Panoramas with Hugin/Emblend

Edit My Images
I have a family group panorama consisting of three overlapping photos which I have been joining using Hugin. Now, Hugin and Enblend perform flawlessly except where my young niece has moved her head between two shots and Enblend includes a bit of each position. What I would like to do is to get at the individual masks that Enblend creates so that I can make a few manual adjustments but can’t find any way of doing this. I can create three independent TIFFs but they don’t line up particularly well and I really don’t want to do all the blending by hand if I can really help it. Ideally I guess I want a layered .psd output but I don’t think Enblend will do this and I haven’t had any success using PTStitcher.

Can anyone give me any ideas?


PScs3 stitching bit is excellent and does what you want
I've had a very brief think about this.

I'm sure an earlier version of Hugin created a layered PSD output - I'm convinced I remember playing with it. Maybe it was using one of the alternatives to enblend for the final output.

What about, as an option, using one of the temporary TIFs with your niece as you want her as a layer in photoshop, with the finished pano as the main image, manoeuvre the image on the layer to get the right position and then use photoshop magic to let you add the correct niece to the foreground?
Thanks for the suggestions all. What I ended up doing was to add an alpha channel to the TIFF and mask out the bits that I didn't want. It seems that Enblend then uses this information to create its mask. This seemed to produce something akin to what I was looking for. One problem is that forcing a change in the mask affects other parts of the image which may in turn need editing. It took a couple of iterations to produce something with no unwanted overlaps.

In the longer run there is probably a better method but at least I now have bought some time to experiment.
