Political Correctness gone mad

I love my kids' school. We get father's/mother's day cards every year, christmas concerts and carol singing, and on sports days I can wander around with my SLR and 300mm zoom taking pics of my kids running in the egg and spoon race!

Must be just the rest of the country that's bonkers :bonk: :LOL:
lol Yeah, I must say though, in my daughters schools defence, although they don't do fathers day cards, I can photograph sports day, I can film all the plays, stood at the back of the hall with my tripod mounted camera. They have christmas plays, parties, and carols.
PC - what a bloody joke this Country needs a leader with Balls and to put us back on the right track!!!! Today as an honest white tax paying person - I feel like I live in the minority!!! I keep my beliefs to myself but all this PC crap really annoys me! God I could go on and on but I wont... Bring back Mr E Powell!

When in Rome do as the Romans do I say! I hate the fact that my kids cannot Celebrate Christmas without some PC do-gooder jumping up and complaining - once apon a time we were proud to be British - England etc etc... what has happened - people feathering their own nests and rules that only favour themselves - thats what!!!!

I have travelled quite extensively and all I can say is that if I had tried to do things in those Countries that others have done in this country then I would of either been deported or killed or at very least be in prison! Hey ho :(
ive realised this is comopletely the wrong place but hey, my vent needs spleening!

im in the process of reapplying for my passport (changin' my name innit cha!) and they give you a sheet of whats allowed photogrpah wise

on it a picture of a lady wearing a burka is allowed (full face veil not allowed) this obscures her ears, next and hairline......... but a hat isnt allowed because..... wait for it..... it obscures the hair....!

******* rediculous, i wonder if my passport app would be rejected if i happen to take a picture of myself wearing a burka.... :cautious:
while you may have valid points chaps, can we try and keep in mind the old saying about Politics and religion? the majority of us might not be offended but please bear in mind that someone might!

while you may have valid points chaps, can we try and keep in mind the old saying about Politics and religion? the majority of us might not be offended but please bear in mind that someone might!


Yes, like me. I am neither white nor a Christian.
OK... we are getting complaints now, so please.. let's keep a sense of proportion and we wont have to lock the thread.
What I'd like to know is what people's real honest views are. Imagine this isn't a forum viewed by others and that you are talking directly to your significant other or best mate down the pub with no-one eavesdropping. Even on anonymous 'forums' like this I'd wager people hold back about 70% in their real opinions on stuff like this.
The thing is, this is a forum viewed by others. Of course we all have our own personal views on the subject, but this is primarily a photographic forum, and if people really want to pull out all the stops, they'd perhaps be better off doing it in front of their MP rather than here, where it achieves nothing whatsoever except to cause unrest and potentially upset certain members.

We don't moderate much here, so let's not have to start now. ;)
The thing is, this is a forum viewed by others. Of course we all have our own personal views on the subject, but this is primarily a photographic forum, and if people really want to pull out all the stops, they'd perhaps be better off doing it in front of their MP rather than here, where it achieves nothing whatsoever except to cause unrest and potentially upset certain members.

We don't moderate much here, so let's not have to start now. ;)

What ^^he said^^ :)
Thats sounds like a good idea.....the whole country's gone to pot with all this PC crap.....so lets at least keep our little world here sane and friendly.
Hopefully christmas is still christmas, blackboards are blackboards and taking pictures of people in public isn't perverted. :D :D
This story just about sums up how far it is all going..........


I understand the Met have since stated that they are not going to ban the word. Even still the fact that they are even discussing it is madness.

I always new it was bad in the UK but it wasn't till I came to Oz that I realised just how bad. The PC crowd have not made a significant impact here (yet!). They have seem to have a sensible level of tolerance, integration and respect. Australians are allowed to be proud of their country, they are not racist if they fly their flag for one thing.
I'm only going to say one thing.

You all have the power to vote (if your old enough that is).
If your not happy with the way the country is being run (this includes political correctness), then use that power.

Its always been the start of most arguments/wars etc and always will be..:bang:

Its always been the start of most arguments/wars etc and always will be..:bang:

Yeah, I know - it's bizarre, especially when religions advocate peace!
lol Yeah, I must say though, in my daughters schools defence, although they don't do fathers day cards, I can photograph sports day, I can film all the plays, stood at the back of the hall with my tripod mounted camera. They have christmas plays, parties, and carols.

The real crime here is that you give the impression that you feel they are doing you a favour by allowing you to do these things though! It's terrible that people are being left feeling this way!
This story just about sums up how far it is all going..........


I understand the Met have since stated that they are not going to ban the word. Even still the fact that they are even discussing it is madness.

Can't believe we can't call these little scrotes Yobs any more...
I get into regular trouble on the other forum I frequent. Someone complained about a slang word we (in the military) use to describe insurgent fighters who happen to wear headgear resembling tea-towels or rags... on their heads...
I tried to explain that if all the people trying to kill you are always dressed like that, you tend to generalise - no-one dressed in business suits and bowler hats is trying to kill me in Afghanistan, so I tend to be suspicious of those dressed in the way I described.
Still got a kicking though...
PC - what a bloody joke this Country needs a leader with Balls and to put us back on the right track!!!! Today as an honest white tax paying person - I feel like I live in the minority!!! I keep my beliefs to myself but all this PC crap really annoys me! God I could go on and on but I wont... Bring back Mr E Powell! :(

amen to that mate :clap:
[Anyone ever notice that it is not usually the minority person who is complaining. It is usually some very white very judeo-christian looking person saying we must not upset "them" which to me is so much more condecending and ingorant than putting up a bloody christmas tree.]

U 're very right h.r.ford! Except I have seen some openly cry outbusts about a youngish public figure wearing a swastika style to a costume party( a beautiful shape by the way, except its associated with Hitler). One would think, we will ever forget our religious beliefs,notice we belong to the black, blue,green,white, jungle, tree, crawley if no one bothered to remind us. LETS NOT DWELL ON TRIVIAREALITIES
i hate political correctness, it serves very little purpose other than to **** everyone off and generally make life harder for no reason at all. a bit like people who work for local councils...
and if any one disagree's they can just f* off.