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In a thread a couple of months ago, someone linked to a PDF which showed pictures of common poses. Could someone post the link up again?
Unfortunately, I neglected to bookmark the link, and 'pdf' is too short to search for.
Google just seems to return badly sketched positions (to the point I can barely make out which limb is which)
Fantastic, I'd been thinking about this since my Macbook drive died with it on! Thanks!
Your welcome :) To my surprise over 60 of you have downloaded this to add on the 20 odd who had already downloaded before! :eek:
Gone up to 92 downloads, keep em coming (to my evil trap muhaha) :runaway:
Thanks Andy, mind you it took some explaining to the wife as she saw me trawling through them, lol.

glad I found this I was just going to post a question about poses! thanks
is this the one?
it's a 4 Mb word doc
I still have the file if you want it hosting again?

EDIT: Of course you want it hosting again otherwise you wouldnt be posting. :p
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This is really good. I find the link to the word document given by mmcp42 very good, because it has some extra diagrams, that the PDF has not got.

Thanks so much, this will help me a lot.
There is now a sticky for you tube posing videos. If someone is hosting the PDF then you could always add it to that thread.