Pointless kit

For me it has to be my 7D. Hate everything about it apart from the A.F. which means it just sits in my bag.
Everything I have used (borrowed) on a Photography course. Reflectors, WB Card, umbrellas, Gary Fongs, as soon as the course was over I NEEDED them for my next big project. Then they go from desk to drawer to loft to eBay/bin.
10 stop filters. I keep buying them and using them once or twice then selling up. Grad filters, pretty much redundant on an S5.

UV filters. There - someone had to open the worm can! :puke:
I'm another member of the ranks who've got an unused monopod sat in the corner. I'm sure I'll use it one day, maybe.

I've also got yellow and orange Bay-1 filters for my Yashmat 124 but I've only ever shot colour film or slides through it so they've never been used.

Nikon F100, bought thinking that it's one of the ultimate film cameras, used once because the amount of automation moves my involvement in the process a step or two back and it feels like I'm shooting digital without the option to chimp. Same goes for the lenses I have for it.

Zorki-4, classic rangefinder looks, has sat on a shelf for the last couple of years because it's too bulky to slip into a bag like the Electro 35 GX, which also doesn't get enough use.

I'd better stop, I could go on like this for a while...
I'm another member of the ranks who've got an unused monopod sat in the corner. I'm sure I'll use it one day, maybe.

I've also got yellow and orange Bay-1 filters for my Yashmat 124 but I've only ever shot colour film or slides through it so they've never been used.

Nikon F100, bought thinking that it's one of the ultimate film cameras, used once because the amount of automation moves my involvement in the process a step or two back and it feels like I'm shooting digital without the option to chimp. Same goes for the lenses I have for it.

Zorki-4, classic rangefinder looks, has sat on a shelf for the last couple of years because it's too bulky to slip into a bag like the Electro 35 GX, which also doesn't get enough use.

I'd better stop, I could go on like this for a while...

My F5 came to an end thought cannot not have a film camera,so i also brought a lovely s/h F100 its just sat their,i still havnt put a film thought it :bonk:
Photoshop book.
Battery grip(s). Good idea until i tried to use them, just never got on with them.

Giottos monopod. I got it last year as that too seemed like a good idea. Ive used it once, my 9 year old son uses it quite a bit to whack his older brother.

WhiBal card. Again, good idea but im too lazy to use it.
Sold a mint Nikon D300s because of an elbow problem and got an Nex 7
someday i will learn
I thought a Gorrilapod would be a great idea, got one and quickly realised it wasn't up to the job of holding anything bigger than a compact. Keeps my four year old entertained though so I suppose it does get some use!
A second Nikon EN-EL3e battery just for safes sake... but still haven't been able to drain a battery in a days shooting... :bang:

Sold a mint Nikon D300s because of an elbow problem and got an Nex 7
So your elbow problem attacked your brain too?! :wacky: :D
Lee filers and holder. Why did I buy those. :shrug::wacky:
Pretty much 4 years to the day when I bought and used my monopod...corner crud..

White balance card..wide angle converter (3rd party) for my x100. It's cr*pola..

Nikon F4s....I'm sure there is lots more.
I thought a Gorrilapod would be a great idea, got one and quickly realised it wasn't up to the job of holding anything bigger than a compact.


1DIV and 70-200/2.8 IS II up a tree..


1D MKIIN & 20-35/2.8. Here it's squished down but will stand up straight no probs.

A pointy bit for the end of my monopod to stick in the ground.... bought last yr.. still in packet.

I've got one of those (100mm long) and thought it might be useful for behind the goal camera - never used it.
A triple back of filters that I've not used since I bought off someone else.

The tripod I bought from Argos last minute because: 1. I forgot to look one up earlier in the week, 2. I needed it that day, 3. It was a manfrotto. Used it twice and that was a year ago.
The reason I forgot to add this to my short list probably explains why its pointless.... canon x2 mkII extender... pointless
Blimey. You lot make me sound quite sensible with my purchases :)

All I can think of is I bought a Sigma 70-200/2.8 for motorsport & some longer portraits/kids playing etc & didn't really use it that much. I sold it on a year later & lost £15 on it then went & bought a 135L :)
Lensmaster gimbal - a gimbal head that doesn't lock. Good price but in the end I had to buy a Wimberley.
The only thing I've bought and only used once is a little flash adapter so I could fire an off camera flash when I only had one flashgun and a 550D that didn't have a wireless flash commander built in. It's still in my bag and only ever been used once, only cost a fiver so no big deal anyway.