Portrait inspiration?

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I'm doing a portrait shoot soon, and while I've got a few ideas in my mind, I wondered if you guys could maybe post a few links/images that you think are particularly powerful and/or interesting. I just need to try and get some inspiration, and looking at photographs is always the best way, I find.

I've looked at lots of the normal places, had a quick glance over the internet/flickr, but there's so much out there it's hard to find the good stuff amongst all the average shots. So a few inspiring links/images would be really appreciated.

Thanks guys! :)
It might help if you gave a bit more information about what you're after.
Who are your models? - children / adults / male / female and what's their style? Where are you doing the shoot? - At home / on location / studio?

Afraid that it's too much of an open question otherwise.

p.s. A reminder to posters to keep references to other people's work as links rather than posting somebody else's images in the thread.
It might help if you gave a bit more information about what you're after.
Who are your models? - children / adults / male / female and what's their style? Where are you doing the shoot? - At home / on location / studio?

Afraid that it's too much of an open question otherwise.

p.s. A reminder to posters to keep references to other people's work as links rather than posting somebody else's images in the thread.

Okay, sorry for being a bit vague. To give you a bit of an idea of what I've done recently, I can refer you to this thread. I'll be shooting a few female models (separately, not the same shoot) - and it's my first time shooting them, and their first time being photographed, so as for style, that's yet to be really worked out, I guess. The photos will be taken at my home studio.

i have a few photographers blogs in my rss feed at the top of my browser screen, i check them every few days to see what others are doing and make mental notes of what i like. i really should write them down though because mental notes are easily lost lol.




i hope these help ;)

Thanks, those blogs look great. I'll bookmark them and have a proper flick through when I have a moment. Thanks! :)

Thanks for that :) But if you would care to look at the search page, there are 741,000 results. And I reckon 80% of that will be crap. So I was asking for/hoping for personal favourites and recommendations, so I didn't have to wade through too much crap... Perhaps I should have titled the thread "Favourite Portrait Photography" and I would have got more response...
How about the style magazines, such as iD?

The newsagents in and around Soho have a plethora of similar magazines most of which I haven't heard of and certainly you don't see in WH Smith. It's not just the editorial shots which are good but also the adverts.
As above, iD, Dazed & confused etc are great for reference.

There's a market near me that sells brand new, but 1 or 2 month out of date magazines for £1 each or something similar, so rather than buying current issues for £4 each it's easy to pick up a hand full of them.

My favourite portrait photographers are probably Vincent Peters, Rankin and Fred Greissing
How about the style magazines, such as iD?

The newsagents in and around Soho have a plethora of similar magazines most of which I haven't heard of and certainly you don't see in WH Smith. It's not just the editorial shots which are good but also the adverts.

As above, iD, Dazed & confused etc are great for reference.

There's a market near me that sells brand new, but 1 or 2 month out of date magazines for £1 each or something similar, so rather than buying current issues for £4 each it's easy to pick up a hand full of them.

My favourite portrait photographers are probably Vincent Peters, Rankin and Fred Greissing

Thank you guys! That's the sort of thing I was looking for, because I've never heard of iD. I'll have a look into it... :)