Photoshop 7.0.1 problems ......

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I seem to be having real problems with getting a plug in for Photoshop 7.0.1 that allows me to use my Olympus E500 RAW files:(

I have looked on the Adobe site and there is nothing there that is compatable with 7.0.1 and i have also tried the official plug in from Olympus but i still get the message "unable to open as it is the wrong kind of file" when i try to open any of my RAW files in 7.0.1 :thinking: :shrug:

It has got to the point now (all morning on this one task) that i am looking at either A. using a free download program or ........ B. buying Photoshop elements 5 (money i could do without spending in all honesty) :shake: :(

Am i just being a plonker and not looking hard enough for the right download (think i've looked everywhere obvious) or is this a problem someone else has come across before?????? :help:

Any advice appreciated as always :D
I have a sneaking feeling you may need to upgrade to at least Photoshop CS, or even CS2 to get a Camera Raw update to cover the E500. :(
That'll be the end of that then :p ........ thanks Janice :D

free download it will have to be for the time being ........ any suggestions on what free progs are best?