Portraits on Ektachrome...

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Other than proving I can't manual focus handheld, this was quite an interesting experiment. Rated at 100, the Ektachrome is quite a slow film (for where I live!!) and so I decided to use it for portraits where I could control the light.

Problem is that I think my 135 f2.8 is a bit hazy. Or I can't focus for toffee without a tripod and lots of telling the subject to "be still damn you!" (1/60 sync on the AE-1)

The scan is neutral and I've done nothing with the colour. Tones have been balanced in LR, but colour is as per the slide. And it's got quite a heavy colour caste. That background is grey in real life and whilst my wife looks very "tanned", it's not as significant as the hues I get with Velvia 50. I'm looking forward to seeing this in 120 if it ever comes to pass...

Canon AE-1 w/ 135mm f2.8 at around f8 & 1/60sec, Kodak Ektachrome.

Ektachrome Portrait I
by Ian, on Flickr

Ektachrome Portrait II
by Ian, on Flickr

Ektachrome Portrait III
by Ian, on Flickr
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Ian - you say the background is grey in real life?

On the slide is it showing grey?

Who is processing the film?

What lighting are you using for the portraits?
Ian - I notice you don't want your images edited - in spite of that would you object to me 'having a go?'
Thanks Fraser but it's fine. It's just an observation that it's blue - not that it's a problem. It's blue on the slide too. I think it might be a 'feature' of the film. AG Photographic processed it and they've been ok with previous E6 stuff.
OK - no probs Ian.

All three show good 'posing' and composition that I like and although you say you were shouting 'keep still' the photographs portray that it was a fun session TBH.

Images 1 & 3 show strong Rembrandt lighting and it is probably a bit strong for me with the heavy shadows in both images.

The butterfly lighting in Image 2 works better for me but maybe a reflector on the subjects knees just to bounce some fill light.

Apart from the colour cast a good session IMO (y)

(Sorry Ian - I've edited this after you liked it)
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Interesting to see how the Ektachrome came out, I can't see that AG got it wrong but I'd be interested to know where the cast came from, surely this isn't what Ektachrome is meant to look like.