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Good morning, are there any flaggers on TP? Would like to know the going daily rate, just had a quote and I'm blown away! Maybe I've just lost touch because it's something I've always done myself, any advice appreciated.
I’m not sure there is a 'going daily rate' as such, I would expect someone laying a patio to either quote for the whole job and/or to be charging £150-200 per day etc on a daily rate.
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I would suspect a decent "flagger" is going to be £200 for a days labour plus sorting out any materials, arranging to get those delivered will be a little bit extra etc.
what have you been quoted
70sq mtrs Labour cost £4900

Did they say how long it would take? That seems spendy to me.

Round here trades cost £150 - £250 a day. Labourers maybe £100 - £150. I'd guess flagging is at the top end of that as it's very heavy and fairly skillful work. So that's about 12 days work for a flagger and his mate.
It does seem expensive but there are so many factors influencing the price, how much and what sort of material might need removing, access to the site, how many cuts might be needed to the slabs, differing levels and so on.

Get a number of quotes and ask for them to be as specific as possible, (which can be a job in itself I find).
Average labour cost for a patio between 45-85 per metre. It’s not just laying slabs, that will include digging out and levelling, laying membrane, hardcore and sand, laying and grouting slabs, So your £70 a meter is fairly good. 70 metres is quite a sizeable patio.
sounds like a lot, but like folk say is it really labour at £4900 or does that include other materials.
how much labour (days) are they saying.
sounds like a lot, but like folk say is it really labour at £4900 or does that include other materials.
how much labour (days) are they saying.

Total price for job is £8600 which also includes 7 fence panels and posts. I've decided to get another couple of contractors to quote as well but as said above that's another ball ache to sort out, no ones having holidays so lots spending money on kitchens, bathrooms and gardens I presume.
I just got quoted £7000 for a patio of 8m by 4m, new retaining wall and a path to the back shed (10m long). :eek:
Total price for job is £8600 which also includes 7 fence panels and posts. I've decided to get another couple of contractors to quote as well but as said above that's another ball ache to sort out, no ones having holidays so lots spending money on kitchens, bathrooms and gardens I presume.

That doesnt seem extortionate for that amount of work.
Masssive assumptions with out seeing the site and knowing what they are laying and how but Id say 4-7 days for the work plus pointing of the paving if not using butt joints on top
Minimum £600 a day with 3 people £2400 to £4200. Obviously lower day rate if only 2 but longer to do.
Had 2 more quotes today from local reputable company's both over £2k cheaper, as suspected looks like the 1st guy was way over priced, I hadn't even measured it myself but it also seems his measuring was out as its only 45 sq m and not 70 sq m
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Had 2 more quotes today from local reputable company's both over £2k cheaper, as suspected looks like the 1st guy was way over priced, I hadn't even measured it myself but it also seems his measuring was out as its only 45 sq m and not 70 sq m
that would account for 2k cheaper so not over priced but would be worried he cant measure or has thought you want paving further out.
Yeah, my own fault for not measuring it myself initially
Had 2 more quotes today from local reputable company's both over £2k cheaper, as suspected looks like the 1st guy was way over priced, I hadn't even measured it myself but it also seems his measuring was out as its only 45 sq m and not 70 sq m
It may be that the person doing the first quote had plenty of work & decided to fly a kite & see if you would 'bite' rather than seriously bid. When we had our driveway block paved & patios laid we were surprised at the variation in area quoted, I had measured it out myself first & was surprised to have quotes 20% less and as much as 60% more than the area I had estimated. The company that got the job submitted detailed drawings of the area that were very close to my measurements & they were 2nd cheapest . They also gave me a breakdown of all the costs, materials and labour so I could see where my money was going, all £16k of it....... They also didn't ask for any money up front, we agreed to pay 1/3 of the cost each week for the 3 weeks the job took.