Potential Zine Exchange(s) for 2022?

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So as we enter the last day of signup for the 4th zine exchange, (here for more info!) and with my zine awaiting delivery from Mixam, thoughts turn to 2022...

We've had 4 zine exchanges so far with enough interest to warrant its continuation, however for me, 2022 will be the first year I branch out with teaching on my own (i.e. running my own business), and I'm mindful of the fact that when everyone else was doing the admin for me, it was still a pretty time consuming thing. God knows what will happen when I try and do it myself!

So personally, I think a 6 month rotation is unfeasable for me - certainly if I want to do anything meaningful. However a 12 month one wouldn't be so bad. I also think a 6 month rotation is fine for new zine authors, but once I'd done a couple, I didn't want to get to the state where I was churning out zines just to meet a deadline.

So I'm going to propose a 12 month entry for the next exchange (Jan 2022 - Nov 2022 with print/exchange happening in December 2022). Although if anyone wants to continue to organise this on a 6 monthly basis you're more than welcome and I'll step down as the organiser.

What do folks think of this? Is anyone wanting to step up to do the next round - 6 or 12 months? Anyone have an opinion?

I was also thinking of an open, ongoing thread where people could just say "Hey, I've done a zine - anyone want to swap?" but it felt a bit chaotic, and probably not something I'd want to "organise". Although it would open things up a bit to allow anyone to swap zines at any time. My thinking is that the deadline has forced me to actually finish something rather than have projects on a permanent back-burner.

Discussion open....
Young man, count me in. I had to drop from the last one. But having a good 8-9 months to come up with an idea, shoot and print it is great.

Having said that I'll probably leave to last minute
I am in also
I started this current round with a great plan but due to circumstances beyond my control it never happened, seemed to have lost my way somewhere along the line. Found it really difficult to actually get out with the camera for some reason.
Maybe a longer deadline will help
...I didn't want to get to the state where I was churning out zines just to meet a deadline.
Same here.

The first couple got me to finish projects/progress ideas which was good, but then it got a bit like having a school assignment to complete!

Still, I shall watch this thread.

If any zine novices would like to see a zine I have some spares (not just from previous swaps...) which I'm happy to post out FOC - within reasonable limits!
I know I've been missing for a few months (I do that photographically far too often) but I'll do my damdest to get involved next time out, 6 or 12 month cycle
That's fine. Wouldn't want to miss a Flook-zine :)