Private Reg.


Bo Derek
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I've been wanting one for a while but never neen sure what to get.

Anyway, I've been looking through the DVLA website today and come up with a few possibles. It will be related to my Daughter's name and she will get it for her 18th, all being well. She's currently 8. In the meantime, it's mine and will go on my bike.

I'm guessing some of you here have done it before. I'm clueless on it to be honest but from what I can tell, you buy the registration from DVLA and for a fixed fee, the reggy becomes yours and they send the plates. You tell your insurance company and when all is cleared, you put the new plates on your vehicle, in my case, my motorbike, but eventually, my Daughter's car/bike, whatever mode of transport she chooses.

Is it really that simple, interested to hear others experiences of this?

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As I remember you buy the plate and you get a certificate of retention, then you can transfer it to whatever you choose, takes about 3/4 weeks to get your new V5 once you get this you can have plates made and put them on and not before.

I've had mine years and when I transferred it to my latest car it cost about £90 to do and was done by post.

I'm sure someone will give you a clearer explanation.
As I remember you buy the plate and you get a certificate of retention, then you can transfer it to whatever you choose, takes about 3/4 weeks to get your new V5 once you get this you can have plates made and put them on and not before.

I've had mine years and when I transferred it to my latest car it cost about £90 to do and was done by post.

I'm sure someone will give you a clearer explanation.


They don't send the plates - you get them made up yourself.

You're right, DVLA don't send plates although there are some companies that will. I'm intending to buy from DVLA.

With DVLA, it's a fixed rice to get the registration. I can't see if there are any further expenses after that. so, the way I see it, the registration is say £500 and once you get the documentation for it, it then has to be assigned to your vehicle, which you apply for. Would there be a charge for this part, or is it just the £500?

What happens to the original registration, ie, the one currently on my bike?

Apart from the probable admin charge by my insurance company, is there likely to be a rise in my premium?

Sorry for the daft questions but never done this before.

Thanks again.
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What happens to the original registration, ie, the one currently on my bike?

I think it goes back on the original vehicle if you transfer the private plate to another vehicle. I've had the same plate for years and transfer it over to the next car but I've had this one so long I've forgotten what the process is so if/when I change cars I'll have to read up on it all again.

It's never affected my insurance.
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You pick your reg no, pay the DVLA, they will send you a certificate of entitlement?, at this point you can fit the plates (you can have them premade(local trade shop/factors), inform the insurance of the change and you're set. When you want to move it to another vehicle it can usually be done online instantly and the vehicle may gat the original plate back. One thing to remember is you cannot fit a plate to a car that makes it look younger than it actually is, older yes. I have a 1974 P suffix plate on my 2009 S2k.
If you sell the vehicle put the reg in retention first or you will loose them. Dealers will do the transfer for you
When I changed my Freelander for a C-Max the dealer took care of all the details for me - but we had to wait till I actually got authorisation from the DVLA to get the plates made for my own number. I've no idea as to the age of the number - 3 letters followed by 3 numbers.

If you have to get a number plate made up I understand that you have to provide proof from the DVLA that you have authority to do this.

When I stop driving the number will go to my elder daughter
If you have to get a number plate made up I understand that you have to provide proof from the DVLA that you have authority to do this.
Sorry, make my own plates at work, this is what trhe certificate of entitlement is for, your new V5 document will follow later.
Thanks for the help guys, understanding it a bit better now.

I think I'd provbably deal with DVLA direct, maybe later today.
You pick your reg no, pay the DVLA, they will send you a certificate of entitlement?, at this point you can fit the plates (you can have them premade(local trade shop/factors), inform the insurance of the change and you're set. When you want to move it to another vehicle it can usually be done online instantly and the vehicle may gat the original plate back. One thing to remember is you cannot fit a plate to a car that makes it look younger than it actually is, older yes. I have a 1974 P suffix plate on my 2009 S2k.

That statement is not correct, or it never used to be when I bought mine.

Once you have the reg number you have the right to use it on the vehicle, BUT you have to notify DVLA which vehicle it is going on and send them the V5 to get changed. You cannot just stick it on the car straight away. It is best to do it all electronically on line, the buying, the transfer to the V5 as well. Mine took 3 days all in for purchase and transfer to my car.

Plates I just bought of Ebay, metal pressed ones, and yes they are legal.
just buy it via a service, you send them your V5 and some money they sort it all out and send you back an amended V5 and MOT etc and you get plates made and fite them, inform insurance all done.
I personally would not buy a personal plate, as I feel it just draws attention to you. So certainly wouldn't consider it for a (not too soon to be) teenage girl.
Pretty sure you have to use a registered company to make your plates.. you cant just use anyone or make yourself.. they also destroy your old ones... which is more expense when you change viechals and swapping plates again..

other than that i dont remeber much... did mine many years ago ..but i do recall it took a couple of weeks and was pretty simple...well like anyhting else once you know how :)

I just got my plates made up on Ebay, never had any issues. The whole process was easy, I'm sure you can use Google as well as anyone, but I just followed this when I did mine.
This time I didn't need to get plates made up - I had a small stock of them [ been on previous vehicles :) ] both square and oblong .

If you buy a number - try and make it something that will mean something to the new owner , but not so that it draws attention from the police.

A GP I had in the past and Personal plates for both himself and his wife
His VD1 and his wife's 1VD

At that time the letters indicated the county of residence . Also said GP was a Pathologist as well
It is pretty easy, the only additional cost is each time you transfer it. There's a cost for a new V5, and some insurance companies charge for fun of it...
I have my own plates and they have incrased in value so much it is unbelievable. some years ago a number plate dealer offered me £2000 for it but I was not interested Only paid about £600 which I claimed on business expenses at the time. Think the going rate for it not is around £3500/4000+ not that i will ever sell it. very hard now to get a B plate with one number if not impossible


The B is one of my initials - the 3 is because I had 3 Afghan hounds at the time- and DOG because I owned a boarding kennels and locals I was told when they saw it reminded them to make a booking for their pets stay with us, Hence the claim against business expenses
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I did this a few months ago, but in reverse. I was removing a private plate from a car to sell.

Complete dvla form online and within the hour I had the necessary paperwork (email). Problem came in getting physical plates made up. Halfords wanted to see the document and the email was not valid. I did manage to get my friendly dealer make the plates on the back of the email. OK if you are in a rush, but not important. I did get the paperwork 3 days later.

Insurance wanted to increase premium... I contested it (and while I was at it., decided the £25 afmin fee was ridiculous).they did waive the higher premium and the charge as well... (RAC).

The car I was selling reverted back to its original number plate. So if you are changing the plates, keep the old ones somewhere safe!
You can get plates made up by a company called Fancy Plates without providing any details
Lots of places will make up "show plates" which may or may not be legal to use on the road.
Last plate I bought was from DVLA, all done online, new log book in 5 days of transaction, previous was from a reg resales company, they took care of all paperwork, V5 and certificate arrived in different envelopes, if you transfer between vehicles or use a number on retention, looking online DVLA say fit plates right away after filling in details on their website, reg transfers done in the showroom by the salesmen were immediate and plates changed before the customer drove away. Never bought a plate on retention from a company or individual before so all the paperwork has been done for me, if on retention yes the DVLA will need to make all the relevant changes before fitting to the car.
Just be careful that any plate doesn't become prophetic...
I know, I know, I took my time but the deed is done. I finally got entitlement to a registration yesterday. Waiting on the V750 now, get the plates made and away we go.

Intention is to 'give' it to my daugther when she turns 18 or when she passes her test. We'll worry about that at the time, for now, or the next 8 years at least, they are mine. :woot:
I know, I know, I took my time but the deed is done. I finally got entitlement to a registration yesterday. Waiting on the V750 now, get the plates made and away we go.

Intention is to 'give' it to my daugther when she turns 18 or when she passes her test. We'll worry about that at the time, for now, or the next 8 years at least, they are mine. :woot:
Dale, I'm sure you know this but just in case....there is a time frame to which you have to assign them to a vehicle or you may loose them.
Dale, I'm sure you know this but just in case....there is a time frame to which you have to assign them to a vehicle or you may loose them.

Yes, thank you. I'm hoping to get it all done next week. (y)
I've had mine for awhile now (y)

But what would I do after breakfast?
If anybody wants me, I'm at Ann's.

Genuinely passes me twice everyday on the school walk.

(phone pic).

IMG_1191 tp.jpg
I wanted to get a plate ending SUE for the Mrs, but they were all silly money... I did try getting hold of JE 15 TER before it was released but couldn't find out how to...
In our gouop of Mini owners, we have a bunch of people with the GP2 version of the car, which have GP11 HOT, GP11 FUN & GP11 FAB. There's another one but can't recall what it is. And I saw F56 JCW on an F56 model Mini JCW....
I wish my V750 would hurry up. Not that I'm waiting or anything. :angelic:
can't you print the v750 document online ?
pretty sure thats what i did

I will look into that. There is a form I can download and print to get the plates made up but I need the V750 to get that far. I will have a look though.

ta. (y)
I thought personal plates were vain. However our neighbour in Ruthin (North Wales) had probably the best plate of all - UN 1 - UN at the time being a Denbighshire marker before it was stolen by Exeter, and for being the number 1.

Being a Saabisti, I do wonder about getting something like S44 B initial initial, but a lot of owners have done the same....
In our gouop of Mini owners, we have a bunch of people with the GP2 version of the car, which have GP11 HOT, GP11 FUN & GP11 FAB. There's another one but can't recall what it is. And I saw F56 JCW on an F56 model Mini JCW....

The other GP is GP11 WOW.... So that's 4 very sporty Mini's, known as HOT, FUN, FAB, & WOW. FUN & FAB actually belong to a husband & wife.
The V750 has not long arrived but too late to do much about it today, so we'll see tomorrow. Time to get the plates made up. :banana: