Photography Magazine - which do you use?

I was considering posting this thread myself actually!
Advanced Photoshop looks quite good & I've been looking at buying a couple of issues thru the newstand app on my phone, would anyone else recommend this magazine?
amateur photographer and digital photo - but I don't buy them every month
I think there are about 20 or so photo magazines to choose from, :eek: so you should take your time committing to one with a subscription. I've gone through phases of different magazines I've bought over the years.

If the main aim of buying the cameras is to learn, then Practical Photography magazine has a DSLR Skills course coming up in their magazine for next few months. They did something similar last year and it was quite good. :)

That said, most magazines cover similar things over a year and it is just finding the one that is on your wavelength imho.

My favourite mags at the moment are Practical Photography, and more often Digital SLR Photography magazine. I find Digital SLR Photography magazine has quite a lot in it every month and is quite varied. Though I may not buy either every month.

I buy other magazines from time to time depending on what is in them, which is why I don't have a subscription to any of them, :shrug: though there are savings to be made with a subscription if you find the 'one' for you. ;)

Go to a local store which sells the most mags, and have a peruse through them and see which catches your eye, and then see how much of it you read once you've bought it.
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Photography Monthly - good all round magazine, it's changed editors a couple of times in the last 3 yrs but it makes for a more varied content.
To be honest, you'll get as much, if not more, information from reading this site as you will from buying a magazine that recycles its articles every twelve months.

I only ever buy mags now for a specific tech review - such as HoppyUk's analysis of location lighting in last month's Advanced Photographer.

I really shouldn't be saying this as an editorial photographer, but it's sadly true!
The trouble is that they are all very repetitive, too any adverts and too many reviews of new equipment. We are not all looking to spend money every month - we just wants information and ideas about technique and how to use what we have got! I tend to do a quick scan of them all in the newsagent or supermarket and then buy the one which has an article or articles which interest me. I would not dream of taking out a subscription - particularly one with a minimum term requirement of say 12 months.
I tend to rotate through them. I appreciate it's not a reason to commit to 1 for a year but if you were considering Digital Photo or Pratical Photography they are offering a free black rapid strap at the moment HERE
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I've had PhotoPlus, Digital SLR and Digital Camera in the past.

I tend to periodically pick one up now or take a 5 issues for £5 offer as they can be quite repetitive over time.
I get Photoshop User by digital download and Practical Photography, but I'm thinking about dropping PP.

As you're interested in Photoshop I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Photoshop User plus there's a lot more to NAPP membership than just the magazine.
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Excellent magazine which I look forward too each month.

Dimitri, I loved your image in this months Practical Photography, it is stunning.

Thank you very much for the kind words, Andy, apologies for the late reply, lost track of this post.

They paid £40 to publish the image, not much but better than nothing I suppose.
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Dimitri said:
Thank you very much for the kind words, Andy, apologies for the late reply, lost track of this post.

They paid £40 to publish the image, not much but better than nothing I suppose.

Dimitri, £40 closer to the next lens but I know it never works like that!

Keep up the excellent work mate.

Check out Outdoor PhotographER, which is an American landscape photography magazine (and different to the UK-based Outdoor PhotographY. It has a bit more intelligent reading in it than most UK magazines and a two-year subscription directly from the publishers is a fraction of what you would pay for a UK magazine subscription (even including international postage). The downsides are that all the ads are from American stores and the articles are often broken up by the words "...continued on page X". Don't try to order a regular copy from your local newsagent though - their supplier is probably W.H. Smith and it will probably be more expensive.
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I didn't read the OPs bias towards Photoshop in the first post. :bonk:

I think Digital Camera Magazine, Digital Photographer and Digital Photo mag include tutorials (a lot of other mags have tutorials too) and cover discs about, amongst other things, Photoshop.

Digital Photo mag has been doing tutorials for so long that they have strayed into the Photoshop gimmick area imho.

As with any magazine though, it's best to try out a few copies to see whether it is the one for you before paying for a subscription. :shrug: