Post a picture of you taken by someone else..

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Ok so this one's better, the other was slightly *bent* LOL!
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Working here, but it's a little oversized (rules say 800px max...) Could you resize it down please :)
xSitara™;1397169 said:
There we go!

The picture was there when I first looked but gone now. The URL you are using when cut and pasted into the address bar comes up with a site offering the domain name for sale.
Yup, that sorted it (y)
OK I'll play :D


I'm the one without the claws btw ;)

xSitara™;1397207 said:
Dear Lord how did you manage to hold that thing, i'd die :|

That quote REALLY needs to be kept in the context of the photo above lol :LOL:
A shot of me on a work trip to the US, outside the whitehouse. Taken by a colleague to show the family I'd actually been there :D, other people removal by me.

Oi where did your photo go Salma? :shrug:
Couple of years back now, but it's the only decent shot to hand...

edited because those links didn't work.. grr! here's a different one..

No idea what I'm doing with my lens..!

Lou :D
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Thats me in my avatar.:)(y):LOL:
taken by a fellow traveller, I'm sure he won't mind me using his copyright.

Scuse the smile :p never thought this would be going up on the net :LOL:


Here be me :D

And Nigel of course (y)

A very old one of me, I was reminded of it by Syx's thread, so it's funny to be given a chance to post it.

Please excuse the old scan - the photo was probably taken in 1994, and I guess I only discovered it a year or two later. This was back in ye olde days "before the internet" and I wrote to the magazine's publisher who kindly sent me two copies of the issue (which I think I still have somewhere, intending to get one of them framed). I think this photos was used for most of a two-page spread.

I can't remember who found the photo and recognised me, as it was a general outdoorsy magazine, not the sort of thing I'd buy, rather than a paragliding-specific one. When you're paragliding on Devil's Dyke on a nice summer's day there are always loads of photographers around, and you just ignore them. Anyway, it turns out that the photo was taken of me and bought by a Sussex tourist board for use as marketing stock. They kindly sent me a transparency, which I still have here - does anyone still do E6 processing?

Anyway, sorry for rambling on. If people are going to insist on taking photos of me, I just like ones like this because they show me in the "coolness" of action, and you don't see my face! :clap:

i love trapper's expression.... "that penguin is going to KILL me"
i love trapper's expression.... "that penguin is going to KILL me"

I think that expression is "bloody hell it is cold"

I've looked at a number of pics of me from that trip and though I lost a stone on it I look about 2 stone heavier because of the number of layers I'm wearing.

The chap who took it entered it into a photo competition on board under the category of "penguin chicks"