Peter iNova's Nikon D80 eBook


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Peter iNova, author of several popular model-specific eBook's has just released his new Nikon D80 eBook, a must-buy for any Nikon D80 owner (or potential owner). As iNova says, "Encounter every feature, every button, every menu, every quirk, every secret opportunity hidden away inside your D80. And there are plenty of them. Here you experience each interaction as a means to an end." (Also includes RAW materials by Uwe Steinmueller).

Thanx for the linky 'Admin' ... (y) ... found the D200 version from your link ... looks interesting but not sure I would read it at all ... what with everything else there is ... :D

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has one of these and if it is highly rated at all ... :thinking:

I had the canon 350d one....they are VERY good. Lots of rollover and click images to show differences etc. Lots of good ideas that you hadnt thought of too.