Problem with my D40

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I was doing some trial and error practice with my D40 just now.

When I went to view images on my PC, my heart sank :crying:

In all the images there is a black mark - I have tried both my lenses but it appears in the same place on each so must be the body - is my camera knackered after only a week :crying:

Example (Just above the tree):

No, you're camera isn't knackered, it's just got a bit of crud on its sensor. If you do a forum search for sensor cleaning you'll find loads of advice on how to go about removing the problem.
No, you're camera isn't knackered, it's just got a bit of crud on its sensor. If you do a forum search for sensor cleaning you'll find loads of advice on how to go about removing the problem.

^^^ Agreed, a good clean and I'll be fine. I don't reckon a rocket blower is the right way to go here tbh - I think a wet clean is your best bet. A blower might do it, and is possibily worth a try I guess, but it might also move about any other loose dust in the area...making it look worse. :(

Wet cleaning isn't as scary as most people imagine - with the right swabs and fluid, following some simple instructions, it's not too tricky. (y)
I read about Mirror lock up - did this and gave it a light clean - but worried I may have made things worse.

This is at f22:

Yep,you made that worse.

What did you clean it with?
Used an old (clean) tshirt - bad idea I know

Is it going to be fixable - would I be better finding someone local to clean it properly?
Used an old (clean) tshirt - bad idea I know

Is it going to be fixable - would I be better finding someone local to clean it properly?

Jesus wept..........:eek:

Don`t try anything else yet,leave the sandpaper alone and the wirewool.Get a rocket blower in the first instance,use that and see what happens.If that don`t work get a wet clean kit.It isn`t that hard to do.
Ok will go too Jessops tomorrow morning and pick up a rocket blower - an pray that it corrects my stupidity
Ok will go too Jessops tomorrow morning and pick up a rocket blower - an pray that it corrects my stupidity

I wouldn`t say stupidity,more a lack of experience mate........(y)

Hold the camera upside down when you clean it,preferably in a dustfree room,or the cleanest room.My Nikons have a cleaning function in the menu,not sure on yours,read the manual first and have a go with the blower.Be careful not to touch the sensor with it though.
Seriously though, a rocket blower should shift that little lot, just be careful not to bump it off the filter when using it. Dust comes off eaily, scratches don't ;)

those last few comments humoured me - no I won't light the rocket :LOL: :bonk:

I have watched a video on cleaning the sensor with the blower and it mentioned not to touch the sensor so will remember that.

I read on another site that if the dust has gotten between 2 parts of the sensor then it will need to go back to nikon or a shop that can sort this.

If this is true then I really hope this isn't the case with mine as I could do without that hassle.
It`ll be ok ,just be careful,follow what you have read and seen and take your time........(y)
Thanks for being so helpful guys - really appreciate it.

Will keep you posted with how it goes.
Thanks for being so helpful guys - really appreciate it.

Will keep you posted with how it goes.

No worries, Stan and I may lose our silly titles soon if we keep being so helpful,but then again............

those last few comments humoured me - no I won't light the rocket :LOL: :bonk:

I have watched a video on cleaning the sensor with the blower and it mentioned not to touch the sensor so will remember that.

I read on another site that if the dust has gotten between 2 parts of the sensor then it will need to go back to nikon or a shop that can sort this.

If this is true then I really hope this isn't the case with mine as I could do without that hassle.

It's almost impossible to get dust under the filter and onto the sensor itself -it's stuck down and held down with a surround and screws, so don't worry about it, the blower will more than likely do the job nicely.

Remember to fully charge your battery before doing the mirror lockup...
Yup - battery is on charge just now :)
Well,lets see the results.....:)
Oh dear, that's not quite what I had in mind when suggesting a wet-clean with the right swabs and fluid. :( Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll get it sorted without having to send it away.

I've wet-cleaned many cameras without any problems - if you're anywhere near me I'd happily do it for you, and show you how.

Hope the Rocket Blower approach cures the problem for you. (y)
Well i bought a blower and a sensor clear lens pen - pen is useless - think it is putting on more black marks than it is taking off.

I have used the blower and it has taken the worst off - i am just left with 3 black tiny dots and slight black smudge - its doing my head in.

Wondering if I need to do the wetc clean and see if that gets it?

Anyone in the Aberdeen area want to help :(
Jesus... FAIL!

Things you did right:
Asked here before you did anything..

Things you did wrong:
Didn't read up on all the hundreds of 'how-to's here and elsewhere on sensor cleaning.

That first big blob was just a bit of fluff and a blower would have blown that right off with no need to go anywhere near the sensor...

When I read that you used a T-Shirt...well...:shrug:
Jesus... FAIL!

Things you did right:
Asked here before you did anything..

Things you did wrong:
Didn't read up on all the hundreds of 'how-to's here and elsewhere on sensor cleaning.

That first big blob was just a bit of fluff and a blower would have blown that right off with no need to go anywhere near the sensor...

When I read that you used a T-Shirt...well...:shrug:

Yea i'm aware of my stupidity :bonk:
OK: we all make mistakes, but don't rush into things you don't know about - it's really easy to f*** these things up forever...
And the knowledge you need is here - you just have to be patient and someone will post the right answer eventually if it's not already here somewhere...
Yup I have left it for now as its stressing me out big time
God never clean ya camera with a t-shirt your lucky you haven't scratched the sensor itself.

That F22 shot looks like fibres of the T-Shirt get yourself a rocket blower put your camera into mirror lockup.

Hold your camera lens end facing downwards and give the rocket blower a few good squeezes, but make sure you don't put the end of it to far into the camera so ya don't hit the mirror or sensor.

If that hasn't got rid of it then don't mess with it, send it off to be cleaned it cost you nothing if it still under warranty for the first clean.

If it not then it cost you £35 to get it cleaned which is much less expensive than knackering it up.
WHEN you get it sorted justa few things to remember.
1: never ever change or remove a lens with the camera switched on.
2: Never change lenses in a dusty atmosphere.
3: Hold the camera body lens mount down.
And do not forget to clean the rear of your lenses.
It's easy to get a spotless sensor and then put a dusty lens on the camera.
And stop taking pictures of your female friend when she is asleep.

haha yea that would be the missus :LOL:

Went to Aberdeen Airport with the missus and my bro today to test how its looking now.

Just seems to be a few smudges now - worth get the eclipse cleaning fluid you think?

To be fair if your worried about it, most local camera shops will do it for about 20 quid, i took mine in to see if they wanted to buy it, left it with them for half an hour and they had actually given it a full clean out before they told me they werent intrested :D
To be fair if your worried about it, most local camera shops will do it for about 20 quid, i took mine in to see if they wanted to buy it, left it with them for half an hour and they had actually given it a full clean out before they told me they werent intrested :D

Yea I wanted to do that but only camera shop we have local is Jessops (2 of them) and apparently they send to a "specialist" for the sum of £80 - £100 :eek:
I bought the second kit - hopefully when it arrives, i'll get my clean sensor back.

Watched loads of videos on how to do it so i'm all set to go.