Phrases or sayings that annoy

when people pronounce the "th" sound as "f". I mean it really makes me violent. A bit irrational I'm sure.
i agree but it's worse when the posh b*ggers pronounce 'f' as 'th', hilarious that one, gets me every time.
the letter H pronounced as "haych"

1. "of" used instead of "have", e.g. "should of"

I think that is down to mispronounciation of should've by some people and then other people hearing it and using it are then none the wiser.

Another misuse of a word that grates on me is 'Oven'.

It is spelt with an 'O' not a 'U' so pronounced Oven not Uven. :nono:

It is definitely pronounced with a u.
the letter H pronounced as "haych"


we've done that one! ;) :p

The English language is a bit of a minefield for pronounciation - but with the help of a decent Oxford English, it's usually possible to get it right. Anyhow - the pronounciation is easier than the spelling......:D
:LOL: :popcorn: :LOL:
If only the English language was that simple...

Actually, shouldn't that be:

'If only the English language WERE that simple'? Something to do with the subjunctive? :thinking:

e.g. 'If I were taller, I would buy bigger clothes'


But it doesn't grate me. Neither does people speaking in their own accents, so for me it's fine for Americans to say 'skedule' and Brits to say 'schedule', but an American saying 'schedule' is indeed pretentious, and a Brit saying 'skedule' a wally thinking he's cool when he's not.

Otherwise, it's apostrophes. And the 'shop' thing, like Asda's and Tesco's. ARGH!

Incorrect use of English on painted signs... :annoyed:

There are loads of others, too numerous to mention! Like white people who try and speak as if they're black. Use of the word 'Gay' in a derogatory way, meaning bad. Corporate speak. HH-aitch! 'Know wot I mean'. Etc etc etc etc....

But really I'm a relaxed and tolerant person! :D
Ok, I have only just come to read through his but I must defend the very first entry:

'xxxx degrees Kelvin'

for those of us schooled in the 60s, before SI got its evil way, the correct nomenclature was 'degrees Kelvin'. It's only now that Kelvin is the designated unit for absolute temperature, so cut us old 'uns some slack if we get it wrong.
For me, I agree the use of 'bored of' is the most annoying, it has even crept into the Torygraph, so we are all doomed.

A seasonal one for you - as heard in the current radio advertisment for Chessington World of Adventures


Grrr. The plural of deer is......deer, so I'm hazarding a guess that the plural of reindeer is simply - reindeer! Grates on my nerves every time I hear it. :razz:
...which reminds me. That's another thing. The plural of Euro (the currency) is Euro. 1 Euro, 2 Euro, 3 Euro... it even says so on the notes themselves! Yet 90% of people say Euros. It's not. So there!