivers are unhappy at the tight deadlines being put on them under normal working conditions, then surely all this panic buying will put the distribution companies under even more strain to get fuel delivered?

So..are they going to strike now because the panic buying (due to everyone thinking they're going on strike) has made their working conditions even worse?

While I was out this morning I decided to try and get fuel as I was running low, there was a big queue at my local petrol station I got in line to wait. A forcourt attendtant then said diesel only! All the petrol vehicles left the queue and just me another two cars and a van were left. I love my smelly noisy diesel car :)
cambsno said:
Don't you mean run by morons?

This country has been run by morons for a very very long time. The general populace haven't normally been so bloody stupid
Can only say two words to the panic buyers :- Bloody Idiots.
Have you seen the news, some woman received 40% burns after transferring petrol from one container to another, in her kitchen whilst the oven was on......
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matty said:
This country has been run by morons for a very very long time. The general populace haven't normally been so bloody stupid

What he said^
No, i think the general populace really are so bloody stupid. Why else would you have the situation that we're in now if people had an ounce of common sense.

The BBC really dont help either, i notice today that since the strike wont happen over easter theyve now got a non story to depsperately keep alive so theyve now taken the step of plastering their "news" item with the biggest font possible saying that there will only be 14 days petrol left in the country. Gutter journalism at its best.
Been directing traffic at work over the past few days (work in a petrol station) and had people follow in our delivery tanker yesterday, all the diesel was gone within hours.

its crazy though- i only have 1/4 tank of fuel which shows how worried i am haha
apparently it's started here now too, not surprised at all as people in this town are monumentally stupid to say the least.
It seems everyone is panic buying petrol except those motorists interviewed on the news, who by strange coincidence weren't panic buying at all of course (heaven forbid!) - they were just trying to routinely fill their cars up (of course) whilst tutting at the ridiculousness of everybody elses's panic. :D

Only in Britain...
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big soft moose said:
this if from a drivers blog

he also says that he works a 12 hour day 5 days a week so 60 hours at £15 , that 900 quid a week or £46,800 a year - so if drivers are supposed to be paid £15 p/h then the 45k figure isnt rubbish.

even at the £9 p/h alledgedly being paid by the cowboy opperators thats £28k which isnt a bad slice of wedge.

( I know some bleeding hearts are going to pick up on the 60 hours a week being too much, but I'd just note that i work more than that in a salaried job, as do many other people , including numerous drivers - and it won't all be driving time anyway)

Also even if they only work the standard 37.5 working week (which is a fiction in some legislators head as outside of minimum wage jobs i don't know anyone who works it) they would still pull down £29,250 per annum at £15p/h

By law HGV drivers can only work 56 hours per week, or 90 hours every 2 weeks. You can only drive a maximum of 9 hours per day, or extend that to 10 hours twice weekly .
So your blog man is breaking the law by driving 12 hours 5 days a week. Which is why he earns so much.

£28k a year isn't bad at all, but it's a long way off the 45k being thrown around by the papers.
Wouldn't his tacho catch him out? (unless he's fiddling it of course lol)
he also says that he works a 12 hour day 5 days a week so 60 hours at £15 , that 900 quid a week or £46,800 a year - so if drivers are supposed to be paid £15 p/h then the 45k figure isnt rubbish.

even at the £9 p/h alledgedly being paid by the cowboy opperators thats £28k which isnt a bad slice of wedge.

( I know some bleeding hearts are going to pick up on the 60 hours a week being too much, but I'd just note that i work more than that in a salaried job, as do many other people , including numerous drivers - and it won't all be driving time anyway)

Also even if they only work the standard 37.5 working week (which is a fiction in some legislators head as outside of minimum wage jobs i don't know anyone who works it) they would still pull down £29,250 per annum at £15p/h

Sounds like someone should quit there job and re-train as a lorry driver (but on the reduced salary obviously) ;)
Sounds like someone should quit there job and re-train as a lorry driver (but on the reduced salary obviously) ;)

i'm quite happy in my job even though it does pay less than a tanker driver for longer hours. But then i'm not the one ****ing and moaning and threatening to strike - perhaps they should quit if they obviously arent happy
gman said:
Wouldn't his tacho catch him out? (unless he's fiddling it of course lol)

If its a new digital one, then yes he will get caught out. If its the old paper one, then it's very easy to manipulate.
Local BP station only had diesel this morning, plenty of petrol cars driving straight through the forecourt. I only topped up the tank with just over 15 litres of diesel, purely because I had an unplanned journey to make this afternoon as my son was unable to do it as he was struggling to get petrol for his car. He finally got some at another local BP station but they only had BP Ultimate unleaded.
i'm quite happy in my job even though it does pay less than a tanker driver for longer hours. But then i'm not the one ****ing and moaning and threatening to strike - perhaps they should quit if they obviously arent happy

I didn't say you were unhappy, but was implying that your moaning is worse than the tanker drivers so you would be well suited to be one!
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Flash In The Pan said:
Have you seen the news, some woman received 40% burns after transferring petrol from one container to another, in her kitchen whilst the oven was on......

Darwin award of the week.

Beggars belief how people can be so stupid.
So if the tanker drivers are unhappy at the tight deadlines being put on them under normal working conditions, then surely all this panic buying will put the distribution companies under even more strain to get fuel delivered?

So..are they going to strike now because the panic buying (due to everyone thinking they're going on strike) has made their working conditions even worse?


news report
Tanker drivers would normally be restricted to nine hours on the road each day but this has been extended to 11 in an attempt to make up for the shortfall.

The new rules, brought in after a request by the fuel supply industry, will remain in place until Thursday.

ooh the irony
And now, a bit of comedy relief courtesy of the IDJ media workshop. :D

By law LGV drivers can only drive 56 hours per week, or 90 hours every 2 weeks. You can only drive a maximum of 9 hours per day, or extend that to 10 hours twice weekly .

So your blog man is breaking the law by driving 12 hours 5 days a week. Which is why he earns so much.


Also, it doesn't say he drives 12 hours a day, but works 12 hours a day.

Working 60 hours every week would also be not legal, as you have to average 48 hours over a reference period of usually 17 weeks
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Working 60 hours every week would also be not legal, as you have to average 48 hours over a reference period of usually 17 weeks

hmm I thought the working time directive said you couldnt be made to work more than 48 hours average. The difference being that you can voluntarily work as many hours as you want.

one of my previous employers had staff sign waivers saying they'd voluntarilly chosen to work over the WTD limit if they wanted to do so
big soft moose said:
hmm I thought the working time directive said you couldnt be made to work more than 48 hours average. The difference being that you can voluntarily work as many hours as you want.

one of my previous employers had staff sign waivers saying they'd voluntarilly chosen to work over the WTD limit if they wanted to do so

I think I must be ill...... I agree with you ;-)
And now, a bit of comedy relief courtesy of the IDJ media workshop. :D



I had an idea for a cartoon (but I can't draw) - a packed, chaotic garage forecourt full of cars and frustrated motorists competing for the next available pump. A single, large voice balloon above the fracas, linked to every single motorist in the forecourt and queue, saying "BLOODY PANIC BUYERS!". :D

I had an idea for a cartoon (but I can't draw) - a packed, chaotic garage forecourt full of cars and frustrated motorists competing for the next available pump. A single, large voice balloon above the fracas, linked to every single motorist in the forecourt and queue, saying "BLOODY PANIC BUYERS!". :D

Hehe, like, everyone are thinking the same thing, even though they are all doing the same thing - like a chain effect! (y)
Now there's a thought!