Press pics


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Local rag are offering me
"£25 for a selection of pictures from a game that we can use on the web and in print when we like and on an unlimited basis" - and only from matches they want.
There's a nagging itch in me that has in the phrase "shine" "poke" "sun" but I'd be grateful for comments on the worthiness of this 'offer'.
Local rag are offering me
"£25 for a selection of pictures from a game that we can use on the web and in print when we like and on an unlimited basis" - and only from matches they want.
There's a nagging itch in me that has in the phrase "shine" "poke" "sun" but I'd be grateful for comments on the worthiness of this 'offer'.

I sometimes work cheap.. probably too cheap for most peoples taste on here.. But I never worked that cheap! :)

Personally If I am commisioned to shoot a game I dont get too hung up about what they do wiht the pictures.. I shoot and give the people paying the pictures and they can do what they like wiht them.. they paid the agreed fee and they get the pics...

But 25 quid is far too cheap even for me :)
Cheers! What would be a suitable counter-offer?
Did you approach them Carol or did they contact you ?

If they contacted you, then they want them..It shows that your imaging is up to their standard and they have noticed that too. Too expensive and they will walk, too cheap and they will always want cheap.

You dont mention how many images, they have also stated unlimited use...Both important to me, but may not be to others.
Carol, my local rag pays £15 for each photo they print. So you should be looking for more than £25 IMHO. How much more only you can answer.
£25 is all my local rag will pay no matter what, they wont pay more..... £15 for each photo they print would not be good as most only print one pic of a game so better off taking the £25.
For the dataco license they state the pictures need to be bought at "the going rate".
Whats classed as the going rate?

Would be a bummer to get 15 published then find out they weren't at the going rate and getting knocked back for a license
I replied, not heard anything back yet. Hey ho.
For the dataco license they state the pictures need to be bought at "the going rate".
Whats classed as the going rate?

Going rate is the same rate everyone else gets.. So if you work for X paper and everyone else gets paid Y and you get paid Z which is lower.. then yours isnt the going rate ...
afraid photographers oftern have to work from the ground up, starting on low pay and then working to bigger pay later, Getty for example are not going to suddenly pay you big cash, so working for local papers on low wage is the correct starting bloclk and afraid that sounds about the right pay. esp as your not even free lance staff or staff. and remember it will go through their books so needs to be declared. Im a press photographer and pretty much worked my way like this, still working my way intact. also if going to certain league games you NEED to be accredited to shoot, itself not easy as you need to be published, paid and have proof of all this to apply for a pass, so id say take the cash and be happy its more than your getting to take them now anyway ;)
The unlimited use would worry me.
That's as good as giving them the pics, what happens if one of the players becomes very newsworthy, the paper or parent company will make a fortune out of syndication.

Give them a licence for use, but no-reuse/ sale
afraid photographers oftern have to work from the ground up, starting on low pay and then working to bigger pay later, Getty for example are not going to suddenly pay you big cash, so working for local papers on low wage is the correct starting bloclk and afraid that sounds about the right pay. esp as your not even free lance staff or staff. and remember it will go through their books so needs to be declared. Im a press photographer and pretty much worked my way like this, still working my way intact. also if going to certain league games you NEED to be accredited to shoot, itself not easy as you need to be published, paid and have proof of all this to apply for a pass, so id say take the cash and be happy its more than your getting to take them now anyway ;)

...and that's the sort of attitude that lets local papers get away with paying £25 for a shift. Totally wrong IMHO.
The unlimited use would worry me.
That's as good as giving them the pics, what happens if one of the players becomes very newsworthy, the paper or parent company will make a fortune out of syndication.

Give them a licence for use, but no-reuse/ sale

Agreed completely.
Going rate is the same rate everyone else gets.. So if you work for X paper and everyone else gets paid Y and you get paid Z which is lower.. then yours isnt the going rate ...

Is every paper different then or do they all have a standard rate for a picture/set?
Also how do you know what there rate is? is it just a case of contacting them?

I understand all the dataco stuff but i haven't found anywhere what you should be charging for your work
All the papers are different and will vary slightly... I havent found any yet trying to rip me off... if you deal with national or regional (as you would need to) you just accept there standard rate.. thats what i ask for...whetever they pay is then the standard rate..

One thing you need to be wary of which can catch you out wiht dataco.. even if your doing non league stuff.. You ahve to be the one to get accredited (a pass) for the game.. even if its park football.. if someone else got you permission then dataco dont count it..
All the papers are different and will vary slightly... I havent found any yet trying to rip me off... if you deal with national or regional (as you would need to) you just accept there standard rate.. thats what i ask for...whetever they pay is then the standard rate..

One thing you need to be wary of which can catch you out wiht dataco.. even if your doing non league stuff.. You ahve to be the one to get accredited (a pass) for the game.. even if its park football.. if someone else got you permission then dataco dont count it..

Thanks tony.
Always worth knowing, i know its hard enough to meet the dataco criteria without falling foul of there little rules that could be twisted out of your favour
Thanks tony.
Always worth knowing, i know its hard enough to meet the dataco criteria without falling foul of there little rules that could be twisted out of your favour

I found getting the first one hard.. the wait knowing if it was succesful is a killer.. but once got.. renewing is a lot easier as more doors open to get the 15 to renew :)
Carol, some papers may also look after you, its below the standard rate for images up here aswell but I do know of some papers that pay £10 per image

I did work for one around 18 months ago and as I had a long trek (Poole and back) rather than pay me per picture they paid a day rate instead. Not sure if that was just me being lucky but if it was for the game yesterday then it could be worth looking at for future options if they would consider it
Hi. I haven't heard any more (yet). I got a copy of the Derby Telegraph, a 40-page broadsheet that has 10 pages of sport (they used some of my images that they said they would pay for). Compare that with one of our locals, 52 pages, 2 pages of sport. I think I live in the wrong part of the country! Can't see our locals even bothering about away games.
We stayed at a Premier Inn on Friday nite, a nice lady receptionist put up with the rabble and the team signed a football for her son who is football mad and I took a pic for her with the team.
Was a long haul back from Gateshead, left at about 6pm, got back around midnight. At least the sun shone and I could've used sunscreen - one thing I didn't bring with me! LOL
Pics at if anyone's interested.
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Some really god images there Carol.

Personally £25 for unlimited photos and unlimited usages is no something I would except.
Some papers Carol speak to the away club and then they contact photographers who are already there or going to the game for them
Thanks Robin, Steven. I don't anticipate doing all that many away games, I have other commitments on weekends during term time. I did the few I've done to get some in before term starts. I'll do Braintree but probably no further afield (esp during the winter!). Was OK going on the VIP coach, Sat TV, wifi, refreshments, reclining seas (some of 'em) but I'm not that good on that sort of travel. Gateshead was at least an hour to far! Still, I managed to sort out the match pics on the return journey, so that was a bonus.

Its all very well Tom saying that the paper have to put the fees through their books. I think he forgets that YOU have to pay tax etc on what they pay you. I'd rather not have the bother of sending them anything if it isn't going to be worth my while. Charity is not my middle name!
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Now if you could claim 45p/mile for going on the bus it wouldn't be too bad :D
Its the one reason I don't do away games, especially from Gateshead as its a huge trek

glad you got back safely, some cracking pics there to
Thanks, Steven. I was looking through yours, very nice pics in the set. I have to say I ended up down the wrong end! Felt a bit lonely most of the match. Hey ho. Can't win 'em all. You won't be coming to Dartford, then ? :)

Do all the Gateshead games for the club so always down that end, there are more positives picture wise than negatives after a good start so hopefully that continues

I've not looked at any away games yet, Will see what comes of the season as I pickup other media work when there away

Heading down to Luton later this month but thats only to watch a good friend who has signed for them, no camera that day
I was warned that Luton are probably one of the 'worst' spectators, so will have to find out if they are worse than Millwall. Needless to say, I am not fussed about going to Luton!
There were alot up at gateshead last year and listening to the elder ones were really knowledgeable about there team / history etc

heard things like parking are a nightmare to though to go prepared
From a photography point of view and spectators, my experience would say Stoke are the worst, I've had coins and bottles thrown and just missed, their club tog got hit in the face by a coin thrown by their own fans and at their ground seats flying through the air on to the pitch (that was away fans though) which was terrifying as they hurtled spinning to the ground. I did about 20 matches for Cardiff about 10 years ago and never any bother despite their reputation
I am a Luton fan for my sins but I do the match day photos for Braintree Town. I hear fans talking about Luton when I am Braintree games. They have a bad reputation but some of the things I hear are pure fantasy.

Its an old fashioned ground and the louder element of the supporters are situated in one corner, avoid that corner and all will be fine.
I will keep an eye towards the togs when i am there enxt weekend, see if its as bad as people make out

hearing some horror stories here though
I've photographed at Luton a few times and also a fan so may be a little biased but I don't think they're worse than any others (unless they're playing York - maybe again next season!). It's just that there's a lot of them compared to other teams in that league.